Here's the recent articles submitted by bradley zid
Articles By bradley zid
Address To The International Community From Hunger Strikers In Ukraine
By: bradley zid
The citizens of Ukraine, non-governmental organizations and civic activists highly appreciate the stance and the assistance that the international community, human rights organizations and governments have always been providing. Also, it has been much talked about the fact that both Ukrainian government and the opposition have discredited themselves and proved to be an unreliable and unpredictable entities vis-à -vis their Western partners, with many Western politicians uttering the wish to rather seek co-operation with the civic society. At the same time, the West has invested an enormous effort to make Yanukovych free former members of the Ukrainian government – the efforts that did not bring any tangible result, neither for the jailed opposition member, nor for the Ukrainian people or democracy in Ukraine. It is time to recognize that without real support from the socially active and conscious part of the population, any further efforts from the Western countries are doomed to failure. And this civic initiative is one of the genuine and passionate, non-monetarily motivated representatives of the above mentioned civic society that will highly appreciate any support from the side of International community. The most essential support at this stage would be moral support to cheer up this initiative and their supporters that show an unparalleled degree of concern for the future of their country and its democratic, non-criminal future.(read
entire article)
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Category : Politics