Here's the recent articles submitted by prabakar s
Articles By prabakar s
Very Strong Body
Submitted as: Prabakar
One of the most impressive parts of a bodybuilder's physique is the six-pack abs. This area of the body is not talked about as much as some others, when it comes to bodybuilding. Many people are of the opinion that hours spent doing crunches and sit-ups are going to give them the ripped, six-pack stomach they've always wanted.(read
entire article)
View : 261 Times
Category : Health
Best Exercise For Strength
Submitted as: Prabakar
The arm consists of the biceps, triceps and the forearm. Bicep consists of muscles on the front of the upper arm. Triceps, similarly, consists of muscles at the back of the upper arm. Back happens to be the biggest body muscle and is divided into upper, lower and sides.(read
entire article)
View : 345 Times
Category : Health
Whole Body Health Training
Submitted as: Prabakar
Whole body vibration wellness machines attracted the attention of sports medicine professionals. The focus of study on whole body vibration exercise expanded into athletic performance. Health has a vibrating platform that operates from 22 to 47 Hertz. This is the range of speeds proven safe and beneficial.(read
entire article)
View : 224 Times
Category : Health
Very Safe Exercise
Submitted as: Prabakar
Exercise tests are safe for young patients with a heart condition, even those awaiting a heart transplant, according to recent research at The Children’s Hospital in Denver, Colorado. Although not a cure, transplants allow children to live much longer, healthier lives.(read
entire article)
View : 236 Times
Category : Health
Details Of Exercise Tips
Submitted as: Prabakar
We all unconsciously know that exercise is good for us. It is fair to say that everyone wants to be healthy. People who are physically active live longer. Regular exercise reduces the risk of dying prematurely. Regular exercise may decrease blood pressure in overweight and obese persons even without changes in body weight.(read
entire article)
View : 312 Times
Category : Fitness
Kundalini Yoga Is Help Of Your Health
Submitted as: Prabakar
The transformational gifts of Kundalini Yoga are here for you to explore and adapt to your life. There is no other discipline quite like it. Kundalini Yoga is the original and most powerful of the yoga, all of which are beneficial. Kundalini Yoga can be practised by anyone if it is done gradually and according to the instructions.(read
entire article)
View : 276 Times
Category : Health
Benefits Of Kundalini Yoga
Submitted as: Prabakar
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is the yoga of awareness. It is the science and technology of energy channeling and integrating the energy our body mind to live in alignment with our fullest potential. It is the ultimate transformation tool. As a beginning student, you can participate in the class at a pace that suits your flexibility and endurance.(read
entire article)
View : 337 Times
Category : Health
Warm Up Strength Training
Submitted as: Prabakar
Although in principle it is possible to warm up on the ice, by doing a few laps or certain Moves In The Field, you will be wasting valuable ice time on something which can be done for free at the rink-side. The full warm up should last between 5-15 minutes. As a rule of thumb, the higher your skater level and the older you are, the more you benefit from a longer warm up.(read
entire article)
View : 271 Times
Category : Fitness
Physical Fitness Exercises
Submitted as: Prabakar
There are various Physical Fitness Exercises that you can choose from. Whether you prefer working with free weights, fitness weights on gym machines or just with your own body weight, the important thing to do is to start realistically and keep at it at all cost. Now, Better Body wants to change the image of the site, make it attractive to both men and women.(read
entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : Health
Upper Body Exercises
Submitted as: Prabakar
Exhale as you push the weight outward away from your body. Inhale as you bring the weight backward toward your body. The Power Gym is basically a large padded board that glides along a track. There's also a head rest that folds out of the way when you aren't using it.(read
entire article)
View : 241 Times
Category : Health