Here's the recent articles submitted by alisha neals
Articles By alisha neals
Custom App Development In Windows Phone 8
By: alisha neals
Windows 8 Phone support for native code in C and C++, writing apps for multiple platforms will become very easy and quick. There is also support for native DirectX-based game development. App makers will also have the option to sell virtual and digital goods and services within their apps. In addition to providing a supplemental revenue channel it helps to extend the shelf life of the app by allowing the app owners to add new items to keep the customers interested.(read
entire article)
View : 159 Times
Category : Computers
Need Developers To Maintain Existing Blackberry Applications ?
By: alisha neals
BlackBerry supporter who still prefers to continue the BlackBerry way. And despite all the fancy names that have now become blockbusters in the mobile market you still want to rely on the fortress-like security levels that come only with a BlackBerry. RIM is ecstatic about the BlackBerry 10 smart phones and so are our expert developers of the Mindfire Mobile Team.(read
entire article)
View : 346 Times
Category : Hardware/Software