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Articles By oleg tchetchel

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How To Ventilate Big Buildings   By: oleg tchetchel
Canadian Blower wall exhausters are available in a wide range of sizes and capacities. Canadian Blower Company has models with blade diameters from 7" to 84". Capacity ranges from 250 cubic feet per minute (CFM) to approximately 100,000 CFM from a single fan. Fans of this type are quite efficient, dependable and require relatively little maintenance. Minor disadvantages may relate to their wall location. This location may result in interference with operations of the building, may cause damage to the fan itself or it may be a possible disturbance to personnel working in the proximity of the fan.(read entire article)
View : 339 Times
Category : Business

Blowers For Chemical Industry   By: oleg tchetchel
Chemical industry utilizes fans in many different areas of the plant. Each of these custom applications requires quality fans designed for durability, ease of maintenance and dependability. Some of the areas where fans are used include forced draft fans and induced draft fans. Buffalo Fan Co. has extensive experience providing air movement solutions involving all areas of petrochemical processing. and has worked with numerous companies throughout the United States and worldwide, serving more than 60 petrochemical facilities and counting.(read entire article)
View : 329 Times
Category : Service

Canadian Blower Fan Blowers   By: oleg tchetchel
Canadian Blower heavy duty fans are designed and selected with the use of modern computer techniques guided by over 100 years of fan engineering experience. Comprehensive testing confirms design decisions. Quality manufacturing standards guarantee long service life.(read entire article)
View : 336 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

Combustion Fan Blowers   By: oleg tchetchel
The combustion of coal and most fuel oils will release sulfur fumes into the flue gas. If a wet scrubbing or cleaning apparatus is used, water vapor will combine with the sulfur to form sulfuric acid. This can place severe constraints on the fan types available to handle this highly corrosive gas stream. For this very reason, flue-gas-desulfurization equipment is designed into the pollution control systems of many combustion processes. Another alternative to reduce the potential for sulfuric acid in the exhaust system is to mix lime or crushed limestone in a fluidized bed combustion process so the lime will neutralize the sulfur and stabilize the pH of the exhaust gases.(read entire article)
View : 366 Times
Category : Automobiles

Commercial Industrial Ventilating   By: oleg tchetchel
A work stoppage or strike may occur if the problem of personnel discomfort is unresolved. The benefits from a solution to such a situation are enormous. In plants where there is a high density of employees and many manual operations involved, an improvement in the environment can produce substantial benefits in terms of increased production, reduced errors, and a decline in complaints and absenteeism among employees.(read entire article)
View : 340 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

Commercial Ventilation Fan   By: oleg tchetchel
If an individual is to produce maximum results, he must be allowed to function in an environment as nearly ideal as can be provided. In fact, the benefits in terms of efficiency and productivity can be substantial. Failure to provide a comfortable environment can be very expensive in terms of errors, work slow-down, complaints, absenteeism, etc. If the major factor is a hot, humid atmosphere, which may include smoke, dust, fumes or other irritants, a practical and effective approach to the problem is available. To obtain a reasonable degree of personnel comfort in hot weather, there are three basic factors that should be provided for in the ventilation and cooling system of a commercial or industrial building.(read entire article)
View : 400 Times
Category : Real Estate and Foreclosure

Commercial Ventilator And Fan   By: oleg tchetchel
Canadian Blower supplies thousands of fans to universities, hospitals, laboratories andresearch facilities, military bases, hotels, convention centers, and cruise ships around the world; working closely with architects, engineers and contractors to design and test fans that can meet the most precise quality and reliability requirements. Canadian Blower makes smoke and heat exhaust fans that are UL listed for Smoke Control Systems, kitchen fans that are UL 762 listed for the exhaust of grease-laden air, and a full line of laboratory and fume exhaust systems. Canadian Blower provides fans for numerous residential building applications, such as stairwell and elevator shaft pressurization; kitchen, restroom, and pool exhaust; and every aspect of HVAC, including air handlers, gravity ventilators, and large rooftop units.(read entire article)
View : 338 Times
Category : Real Estate and Foreclosure

Duct Fans - Canadian Blower   By: oleg tchetchel
Axial flow Canadian Blower ventilators have blades that force air to move along the shaft about which the blades rotate. Axial fans blow air across the axis of the fan, linearly, hence their name. This type of fan is used in a wide variety of applications, ranging from small cooling fans for electronics to the giant fans used in wind tunnels.(read entire article)
View : 296 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

Industrial Dust Collector Ventilator   By: oleg tchetchel
Dust collectors and filtration media provide effective solutions for managing a variety of industrial dust issues including toxic, explosive and potent compounds. These cartrideg dust collectors are: * Powered by nanofiber filtration technology; * Provide cleaner air with up to 25% more filtration capacity than other collectors; * Dust collection filters last up to two times longer; * Provide significant cost savings and optimal service.(read entire article)
View : 364 Times
Category : Service

Energy Recovery Fan Ventilators   By: oleg tchetchel
HVAC system designers have realized the benefits of using Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) in commercial and institutional buildings. However, as with many newly adopted technologies, questions of how best to apply this product are being raised. One application issue in particular is whether to apply an ERV as a stand alone unit on its own curb, or as a bolt-on accessory to a rooftop air conditioning unit.(read entire article)
View : 343 Times
Category : Business

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