Here's the recent articles submitted by oleg tchetchel
Articles By oleg tchetchel
Inline Duct Fan
By: oleg tchetchel
Duct fan is an axial flow through fan designed for low pressure building ventilation and industrial process application. The appliactions for CB Blower duct fans include heat, smoke, and fume removal; process ventilation and process air handling; process drying with ambient or preheated up to 650 F air; comfort process cooling and general ventilation of buildngs. Available in direct drive arrangements 4/4M/4V/4D/4R and corresponding belt drive arrangements 9/9M/9V/9D/9R. Capacities: to 350,000 CFM. Static pressure to 1.5 inches water gauge.(read
entire article)
View : 359 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Dust Collector And Fan
By: oleg tchetchel
Industrial dust collection needs can be managed with a number of products including cartridge dust collectors, downdraft tables, pharmaceutical containment for potent compounds, baghouse dust collectors, indexing fine particulate filter, and industrial HEPA filter units.(read
entire article)
View : 365 Times
Category : General
Dust Collector Fan And Ventilator
By: oleg tchetchel
Research facilities exhaust a wide variety of harmful fumes. In concentrated forms, these fumes can be hazardous to human life. Contaminated air must be exhausted in a way that prevents it from returning back into the building, and surrounding locations where people may be present. To effectively exhaust these fumes, which in many cases are corrosive and / or explosive in nature, fans are connected to one or more fume hoods to draw the contaminated air through. For proper ventilation, exhaust fans must be capable of moving air at high velocities to achieve a high plume height, as well as entraining clean ambient air to dilute the chemical concentration in the airstream. Twin City Fan offers a complete line of laboratory & fume exhaust fans for meeting the most stringent industry standards. Our laboratory exhaust fans are often constructed of specialty materials to withstand the fumes associated with these environments.
Induced Draft (ID) fans are used to create a vacuum or negative air pressure in a system or stack. Our centrifugal blowers are used to maintain elevated ventilation, resulting in increased system efficiency. CB Blower Co. can also supply extractor fans, which are typically heavy duty construction to handle particulate in the airstream. In the boiler industry ID Fans are often used in conjunction with FD fans to maintain system pressure which is slightly lower than ambient.(read
entire article)
View : 351 Times
Category : Health
Explosion Proof Blower Ventilator
By: oleg tchetchel
Smoke exhaust ventilatorss are designed to remove smoke and heat from buildings in the event of a fire. These fans play a crucial role in increasing occupant safety and allowing rescue personnel to safely enter burning buildings. CB Blower offers a full line of smoke and heat fans capable of withstanding a minimum temperature of 500°F for four hours or 1,000°F for 15 minutes. Our inline smoke and heat fans are also available in a vertical roof mount configuration featuring a discharge cap with butterfly dampers and an optional fusible link designed to stay open in the event of a fire.(read
entire article)
View : 375 Times
Category : Education
Explosion Proof Centrifugal Fans
Submitted as: Oleg Chechel
Industries such as chemical, pharmaceutical, and various industrial processes have explosive environments that require the equipment to be specially constructed to minimize the risk of gas or dust ignition. Fans are one of the items of industrial equipment that have potential to ignite either gas or dust from either sparks caused by contact of the fan wheel and housing, or because of fan motors with high temperatures, inadequate gas/dust ingress protection, or inadequate construction for prevent spark or flame propagation in to the surrounding atmosphere.(read
entire article)
View : 363 Times
Category : Business
Cb Blower / Canada
Submitted as: Oleg Chechel
CB Blower supplies fans, blowers and pumps to a wide range of industries and applications. When prolonged service wears fan wheel the logical replacement is a new fan wheel built to the original design. A technical support and sales agent will get a replacement wheel, shaft, bearings, accessories, etc. in the shortest time. She, or he may also recommend changes to extend service life and performance of your machinery, including special materials of construction, explosion-proof and spark-resistant design, variety of coatings and accessories, intended to meet practically any application needs.(read
entire article)
View : 485 Times
Category : Service
Fan Performance
Submitted as: Oleg Chechel
Fan curves are sometimes referred to as "test curves". A typical test curve will often define the performance parameters for a specific design and size of fan, operating at a given speed, moving a gas of a given density.(read
entire article)
View : 413 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Fan Blower Performance Curves
Submitted as: Oleg Chechel
Fan performance curves are actually composed of four separate curves:
• Static Pressure vs. Volume Curve: This plot is the one often referred to as the "fan curve" or "characteristic curve" because it defines all the possible pressure-volume combinations the fan is capable of producing given stated conditions (i.e. rpm and gas density). Note that this curve has two regions - one marked by dashed lines and the other by a solid line. Fans must be selected so that the design point is located on a solid portion of the curve, preferably in an area of high operating efficiency. Operation on the dashed portion of the curve should be avoided as it is a zone of potentially unstable performance. For this reason it is wise to allow some reserve between the peak static pressure and the design pressure to compensate for a higher resistance to flow than anticipated by the design calculation.
• Static Efficiency vs. Volume Curve: In most instances it is desirable to have a fan perform as close to its peak efficiency as possible. The static efficiency vs. volume curve illustrates the efficiency of fan performance at a glance.
• Power vs. Volume Curve: This plot illustrates the power draw of the fan for any point on the characteristic curve.
• System Curve: The system curve defines the volume flow rate versus pressure characteristics of the system in which a fan will be installed.(read
entire article)
View : 392 Times
Category : General
Fan / Blower Vibrations
Submitted as: Oleg Chechel
Forces that are not constant in amplitude or direction over time can cause solids to move repetitiously. We call this vibration. The similar motion imparted to the air is called sound. These phenomena are somewhat interchangeable since sound can cause vibration and vibration can cause sound. One difference is that sound is only dealt with when it is audible while vibration must be addressed even when it is outside the range of human perception. All fans must generate some vibration.(read
entire article)
View : 348 Times
Category : Business
Fiberglass Frp Blower Fans
Submitted as: Oleg Chechel
CB Blower FRP Pressure Blowers are fabricated of polyester resin based FRP , while wheels are made of vinyl ester resin FRP to allow for more strength. 316 stainless steel, or Hastelloy C-276 alloy wheel and shaft assemblies are available. FRP ORB self-cleaning wheel design and FRP Pressure Blower wheel design are used depending on application. Standard shafts are made of C-1040/1045 steel covered with FRP sleeve. 316 stainless steel shafts are optional. Inlet/outlet flange drilling is according to ANSI 125/150 bolt pattern, or Voluntary Product Standard PS15-69. Neoprene gasketing with Teflon Shaft Seal, or Viton seal element in FRP casing is provided where low leakage is desired.(read
entire article)
View : 370 Times
Category : General