Here's the recent articles submitted by thinkers ed
Articles By thinkers ed
The Importance Of Phono-graphix Reading Program
By: thinkers ed
Phono-graphix reading program is an integral part of the whole learning process followed by child tutoring services especially for students having learning disabilities.(read
entire article)
View : 129 Times
Category : Education
Right Math Tutoring And Right Way Of Learning Can Make A Difference
By: thinkers ed
A few days back I watched a movie ‘Beautiful Mind'. It was about a mathematics professor who suffered schizophrenia. The movie was so inspiring and thoughtful giving us moral to fight such a situation and come out of it.(read
entire article)
View : 75 Times
Category : Education
Brain Training Texas Thinkers Education Centre: The Ideal Place For Mental Development
By: thinkers ed
Brain training Texas Thinkers Education Center, Inc. is among the best learning facility to enroll your child. By so doing, your child will get the necessary skills to enable him improve academically. Normally, regular classes in school are never enough for many students.(read
entire article)
View : 69 Times
Category : Education
Child Tutoring Services – Choose Your Child's Guide With Utmost Care
By: thinkers ed
Children's needs are very difficult to understand and that is probably why child psychology is one of the most complicated disciplines under the sun. Every child is unique and thus each one needs to be handled accordingly. However, the care and attention needed increases manifold if the children have special needs.(read
entire article)
View : 74 Times
Category : Education
A Long Way To Go With Excellent Reading Skills
By: thinkers ed
Reading a very simple word yet means a lot and a person's excellent reading skills can take them a long way in life. The literal meaning of reading is not just to say aloud what is written rather to read out anything with freedom, fluency and confidence, to mentally interact with the message and understand it completely. It is crucial to be aware of why is reading so important for us and our children.(read
entire article)
View : 72 Times
Category : Education
Sleepless Nights With Mathematics- Not Any More
By: thinkers ed
Parents have lot of expectations from their children. If they say they want to see their child succeed in life, generally they relate it with academics. Though, the success of a person does not totally depend upon academics but yes it does contribute in some way or the other. But a problem very common in students nowadays either giving false reasons of not going to the schools or not doing any homework.(read
entire article)
View : 56 Times
Category : Education
Tutoring For Special Needs Children In The Most Apt Way
By: thinkers ed
Growing up with dyslexia or autism is not a reason why your child will be devoid of proper education. But to ensure proper education, you have to make sure that he gets the proper guidance. There are many schools which specialize in tutoring for special needs children and are hence will be able to guide your child in a way that will help him pursue the career of his dreams. This is true especially for math tutoring in Houston.(read
entire article)
View : 67 Times
Category : Education
Cognitive Enhancement: The Next Big Thing
By: thinkers ed
Cognitive enhancement is a new big thing in the field of neurology and most of the drug companies is trying to get deeper into their research and provide this to the humans. On the other hand, artificial intelligence and robotics scientists are working to become the first one to do so.(read
entire article)
View : 79 Times
Category : Education
Why Children With Special Needs Need Special Care?
By: thinkers ed
The role of private tutoring in the modern education system is unquestionable. Reports say that the number of coaching centres and special tutoring homes have increased gigantically in Houston.(read
entire article)
View : 80 Times
Category : General
When To Consider Special Care For A Special Child
By: thinkers ed
A special child needs special care, and the same cannot be given in an environment that is not sensitive to their woes, skills and issues.(read
entire article)
View : 58 Times
Category : Education