Here's the recent articles submitted by oleg tchetchel
Articles By oleg tchetchel
Explosion Proof Spark Resistant Fan
By: oleg tchetchel
Industry areas such as chemical, pharmaceutical, and various industrial processes have explosive environments that require the equipment to be specially constructed to minimize the risk of gas or dust ignition. Fans are one of the items of industrial equipment that have potential to ignite either gas or dust from either sparks caused by contact of the fan wheel and housing, or because of fan motors with high temperatures, inadequate gas / dust ingress protection, or inadequate construction for prevent spark or flame propagation in to the surrounding atmosphere.(read
entire article)
View : 370 Times
Category : Service
Explosion Proof And Spark Resistant Fan
By: oleg tchetchel
Fans are often used to handle a variety of gases, dusts and materials other than clean air. Some of these gases and solid particles are combustible. When mixed at certain concentrations, ignition can result in an explosion. Even systems which are normally “safe” can become explosive under abnormal conditions. System designers must consider the safety hazard that each component of the system carries. This discussion presents some considerations that must be given to the fan.(read
entire article)
View : 369 Times
Category : Health
How To Increase Blowers Performance
By: oleg tchetchel
The proper design of the ventilation system plays a large role in achieving the overall desired performance. Visual inspections often reveal some easily rectified problems that can significantly impair performance. If the system has not been properly maintained, clogged filters or obstructed coils will reduce airflow. The greater the obstruction, the greater the loss in airflow. Any leaks in the ductwork will contribute to reduced performance, especially leaks around plenum bulkheads that can lead to recirculation of air. Worn flexible connectors are a common source of leaks and should be inspected regularly. If the damper linkage is out of adjustment, the damper may not be opening completely, thereby reducing performance. If inlet dampers are used, make sure they are installed so that the air is pre-spun in the same direction as wheel rotation. For all dampers, make sure there is sufficient clearance for the blades to open and close completely without hitting the ductwork or other system components. Last, for systems with either pneumatic or electric controls, make sure damper actuators are operating properly. Sharp changes in the direction of airflow at either the fan inlet or outlet will disrupt the flow through the fan and impair performance. If it is impossible to straighten the ductwork entering and leaving the fan, the use of inlet boxes and turning vanes can minimize performance losses.(read
entire article)
View : 410 Times
Category : Education
Fans Performance Curves
By: oleg tchetchel
The fan curve presents fan performance. It is one of the most useful tools available during the fan selection process. While multi-rating tables are convenient (see page 12), performance curves offer additional information such as - how much reserve pressure head exists between the design pressure and the peak static pressure, the maximum power the fan might draw, and the efficiency of operation.(read
entire article)
View : 480 Times
Category : Environment
Fan Vibrations
By: oleg tchetchel
The fan manufacturers are ususally “vibration experts” and can set the tolerance for acceptable levels of vibration.(read
entire article)
View : 483 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Fans And Blowers Noise Level
By: oleg tchetchel
Fan blade pass frequency is a pure tone produced when the blades of the fan wheel (impeller) rotate past the housing cut-off sheet in centrifugal fans, or the turning vanes, in axial fans. The blade pass frequency is calculated by multiplying the number of blades times the rotating speed in revolutions per minute. If this frequency matches the natural frequency of the ductwork, it can excite the ductwork, which can cause it to resonate, thereby increasing the noise level. Because of this possible increase in sound, and because certain pure tones are irritating to people, the sound output of the blade pass frequency should be investigated when sound reduction is desired. The next factor to consider is the fan design. Generally a fan operating at peak mechanical efficiency will produce less noise, because high efficiencies result from minimal air turbulence within the fan.(read
entire article)
View : 371 Times
Category : Business
Fiberglass Pressure Blower
By: oleg tchetchel
Potential applications for FRP fans include any process in which corrosive fumes must be captured, moved, cleaned, or vented. FRP fans are most often used in fume-scrubber systems where the scrubber itself may be constructed of FRP or an exotic alloy, but where FRP is the preferred fan material. Galvanizing and etching processes often have FRP exhaust hoods and ducts, and many of the fans used to convey fumes in such systems are also built of FRP. Waste water treatment plants and laboratory exhaust systems are other applications for which FRP fans are being used with increasing frequency.(read
entire article)
View : 299 Times
Category : Business
Fans For Chemical Industry By Canadian Blower
By: oleg tchetchel
Canadian Blower petrochemical fans and blowers operate in conditions encompassing extreme pressure and temperature, and handle a wide range of gases containing aggressive and toxic components. Petrochemicals industry provides the widest range of challenges for rotating equipment. Demanding specifications and strict safety requirements must be met and above all is the need for dependable operation over long periods.(read
entire article)
View : 391 Times
Category : Others
Frp Industrial Blower Fan
By: oleg tchetchel
All polyesters and vinyl esters are corrosion resistant to some degree. Industrial process applications involve a wide variety of corrosive gas streams. Selecting the best materials of construction for air handling equipment can be difficult. This article provides information about the corrosion resistance of the resins used to manufacture standard FRP fans.(read
entire article)
View : 346 Times
Category : General
Ventury Fume Scrubbers
By: oleg tchetchel
Venturi fume scrubbers wash dust and particles out of the air by forcing the air into a spray chamber, where fine water particles cause the dust to drop from the air stream. Where applied, venturi scrubber technology is able to achieve the highest particulate collection efficiency of any wet scrubbing system.(read
entire article)
View : 396 Times
Category : General