Here's the recent articles submitted by brad burns
Articles By brad burns
Warts- How To Remove Warts
Submitted as: Joe Islab
Warts, although normally pain free are still quite embarrasing(and extremely contagious. Here we learn of ways to deal with warts permanantly
If you would like to find out more about removing warts or moles or skin tags, then be sure to get our FREE 5 part report exposing the myths on wart treatments at
Not only will you learn the myths at but you will also find safe and effective ways to remove warts.(read
entire article)
View : 104 Times
Category : Health
Warts- Effective Wart Treatment
Submitted as: Joe Islab
Treatment of common warts is many and varied, here we look at some of them to see how to get rid of warts.
Now as I mentioned earlier, not only are there medicinal treatments, but also holistic treatments are available too, so if you do not fancy paying top dollare to have a wart frozen off, or acid applied to your skin to have it burnt off, then visit and get the FREE 5 part course that exposes the myths in wart removal, and also offers advice on how to remove these growths naturally(read
entire article)
View : 93 Times
Category : Health
Skin Tags - How To Remove Skin Tags
Submitted as: Joe Islab
Skin Tags, although normally painless, can be embarrasing if they are in a highly visual place. Or they can be irritationg if they are somewhere uncomfortable. Here we look at how to remove skin tags
Now as I mentioned earlier, not only are there medicinal treatments, but also holistic treatments are available too, so if you do not fancy paying top dollar to have a skin tag frozen or cut off, then visit and get the FREE 5 part course that exposes the myths in skin tag and also wart and mole removal, Also this course offers advice on how to remove these growths naturally and more importantly - safely.
entire article)
View : 114 Times
Category : Health