Here's the recent articles submitted by mariangie gonzalez
Articles By mariangie gonzalez
Helping Your Pets Cope With The Stress Caused By Loud Noise
By: mariangie gonzalez
Which is the noisiest species of all? Nope, not the lions, or the elephants, or the geese… it’s us, humans. Our voices were not enough, we started ma(read
entire article)
View : 232 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
Kids And Pets, Will It Work?
Submitted as: Mariangie González
How can my child benefit from having a pet? 1. Social skills and self-esteem. Feelings and positive experiences with their pet can help children(read
entire article)
View : 241 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
Pet Tracking Devices
By: mariangie gonzalez
It was the Saturday morning of August 20, 2004 and my two kids saying that they couldn’t find our cat Nala anywhere waked me up. I didn’t pay much at(read
entire article)
View : 239 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
So, You've Decided To Kill Your Pet!
By: mariangie gonzalez
The other day I was doing a research online for an article I was writing and I came across an article, which the author started by saying: "Euthanasia(read
entire article)
View : 189 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
Top 10 Benefits Of Natural And Holistic Pet Care
By: mariangie gonzalez
There are a number of reasons for choosing natural pet foods, treats and supplies. First, use of natural products is consistent with a holistic view.(read
entire article)
View : 214 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
Treating Dog Arthritis With Natural Supplements
By: mariangie gonzalez
Dog arthritis is one of the most common diseases that affect canines; especially large breed dogs (60-90 lbs) the best thing you can do is to prevent(read
entire article)
View : 184 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
So, You've Decided To Kill Your Pet!
By: mariangie gonzalez
The other day I was doing a research online for an article I was writing and I came across an article, which the author started by saying: "Euthanasia(read
entire article)
View : 197 Times
Category : Animal and Pet