Here's the recent articles submitted by phil herr
Articles By phil herr
The World's Greatest Self-help Book
By: phil herr
When people are faced with problems in their lives many try to find assistance in self-help books. Interestingly, many of them overlook the world's greatest self-help book. This article will examine answers to 5 specific problems found in this book.(read
entire article)
View : 314 Times
Category : Social Community
Can Christian Schools Teach The Bible And Science?
By: phil herr
Many people believe that Christian and sciece are polar opposites and that the two cannot agree or even coexist. But is that true? Let's examine the reality of how much science and the Christian faith agree or disagree.(read
entire article)
View : 343 Times
Category : Social Community
Christian Education When Should It Begin When Should It End?
By: phil herr
When should Christian education, as a focus in our lives and the lives of our children begin and when does it end? And how should we educate as Christians?(read
entire article)
View : 343 Times
Category : Social Community