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Articles By henry funk

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Time Management Training Courses - How Can We Get More Time?    Submitted as: So its nine o’clock, time to start work but before
So its nine o’clock, time to start work but before you can even see the computer there are yellow stickies, pink stickies, scraps of paper with scribbles and numbers and memos. This is when you start thinking to yourself I really should have attended that time management training course. These are your to do lists yet where are you supposed to start? You have left work the evening before feeling guilty for not completing your tasks but how are you supposed to get these done with all the interruptions that you are faced with throughout the day. That Time management training course definitely may not have produced more time but it definitely would have helped me to manage my time effectively helping me to maintain a balance between my professional and social life. We are not super humans; we can not find the time to do everything. However what we can do is manage our time so that we can prioritise our tasks and activities in a manner of importance and urgency, this can allow us to do the doable. As stated above to do lists are messy and as they say on time management courses that’s actually ok as they are full of tasks that may get done and if they don’t that’s ok too as long as they are prioritised. Simply do not rewrite your to do list that’s just a waste of your time and poor time management. Do you often find yourself saying oh yes I will do that mind-numbing, long, tiresome report as soon as.……well, this is a statement that should not have been coined as it prevents you from doing the task that is important, you will have to do it at some point so get stuck into it, you will then have great relief in crossing off your to do list. When do you feel at your overall best during the day, morning, afternoon, lunchtime or your last hour? You need to become aware of this in order for you to manage your time and fulfil your maximum working potential in that time, if managed correctly you could complete up to 3 or 4 different tasks. In today’s society we are interrupted on average every 6-9 minutes, by what you may ask, oh I don’t know, could it by any chance be by junk e-mails, texts, telephone calls, social networking sites or you-tube? After these controllable or uncontrollable interruptions it will take 4-5 minutes to obtain your concentration again. It was said on a recent time management training course that each week we lose 5 hours work time through losing our momentum after we get interrupted. Is it therefore any wonder that we moan about our time management and are left aggravated and feeling as though we have achieved very little through the working day? Consequently we could all use a little extra time as well as some time management training, you can find out how to gain this through effective time management courses which will be valuable to you in your professional work and social life.(read entire article)
View : 377 Times
Category : General

The Master Electrician's Guide To Avoiding Electrical Repairs In Your Home    Submitted as: Aesthetic reasons such as a desire for specialty l
Aesthetic reasons such as a desire for specialty lighting, landscape lighting, and accent lighting warrants a visit from a master electricians. Unfortunately, more serious matters can be the reason for an electrical contractor’s presence. The following article addresses tips to help avoid electrical problems and facilitate safety within a home. The obvious electrical precautions The “obvious” may be just that to most, but sometimes, even the most commonsensical precautions elude us. - Check all outlets for wear and tear. Loose outlets, broken plates, and unplugged outlets in the presence of small children is to be avoided at all times. - Under no circumstance, should electrical cords be frayed, split, or cracked. - Do not overload extension cords or “piggybank” multiple extensions upon one another. - Never attempt to “force” a plug into an outlet. If it does not seem to fit, the endeavor needs to cease. - Fasten light bulbs into sockets in a secure manner. Loose-fitting bulbs are targets for overheating. - Try to keep all electrical devices away from water outlets (kitchen, bathrooms). Unplug devices not in use. - Electric-powered tools should not be used during rainfall, on wet grass, or around moist, outdoor furniture or landscape. The not-so-obvious electrical precautions - Don’t attempt to puncture electrical cords, place them under rugs, or arrange them around furniture. - Extension cords are for temporary purposes, they are not to be used as a permanent, outlet solution. This is a major reason for a number of electrical contractor visits. - Do not attempt to “modify” a plug (squeezing the prongs closer together, stretching them apart, or eliminating a third prong in order to fit the outlet). - Light bulbs must be of appropriate wattage for their fixture. A bulb of a higher wattage than warranted can be hazardous. - If an appliance or electrical device routinely influences circuit breakers or fuses, get it repaired or replaced. - Routinely check the backside of entertainment centers for worn wires and wear in the structure of the equipment. - Do not take a shower/bath, use electrical appliances (kitchen, bathroom), or use the telephone during an electrical storm.(read entire article)
View : 494 Times
Category : Home and Garden

How Can Management Training Courses Help Me Deal With Poor Performance?    Submitted as: How frustrating, here you are managing a team of p
How frustrating, here you are managing a team of people and yet you are held back from achieving your goals. On management training courses all over the country trainers are asked 'how can I deal with poor performance?' Well the truth is it is not all that difficult, probably the most difficult part is finding the time to sit down with the individual and agree goals which are acceptable to you but are also achievable and realistic to the staff member. The other difficulty is that once you have done this how do you monitor it and ensure the staff member is on track, once again this takes time and effort on your part. The key to improving performance is to agree a performance improvement plan with the staff member and see it through to the end. You must agree the performance standards with the individual and the agree goals that can be achieved. When it comes to agreeing goals we should always remember the goal should stand up to the acronym SMART which means the following: Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time Framed Before you let the staff member off to achieve the goals you have agreed you must ask one important question, the question is 'what can you think of which might get in the way of you achieving the goal?' This is known as removing the barriers, and is one area where many managers fall down. In Management training courses we learn that you must cut off any areas that will stop some one from performing. The other thing is it is a little like a football match you are better off to know the barriers before the kick off than to learn about the problems with only two minutes of the game left. If you know of the barriers before you can do something about them. Once you have removed any barriers the next step is to support and encourage the staff member to achieve the goal. You must put in place a monitoring system to check that the staff member is on course. Remember the saying that is said in Management training courses all over the country 'what gets checked gets done' A skill that is difficult to teach in management training is the skill of judgement and you have to make a judgement on whether this person has achieved the goal or not achieved the goal. At this stage you should be thinking of the three Rs that is, do I Retain this person, do I Retrain this person or do I Replace this person. There is no doubt that improving performance is not easy but with good management training courses you can develop the skills to put you ahead of the rest(read entire article)
View : 269 Times
Category : Business

Savings With Safety And Security: Auto And Home Insurance    Submitted as: Most insurance companies will give you a discount
Most insurance companies will give you a discount if you purchase your home and auto insurance with them considering the fact that getting an auto and home owner insurance with same company can save you as much as 15% and more on the cost of both your home and auto policy. In simple terms multiple policies with the same company mostly gives us attractive discounts. Experts say to research insurance companies before you buy, as you may qualify for other discounts on both your auto and home owner insurance and can save money on your premium without having to reduce your coverage. Of late, insurance companies have not remained the same, your premium can vary by hundreds of dollars from one insurance company to another and the only way to get the best and the cheapest auto and home owner insurance is to search for companies to get insurance quotes quickly and easily. Furthermore, you can even talk with insurance professionals and ask about other additional ways to lower your auto and home owner insurance premium rates. One of the most accepted and proven benefit of combined auto and home owner insurance is that you will have only one set of contact information to keep track and that you will only have to deal with one agent who understands your combined coverage, which means only one phone number for any questions or claims. Insuring a combined auto and home owner insurance will also help the agent to better keep on top of any changes to your policy that will be of benefit to you, ultimately less paper work, no more extra phone callings, no need to keep the timetable to pay the premium and many other things. No matter what type of insurance policy you have, be it auto and home insurance, accident insurance, flood insurance, earthquake insurance, medical compensation insurance, home owner insurance, auto owner insurance, theft and fire insurance, personal insurance etc,it is advised and recommended to personally review all the insurance coverage once a year, and insurance contract should come in the mail in about 30 to 60 days before your policy renewal, which gives you ample time to review the different coverage areas to be sure that everything is accurate and most importantly ensure that nothing is incorrect as mentioned in the auto and home owner insurance policy because companies can make mistakes, and you might end up losing money or the extra benefits. Always see that the payment of auto and home owner insurance are paid on time or in advance to prevent its lapse, it could cost you a lot of money in the long term. Auto and home owner insurance companies will review your claim history and payment history.(read entire article)
View : 377 Times
Category : Insurance

Want A Six Pack Abs: Go For Legal Steroids    Submitted as: Human being by nature likes to be attractive or to
Human being by nature likes to be attractive or to be attracted, some by his or her feat, by her voice, some by the overall personality and many other things, it is well known fact and universally accepted that a muscular body attracts everyone, and with a great symmetrical physique you can attain several benefits. Generally it is seen, read and observed that despite regular workouts at the gym, proper healthy diet, sufficient sleep, regular fitness regime, but fail to attain that required masculine figure, and the main reason which has been backed by the practitioners and nutritionist all over the world is insufficient intake of bodybuilding supplements or legal steroids. Steroids are supposed to be a performance enhancing substances which are hot favorite among the sportsperson all over the world. There are several companies, which can provide you with various types of bodybuilding supplements or steroid alternatives. It is always advisable to take bodybuilding supplements or steroids under medical supervision, sometime certain consumption of banned steroids can have an adverse effect on the body, it may harm liver, affect the heart functioning, cholesterol, optic neuritis and among other ailments. Athletes and sportspersons all over the world intake legal steroids, however certain body governing sports have banned anabolic steroids in every sports activities, one should not forget the infamous case of Olympics 2000, where Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson was stripped of his gold medal for failing the dope test, testing positive of using anabolic steroids. The use of anabolic steroids or of forbidden bodybuilding substances can cause irreparable injury to your health. Legal steroids can be taken orally or injected, since steroid market fluctuates, it is important when you buy steroid, it is their quality and of course their legal basis. The steroids are substances that are derived from plants, animals and fungi, medicinal herbs and aloes. Legal steroids are mostly used by the people who practice sport. They help sportsmen to gain high results due to the fact that make their body more resistant. The usage of muscle building steroids in sport is banned by most sporting bodies, the use of steroids is forbidden in many countries but also in many countries they are allowed. Legal steroids for sale can be found in many authorized stores which are specialized in selling food and body supplements, these stores have a legal patent on certain allowed legal steroids and body supplements. It is a general recommendation that we must always look to buy legal steroids, its validation and expiration is the most important factors while buying legal steroids. Buying legal steroids, not only it is meant for bodybuilding and gaining muscle, but also for building a responsible society, of course for medical purposes. Steroids are risky business. Dealing in steroids can result in spending good amount of time behind bars. Legal steroids can be of various types, it helps bulking up the mass muscle; good for the purpose of burning fat, help with the natural stimulation of body protein to positively affect bone density and can be used for enhancing energy. Legal steroids are a great alternative to steroid injection. Legal steroids have no side effects and cost a lot less as well as minimal expense. Whenever you buy steroids, insist on legal steroids.(read entire article)
View : 349 Times
Category : Others

Il Prestito Cosa Sono Il Tasso Tan E Taeg?    Submitted as: Quando si richiede un prestito leggiamo sempre int
Quando si richiede un prestito leggiamo sempre interessi TAN e TAEF, ma cosa significa esattamente? In un contratto di prestito il TAN significa "tasso annuo nominale", con il termine TAEG si intende invece il "tasso annuo effettivo globale" di un finanziamento/prestito. Con il TAN si indica un tasso interesse sul prestito concesso al cliente: l'interesse deve venire corrisposto annualmente ed è espresso in termini percentuali; il tasso TAN indica solamente gli interessi da restituire, senza eventuali spese di pratica. ATTENZIONE: Il TAN non corrisponde al costo complessivo del finanziamento. Il tasso d'interesse TAEG (anche detto ISC = Indice Sintetico di Costo) viene anch'esso espresso in percentuale, ed ha un lavoro fissato per legge;indica il costo effettivo del prestito, la somma complessiva che il cliente dovrà rimborsare alla scadenza del finanziamento concordato. E' il valore su cui dobbiamo porre maggior attenzione perchè comprende, oltre agli interessi, anche le spese accessorie, che incideranno sul prestiti:. Il calcolo di TAN e TAEG avviene in misura fissa su base annua, ripartita in maniera costante sugli anni di rimborso del finanziamento.(read entire article)
View : 341 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Advertising And Business Are Inseparable    Submitted as: It is said and justified that in business, adverti
It is said and justified that in business, advertising and marketing one of the most important factors. In this era of intense cut throat competition, survival in the market for any business men is required. It needs a well-managed classified advertising strategy and proper promotion methodology to limelight the effective features of your product. Classified advertisement is a briskly growing trend in the market for better productivity and profitability. Market researchers and businessmen prefer classified advertising as a powerful, affordable and money making tool to promote the product in every nook and corner. In present days of computer and internet people who are looking to buy any product will be searching for the items in the pages of classified sites. When they find a product which meets their requirements, they would contact the seller or they would visit your website to find great, exciting information about the product you have to sell. There are various companies and websites that offer free online classifieds, these websites receive free classified ads and advertise them for no cost. Classified websites are a valuable source of information and they also enable people to interact regarding their perspectives, what product one is looking for, actual value of the product etc.It is rightly said that pen is mightier than a sword, with classified ads, advertisers can use the power of words to sell the products they have. To sell products without the risk of producing high ad campaigns that cost hundreds of dollars, local classifieds are the best option to target the right market segment. No other kind of advertising has that high closing rate as online free classified ads. It is easier to reach the potential buyers through local classified ads. Only people who are really interested in buying a product or service will be looking for classified ads of that product or service. There are many potential buyers out there on the internet and many ways to advertise your product and business too. Writing small classifieds is superb training for creating all types of advertising, small business classified when implemented effectively and efficiently, it can be one of the quickest and inexpensive ways to increase sales and customer base. One or two apt and well written classified can generate thousand in sales. It is a fact that small classifieds are a good way to sell unwanted items, or find a bargain; it is also true that small classifieds can be used to launch and operate a multi-million corporate or small business. Due to these effective responses, the classified industry has grown and is very near to occupy one of the top positions today.(read entire article)
View : 405 Times
Category : Business

Advantages Of Medical Billing Services    Submitted as: Outsourcing is so popular because it enables a bus
Outsourcing is so popular because it enables a businessperson to focus on their particular trade rather than attempting to address ancillary needs that they may not be familiar with. Medical billing companies address billing issues for doctors’ offices. Doctors are very smart people, yet their main focus is on helping and curing patients and not necessarily being business-minded. Many doctors utilize medical billing to ensure the business side of their practice is addressed as efficiently as the medicinal side. Medical billing providers can address many specific areas such as EMT billing, neurology surgery billing, orthopedic billing, laboratory billing, and anesthesiology billing. Consider the following advantages in using a professional medical billing service: Relating to insurance companies As stated, doctors and their cohorts are experienced in providing care to their patients, yet may lack awareness of the business side of the practice. Medical billing professionals have experience working with insurance companies to ensure the practice receives full and proper payment for the care provided. Insurance companies can be very trying to communicate with. The process of medical coding alone can be difficult and cumbersome. Time and resources Many doctors’ offices prefer outsourcing to a medical billing company in order to save time and resources. Each patient requires a plethora of paperwork. If an error occurs, forms are seen as void to insurance companies and must be sent back. This means more time and resources are required to correct the mistake and a lapse in insurance payment occurs. Billing professionals stand by their efficiency. Doctors are “normal” people too Many people assume if the abbreviation of “Dr.” comes before a person’s name, they must be living the high life. This is simply not true; doctors are normal people too. Doctors have their own bills to pay, family to feed, and consumer desires. Medical billing helps doctors run their business in order to make money in deserved and timely fashion. Billing services facilitate better financial results. Maintaining patients’ secure information Healthcare data is extremely important to keep confidential. Strict laws and regulations protect patients and not adhering to these numerous and stringent laws can cause trouble for an unknowing practice. Medical billing services ensure practices abide by the law.(read entire article)
View : 377 Times
Category : Business

Realize The Wonders Of Cosmetic Dentistry    Submitted as: Have you ever noticed someone with a fantastic smi
Have you ever noticed someone with a fantastic smile? Of course you have. Having great teeth accentuates one’s looks and makes us feel good about ourselves. Thanks to the wonders of cosmetic dentistry, anyone can have a great set of teeth. Advancements in science have revolutionized cosmetic dentistry. Advanced treatments are not just for expensive specialists any longer. Many dentist offices have embraced such smile solutions as teeth whitening, cosmetic bonding, cosmetic recontouring, and veneers. The following article explains the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures. Teeth Whitening Teeth whitening has become very popular in recent years. The procedure can be performed in a dental office or at the convenience of a person’s home. If deciding to address the procedure at an office, it can be done in one visit. Dentists use hydrogen peroxide to get teeth as white as possible. Dentists can provide teeth whitening trays after the office visit in order to maintain a sparkling smile. Dental Bonding Dental bonding can address a variety of dental needs. The process is used in order to make teeth appear straight and aligned; facilitate space closure between teeth; and augment or replace discolored or defective teeth. Cosmetic Recontouring This procedure augments any irregularities (jagged edges, minor chips, inconsistencies, etc.) and makes for a superb smile. The results elicited from cosmetic recontouring are amazing. Veneers More and more people are deciding to embrace dental veneers. Veneers are ceramic/porcelain teeth, which are custom fit to the patient’s wishes. Dentists can craft the veneers so well that others won’t be able to decipher them from a naturally-born smile. Invisalign Invisalign works much like traditional braces, but without any aesthetic distractions. It can straighten minor misalignments by utilizing clear aligners. Invisalign gets fantastic, orthodontic results without the use of brackets and braces.(read entire article)
View : 331 Times
Category : Health

An Indispensable Tool For Everyone. Business Cards    Submitted as: Business cards have long been used to establish co
Business cards have long been used to establish connections and relationships. Your business card is a portable and mini version of who you are, what you do, and how to get a hold of you. Business card is the most effective, portable, affordable, versatile marketing tool for business marketing. Business cards Canada have come of age and they are not what they once were. With modern tools and latest technologies available to businessmen, almost anyone can create unique, eye catching and effective business cards, being able to quickly trade or give a business card to a potential client or business partner is not just convenient; it's a necessity and suggests that you are someone who takes their line of work seriously. While it's good to be memorable and to brand effectively, it's also good to make sure that you have all of your bases covered regarding the information that you make available on your business card like your business name, company’s logo, your first and the last name with correct telephone number, mail address, your business website etc.busines cards is not necessarily about flashy colors all the time or how many of them you have. The difference that the weight of a piece of paper can make is incredible and importantly you need to have effective branding, clearly communicated contact information, and a paper weight that you are comfortable with, it is possible to add bells and whistles to your business cards if you have budgeted for them. Business card facilitates one to have the necessary information to contact another person. Especially for the elite at the time, it was an observed custom for it fosters and builds good relations with other prominent and important people. Individuals in private practice, businessmen and corporate employees carry business cards for it is an essential medium that bridges people instantly. It promotes a person’s nature of business and gives its recipients an easy access to it. Business cards can be printed in paper stock with different weight, thickness, texture or grain and even color. Each of course affects the outcome of the color and the overall feel of the business card. After all, an image is a strong selling point and the business card is capable enough to sell and to complement your image. Business cards also differ in size and thickness and coating, coating whether glossy or semi-gloss or entire matt finish, the thickness of the business card varies from 18 microns to 25 microns, the other aspect not to be neglected is the quality of the ink, it has to be of good quality and should not spread during monsoon or with the frequent touch while exchanging, since business cards are both tear able and non-tear able. Business cards are also referred to as visiting cards in Asian countries.(read entire article)
View : 380 Times
Category : Business

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