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Articles By oleg tchetchel

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Vane Axial Fan Ventilator   By: oleg tchetchel
Canadian Blower fixed pitch and adjustable pitch axial fans have a wide range of applications in industries throughout the world. Designed for efficiency, reliability and trouble free operation, these fans are particularly suitable for use in high specification ventilation, cooling and drying systems. The Canadian Blower fixed and adjustable pitch axial fans are used in a wide range of applications where the cost and complexity of a variable pitch alternative is less attractive.(read entire article)
View : 307 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science

Air Handling Blowers And Fans   By: oleg tchetchel
Humidity of the air is crucial for air quality in the textile fabric production. The fibrous material manufactured in plants needs to maintain a specific humidity and temperature to be processed effectively. Textile manufacturers use air washers to cool, humidify, dehumidify and clean the air to prevent damage during production. Drum filters are typically used in the nonwoven industry for manufacturing products such as diapers, sanitary napkins, and surgical pads. Drum filters have become the standard in the nonwoven industry and are known for their efficiency and compact designs with relatively large air flows. Forming fans play an integral role for forming products in the nonwoven industry, such as diapers. These fans create the negative pressure in the forming chamber, giving the product its shape. We typically provide our model RBW radial bladed fan with a backplate for this application. The RBW is capable of producing high static pressures at medium to low airflows.(read entire article)
View : 467 Times
Category : Environment

Commercial Air Make Up Fan   By: oleg tchetchel
Frequently the ventilation problems are not even recognized and show themselves in ways that most people do not think about. A properly designed and installed ventilation system provides environmental control by avoiding negative pressure. Uncontrolled infiltration of air through window sashes, doors and walls leads to many undesired results. In this article we will discuss a few of these problems and inform you about the cost of make-up air.(read entire article)
View : 421 Times
Category : Health

Airfoil Centrifugal Fans - Canadian Blower   By: oleg tchetchel
SWSI and DWDI industrial aerofoil fan blowers are supplied in welded heavy gauge steel construction to prevent flexing at high pressure. Canadian Blower centrifugal fans are available in direct drive arrangements 4/4V/4H/7/8 and belt drive arrangements 1/3/9. CBC airfoil fans are Available in single width single inlet (SWSI), or double width double inlet (DWDI). Capacities: to 500,000 CFM. Static pressure up to 50 inches water gauge depending on the class of construction. Typical class of construction is Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.(read entire article)
View : 419 Times
Category : Business

Fans And Blowers Per Atex   By: oleg tchetchel
The ATEX Directive applies to all countries in the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA). ATEX (ATmosphères EXplosibles) is a conglomeration of European Union (EU) directives outlining equipment installed and operated in potentially explosive atmospheres. The ATEX directive coordinates various technical and legal conditions throughout Europe to ensure a high level of safety for the end-user by reducing the explosion risk through established design methods. Since July 1, 2003, equipment manufactured for operation in potentially explosive environments has been required to comply with the EU's ATEX Manufacturer's Directive (94/9/EC).(read entire article)
View : 393 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

Axial Fans By Canadian Blower   By: oleg tchetchel
Tube axial fans, vane axial fans and wall propeller fans are found throughout the world operating in industrial processes where performance, reliability and maintainability are of paramount importance. Ranging in diameter from 15 inches to over 84 inches, and with a variety of impeller designs, control systems and layout options, they form a comprehensive series of axial fans to satisfy virtually all industrial applications. The majority of Buffalo Fans can be grouped into four broad categories: with fixed pitch props, with variable pitch props and with controlled pitch props. Buffalo Fans are capable of moving from a few hundred cubic feet per minute, to heavy duty adjustable pitch props with capacities up to 900,000 CFM and with static pressures from 0 " Water Gauge (WG) to 20" " WG.(read entire article)
View : 426 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

Canadian Blower Backward Inclined Fans   By: oleg tchetchel
Canadian Blower's SQB backward inclined wheel and square housing design, the SQB is efficient, economical and versatile. It is also quickly available through Buffalo Fan's Stock Fan program. Packaged fans, those furnished with motor, V-belt drive, belt guard and other options, are factory aligned, run tested and shipped ready to install. By eliminating jobsite assembly, the packaged SQB fan can substantially reduce overall installation cost.(read entire article)
View : 382 Times
Category : Others

Adequate Building Ventilation   By: oleg tchetchel
Before the ventilation volume of air is estimated or calculated, careful consideration should be given to the following factors. Be sure that the decision you make will accomplish the most important objectives or will overcome the most important problems. This should be the overriding consideration in the selection of a system of ventilation. Availability of money to finance the system is a factor that must be considered early in the planning stage.(read entire article)
View : 404 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

How To Ventilate Big Building   By: oleg tchetchel
Power roof ventilators of the type manufactured by Canadian Blower are very similar in basic design to the wall fans. Size and capacity closely parallel the wall fans. One of the most popular Canadian Blower PRVs is the upblast exhauster. This unit utilizes air velocity to expel rain or snow that may try to penetrate into the structure. When the unit is not in service, butterfly dampers effectively seal the opening against the weather. Because of the straight through air flow design, this is the most effective and efficient PRV available.(read entire article)
View : 351 Times
Category : Business

Large Buildings Ventilation   By: oleg tchetchel
Positive pressure ventilation is a requirement in the event of a fire to remove smoke and to provide a clear access for firefighters. Exhaust and supply fans are used in conjunction with ductwork to distribute air throughout the parking garage, providing a common system for both pollution and smoke control. Canadian Blower manufactures a complete line of axial flow fans designed for parking garage ventilation systems. Restroom exhaust fans are primarily used to reduce moisture and prevent mold buildup.(read entire article)
View : 535 Times
Category : Others

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