Here's the recent articles submitted by henry funk
Articles By henry funk
Fearing Rejection? Sales Training Can Reveal The Truth
Submitted as: Knocking on doors, cold calling techniques cold ca
Knocking on doors, cold calling techniques cold calling on the telephone, these are all areas that sales training courses can help you with, but the bigger question has to be, is there a better way?
I do not mean is there a better way to learn these skills than attending sales training courses, I mean is there a better way to get new business and sales than cold calling suspects who may or may not have a need for your product.
My background is selling life insurance and I recall my early days of selling. My manager brought me in to the office on my first day of work and stood up with a chart and easel and explained to me what life insurance was and how to sell it, this constituted to my first ever sales training course. I was then given a book which had all the rates and costs and told to go out and sell. I was 21 years of age and had received no previous sales training. In fact this was the only sales training I had for the next 5 years.
I asked my manager where do I start and his answer to me was the next person you see,
Just start talking to them and see do they have any interest-- so much for sales training I thought. Well you can imagine how difficult it was to pluck up enough courage and actually go and speak to someone about Life insurance, but I really had no choice jobs were hard to get and I needed to earn some money so I had to go and ask some one to buy.
Much to my amazement, it wasn’t really that hard, of course loads of people said no and of course I made tons and tons of mistakes and I can recall the sweat running down my back with fear for the first number of calls. But you know the strange thing about it no one was ever rude to me, no one swore at me, no one got a gun or threatened to kill me.
In fact the worse thing that happened to me was people said ‘no thank you we have enough’. Eventually though some one said yes and bought. That was the beginning to my highly successful career in sales, obviously the sales training course worked?
I began to realise the more people that I asked the more ‘no thank you we are happy with what we have’ replies I received, but amazingly although most people said no I did find some people who did have an interest and eventually bought.
I then suddenly realised that out of knocking on 20 doors and speaking to the correct person, I was able to gain some form of interest in the product with about 4 people and from that 4 people I usually ended up selling to 1 of them. I did not know whether this was good or bad as no such mention of these kind of statistics were ever mentioned on my sales training course.
When I asked my manager about this he just answered—‘Just carry on doing what you are doing, the only statistic you need to know is how many people you need to speak with to get a sale, then work out how much that sale is worth to you’.
So I carried on doing what I was doing and sure enough people continued to say yes and more people continued to say no. Then one night, even though my manager had told me not to worry about statistics I sat at home and worked out that my average commission cheque was £200.
I then realised that this sales job regardless of the sales training I had received was a fairly good job. If I could go and speak to 20 people and get one sale worth £200 it really meant that each person I spoke to whether they said yes or no was worth £20 to me.
When I look back on the sales training I received from my manager I laugh, because in reality it was pathetic, however understanding how many people I need to contact to get a sale and the value of that sale was like a golden nugget.
I then realised that every no I received was still worth £20 to me. Cold call selling and the fear of rejection is really not hard when you realise every rejection is worth money to you, I just wish my manager had mentioned this on my initial 2 hour introduction to sales training course(read
entire article)
View : 275 Times
Category : Insurance
Most Sought After Styler, Make Heads Turn: Pink Ghd
Submitted as: Even though GHD hair strengtheners are one of the
Even though GHD hair strengtheners are one of the best styling tools available in the market, GHD have bought out a Limited Edition Pink GHD Thermal Protector spray to protect your hair when straightening. These Pink GHD sprays have been released with the GHD Pink Kiss IV Styler. Beauty salons, cosmetologists all over the world have accepted and embraced Pink GHD as a divine and innovative tool against the overall protection of hair damage. The GHD Pink Thermal Protector, with advanced Heat Reflection Technology is to ensure that your beautiful strong hair always triumphs over heat damage.
The new Pink GHD set has again been released to create the breast cancer awareness, with £10 from each sale being donated to the cancer charity. GHD donates £10 to Breakthrough Breast cancer with every set sold. The new Pink GHD package also includes attractive and lustrous new sleek design, rounded barrel for improved curling and styling, auto adjust for international voltages, stronger cable and a new sleep mode which turns itself off after 30 minutes, for more convenience and adaptability Pink GHD has an auto turn off mode. Every year GHD and GHD salon raise hundreds of thousands of pounds for this worthy charity, new Pink GHD Kiss come in a glossy finish with a free triple lip gloss set and Pink heat protection spray to use with your straighteners.
The new Baby Pink GHD hair stylers, you also get a versatile tote bag – this is great for storing your hair and beauty essentials. All the various fashion accessories have been very popular among the film actors, fashion models, women fashionistas, tennagers and especially women on the move, Pink GHD can make heads turn for its attractive and irresistible looks, convenience and portability, because of these unique qualities Pink GHD have an amazing distribution network all over the world.
The amazing popularity of Pink GHD is not only for the noble cause for breast cancer breakthrough, or for opting new marketing strategy, or lastly just women love Pink color, to think on this matter, unless you get your hands on a brand new Pink GHD hair straightener one would not be able to come to the conclusion. Pink GHD hair straightener was successful in meeting the needs for styling hair, it became ubiquitous fashion accessory for the women all over the world, but unfortunately the numbers were strictly limited and demand soon surpassed supply. Pink GHD has in fact become one of the charity's biggest patrons for the cause of breast cancer.
Pink GHD the most sought styler which shows you convinces you, teaches you how to straighten, curl and style your hair the way your hairdresser does with a complete DVD demonstration. In order to make heads turn, you want to stand apart in crowd just unhesitatingly lay your hand on Pink GHD and see the difference.(read
entire article)
View : 364 Times
Category : Beauty
List Brokers Help Market With Mailing Lists
Submitted as: Before the days of targeted lists, businesses had
Before the days of targeted lists, businesses had difficulties finding their target markets. Marketing took more of a “catchall†approach, influencing marketing budgets and the efficiency of sales teams.
Today, with the provision of mailing lists, businesses can fine-tune marketing channels and get a better return on their marketing budgets.
What is a mailing list broker?
Mailing list brokers maintain customer information in reference to many industries. Customer information can come from many sources to be used for future purposes by other businesses. A company looking to target a specific market can contact a broker requesting lead lists.
A list broker asks about the needs of a particular marketing campaign and the target audience, gauges those needs against their hosted lead lists, and locates a target mailing list, which can properly address the campaign.
In essence, a list broker helps locate specific, sales leads.
Benefit of targeted sales leads
Every marketing campaign has ideal customers in mind. A targeted list helps identify customers who are ideal for a specific marketing initiative. List brokers provide targeted lists – a list made from the desires of the marketing campaign.
A targeted list is the product of database manipulation. A company can choose upon dozens to hundreds of characteristics, which it would like its leads to behold. This can be in regards to geographic location, income, sex, age, etc.
The more categories manipulated, the more targeted a lead list becomes. The biggest benefit is the return on the investment. Rather than blindly searching for “the right†customer, lead lists identify them for a business from the start.
Now what?
Identifying a targeted list is only a part of the process. Once ideal customers are identified, marketing materials must be engineered to send to potential clients. Constructing material with succinct content that informs of a product or service’s benefits, along with captivating graphic design, can make an impact on a company’s revenue stream.(read
entire article)
View : 1198 Times
Category : Marketing
The Most Portable, Effective And Affordable Business Tool: Business Cards
Submitted as: Business card is the most effective, portable, aff
Business card is the most effective, portable, affordable, versatile marketing tool for business marketing. Business cards have come of age and they are not what they once were. With modern tools and latest technologies available to businessmen, almost anyone can create unique, eye catching and effective business cards.
Business cards are considered to be the first and easiest step to promote a business organization. It is also considered to be the first and foremost representative of the organization, just because of the business card, client would come to know about the nature of the business, experience in the field, competency and many other things. One of the major things that have come to notice is “no more whiteâ€. Business cards have shifted or opted from the traditional white background cards to the color ones. Another trend that is going through the business world is the change from regular business card paper stock to other more interesting types like plastic business cards, waterproof business cards, non- tear able business cards etc, even the format of printing has been changed from horizontal to vertical format; it depends upon the nature of business.
Environmentally conscious businessmen have answered back by printing eco-friendly business cards. There are business cards made from recycled paper, also there are other business cards made from sustainable forests. Traditional business cards only had words and slogans, but now with full color digital business card printing, any kind of image can be added to a business card. Most people maximize this advantage by adding supplemental pictures that enhance and represent the business card holder’s persona.
Business cards also differ in size and thickness and coating, coating whether glossy or semi-gloss or entire matt finish, the thickness of the business card varies from 18 microns to 25 microns, and the other aspect not to be neglected is the quality of the ink, it has to be of good quality and should not spread during monsoon or with the frequent touch while exchanging. The size of the business card in Canada or for that matter all over the world is 3.5 to 2 inches standard. Since business cards create the first and last impression, high quality graphics have been used extensively to improve first impressions. So, as you can see the modern business card has grown from its humble roots to become the powerful and creative business tool that it is today. Making a mistake in printing or a logo error for that matter could have some serious consequences to you and your opportunities to do business. In most of the Asian countries business cards are also known as visiting cards.(read
entire article)
View : 284 Times
Category : Business
Auto And Home Insurance California
Submitted as: You can never be denied auto insurance based on yo
You can never be denied auto insurance based on your gender, race, or ethnicity. In most circumstances, a company cannot refuse to sell you insurance based on where you live as long as you meet the company’s acceptance criteria. If you are denied auto insurance coverage, the agent or company must state a reason. Common reasons include:
• You do not meet any of the company’s acceptance criteria*.
• The insurer is a “membership company†that only covers certain categories of drivers.
• The Department of Banking and Insurance has permitted the insurer to stop writing new policies.
You have the right to cancel or change insurance:
You can shop for cheaper auto insurance at any time – not just when your policy is up for renewal. If you find a better price, you can cancel your old policy and seek a refund of your unused premium. However, never cancel your old policy until a new one is in effect. A lapse in coverage will result in higher rates in the future.
You have the right to change your coverages and policy limits at any time, even if you are not near your renewal date. If you select lower policy limits or cancel nonmandatory coverages to save money, you have a right to a refund of your unused premium within 60 days.
You have the right to choices:
Agents, brokers and companies must inform you of your coverage options when applying for a new policy, or at any time upon your request if you are already insured. You have the right to know how each choice may affect what you pay and what your benefits would be in the event of an accident. You always have the right to ask about additional options.
You have the right to a timely response:
You have the right to a timely response when seeking an appointment or application from an agent, broker or company. Appointments should be scheduled so that you can obtain coverage before your current policy expires. Please note that under current insurance regulations a voluntary insurance company has five (5) business days from the date it receives a completed application to either issue or deny coverage to the applicant. However, an application is not considered complete until the company has obtained all pertinent information, including a copy of the applicant’s driving record from the Motor Vehicle Commission and verification of any previous coverage. Therefore, the overall application process can take up to two weeks. Make sure you give yourself enough time to shop for coverage.
You have the right to the prompt and fair handling of claims:
You have the right to ask about any payments made to others by your company and charged to your policy. If you file a claim, it should be handled promptly and fairly. If a claim is denied, you must receive a written explanation for the denial.
Your obligations as a New Jersey driver:
New Jersey state law requires that any registered vehicle be covered by an insurance policy. Failure to maintain coverage can lead to higher prices for new policies, placement in the “assigned risk†pool, suspension or revocation of your driver’s license or registration and additional fines and penalties. Maintaining your auto insurance coverage requires that you:
• Always make payments for your policy on time or a lapse in coverage may result. A driver who incurs a lapse will end up paying far more for coverage.
• Always provide any information your company seeks. Auto Insurance companies have the right to seek information about all licensed drivers in the household.
• If you receive a non-renewal notice, do not wait to shop for alternate coverage. Policies can be prepared in advance to become effective on a date several days or weeks after the application.
A driver who mails a renewal payment before the due date cannot lose coverage. However, insurers can charge the driver a late fee if the payment is postmarked On time, but arrives after the payment due date.(read
entire article)
View : 473 Times
Category : Insurance
Perfect Place To Rejuvenate, Relax And De-stress: Good Sleep For Good Health
Submitted as: To maintain physical and mental well being, we spe
To maintain physical and mental well being, we spend a third of our lives lying in bed. Sleep not only rejuvenates or replenishes lost energy, but a good bed, and...(read
entire article)
View : 327 Times
Category : Health
Home Away From Home: Buenos Aires Apartments
Submitted as: Buenos Aires is also known as “Paris of South Amer
Buenos Aires is also known as “Paris of South America†and it is the largest city and port in the country and above all capital of Argentina. Not only has it had strong European culture on the Argentineans, but also because of its mixture of old and new architectural...(read
entire article)
View : 338 Times
Category : Real Estate and Foreclosure
Work Towards A Career By Earning A Bachelor's Degree Online
Submitted as: Since computer and internet have become the integr
Since computer and internet have become the integral part of our lives, our existence for any information can be achieved by the click of the mouse. The word 'online' is a key to solve all our problems. Online games, online shopping, online bookings of railways and airways, online education covering spectrum of disciplines like Arts, humanities, Science and Engineering, Psychology CE, Health care, Fashion, Animation etc. There are various benefits of online learning, such as students can enroll for these online courses anytime and anyplace, which means working students or those who are traveling for business or leisure, gets an access to the class from any part and any corner of the world through Internet.
It is essential to continue to develop your knowledge and skill base, before and after you start your career, professionalism will always be tied to an active participation in professional education activities throughout your career. Technological changes that impact your work also necessitate professional education for working professionals. Those who desire to move ahead in their careers, as well as those who simply need to maximize skills related to current job performance, definitely need to keep up with technological changes that impact their jobs and their industry. Learning is a lifelong process, especially for professionals who want to achieve the best and utmost career success, whereas those who don't engage in continuing professional education tend to become complacent-- and they often stagnate in their careers.
It would be unwise for the people seeking continuing education in Psychology and failing to diligently attend healthcare seminars where they can learn more about the diverse fields of alternative, complementary and holistic medicines.
Some healthcare seminars are offered as part of a continuing through holistic institutes and massage schools. These short courses may include training in advanced or new massage techniques, herblogy, pathologies, anatomy, physiology, psychology and many health healing topics. The nicest part about alternative healthcare seminars is that most of these natural healing classes are open not only for students and professionals but to the general public, whether you are 18 or 81 years of age.
Healthcare seminars also teach individuals about safe and natural supplements, holistic treatment, natural skin care, basic acupressure therapies, chiropractice, chair massage, and green living methods, among others. Some alternative health seminars are offered as part of a continuing education curriculum through holistic institutes and massage schools. Through healthcare seminars professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki and many more optional healthcare courses. It is wholly accepted that through healthcare seminars one can teach ordinary people the extraordinary healing arts.(read
entire article)
View : 269 Times
Category : Education
Great Way To Sell Useless Products And Make Money: Online Auction
Submitted as: Generally in an auction, purchaser is allowed to p
Generally in an auction, purchaser is allowed to place a bid on an item on the amount that he is willing to pay so that he can buy that item. The person who makes the highest bid usually ends up with the item, and the same way reverse auction is a sales term that describes a scenario whereby buyers post free ads for a product or service, and suppliers bid to fulfill that need. As opposed to an auction, prices only go down where one is entitled to post free ads to sell useless and junk materials in order to make money in a profitable and convenient way.
An online reverse auction is also called procurement auction, e-auction, sourcing event or e-source. It is a tool used in industrial business-to-business procurement. Reverse auction is a type of auction in which the role of the buyer and seller are reversed, with the primary objective to drive purchase prices downward. In an ordinary auction (also known as a forward auction), buyers compete to obtain goods or services. In a reverse auction, sellers compete to obtain business. In a typical auction, the seller puts an item up for sale. Multiple buyers bid for the item, and one or more of the highest bidders buy the goods at a price determined at the conclusion of the bidding.
Online auction is done on internet for any products and services. Online auction is the most easy and relevant type of auction which is easy to use and that can be operated from anywhere by anybody, this is convenient for those who want to sell or buy the items or property or anything. In the online auction people bid for products, things, and rights or authority. The most attractive benefits of reverse auction are that you stand to gain the chance to acquire an item for a mere $ 0.10 bid! The reverse auction house generally earns the difference between the price paid by the customer and the price charged by the supplier or a percentage of the sale.
Online reverse auction gives options for garden and home appliances shopping that will keep people up-to-date with the latest computers and technologies. Some of the home and garden appliances might include laptop computer, home game playing systems, mowers, shredders, gardening sprinklers, digital cameras, surround sound music systems, and video cameras. All of these options for garden and home appliances will make the house more productive and entertaining. If you have a penchant for owning the latest in electronics you find the online electronic auction that often features all the electronics brands that you need. So it's time to start placing your bids and look for sites that offer members free bids, and notify you when someone has placed another bid on the same item. This is the simplest and the most convenient way to make money from useless or outdated products. For more information log onto
entire article)
View : 311 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
7 Management Training Rules For Effective Feedback
Submitted as: One of the key questions asked on any management t
One of the key questions asked on any management training course is ‘how do I motivate my staff? All too often managers feel that the only way to motivate staff is through money, nothing can be further from the truth.
Using feedback skills taught on many management training courses will definitely help to motivate your staff and it costs nothing only learning good management skills.
Immediate, that is a vital word to think of when giving feedback. The most powerful form of feedback is when it is given immediately. I always think of the ‘wait till your father gets home syndrome' it is pointless chastising a child a week after the event. Feedback should be immediate or at least as soon as possible
Privacy is another thing to remember. Feedback to correct a problem should be done in private. You do not want to embarrass any staff member in front of their peers. I know this sounds so obvious but once again many Managers will use this as a tactic to scare other staff members
Specific is vital, the whole purpose of giving feedback is to ensure that the person can learn from it and do something about it. I was on a management training course recently and some one offered feedback on a colleague’s presentation. The feedback was 'well I thought you looked nervous' when the colleague questioned why they felt he looked nervous the other person had no response. That is not feedback that is just a comment that will not help the individual in any shape or form.
Support is critical, if you provide feedback to try and correct a problem, do not be negative or displeased. Instead, show that you are confident in the staff member ability to correct the problem next time.
Words are important so be careful. Receiving feedback can be scary and intimidating for a staff member or, it can be particularly motivating. Until you know how each member of your staff responds to feedback, choose your words carefully.
Ask questions. Ask the staff member specific questions that will help you to understand their performance ability. For example, Stan, I have noticed that the duration of you calls has increased by over 20%. What is it that you have been doing differently? All too often I see on management training courses managers who have yet to master the skills of questioning and listening
Differing personalities, Odds are there are going to be staff whose personalities do not click. Unless it is disruptive to the staff, you should not give feedback on personality, just on job performance.
Finally be positive and try to end on a positive note. Most management training courses will tell you that feedback should be like a McDonalds beef burger and the roll should be the positives whilst the hamburger should be the negative.
More and more Managers who go on management training courses are getting better at delivering feedback, but we all still have a long way to go to get it right every time.(read
entire article)
View : 404 Times
Category : Business