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Articles By math qa22

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Abstract Algebra Homework Solutions   By: math qa22
Algebra is the branch of mathematics and that concerning the study of the rules of operations and relations, and the constructions and concepts arising from them, including terms, polynomials, equations and algebraic structures.(read entire article)
View : 147 Times
Category : Education

Angles In Quadrilaterals   By: math qa22
Quadrilaterals are moreover simple (not self-intersecting) or complex (self-intersecting). Simple quadrilaterals are either convex or concave.(read entire article)
View : 143 Times
Category : Education

Abstract Algebra Homework   By: math qa22
Abstract algebra is the subject area of mathematics that studies algebraic structures, such as groups, rings, fields, modules, vector spaces, and algebras.(read entire article)
View : 137 Times
Category : Education

All Quadrilateral   By: math qa22
All quadrilateral have a polygon among four sides and four vertices. Now and again, the term quadrangle is use, by analogy with triangle, and sometimes tetragon for constancy with pentagon , hexagon and so on.(read entire article)
View : 155 Times
Category : Education

Circular System   By: math qa22
The angles considered in Euclidean Geometry are all less than two right angles, but for the purpose of Trigonometry it is necessary to extend the conception of angular magnitude so as to include angles of all magnitudes, positive or negative.(read entire article)
View : 120 Times
Category : Education

Quadratic Sloving Equations   By: math qa22
A quadratic function is a second degree polynomial function of the formquadratic function where a,b and c are constants. The expression ax2 + bx + c is called quadratic expression.(read entire article)
View : 121 Times
Category : Education

Geometric Series Sum Formula   By: math qa22
Geometric progression (also known as geometric sequence) is a sequence of numbers where the ratio of any two adjacent terms is constant. The constant ratio is called the common ratio, r of geometric progression.(read entire article)
View : 145 Times
Category : Education

Preparation Of Hydrogen Gas   By: math qa22
In 1660 Robert Boyle first prepared hydrogen by the action of iron powder and dilute mineral acid,Henry Cavendish was the first to atudy the properties of this gas and named it 'inflamable air'.In 1783 Lavoisier proved hydrogen to be an element and named hydrogen.(read entire article)
View : 139 Times
Category : Education

Trigonometric Ratio Calculator   By: math qa22
Trigonometry is mathematical concept that deals with triangles, particularly right angle triangles. Trigonometry ratio calculator used to explain the relationships between the sides and angles of the triangles.(read entire article)
View : 162 Times
Category : Education

Matrices Eigenvalues   By: math qa22
Let A = [aij] be a real square matrix of order n. If there exists a non-zero column vector x and a scalar lambda , such that AX = lambda X, then lambda is called an Eigenvalue of A and X is called the Eigen vector corresponding to the Eigen Value lambda.(read entire article)
View : 163 Times
Category : Education

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