Here's the recent articles submitted by adam g. katz
Articles By adam g. katz
How To Fix Problems With The “fetch†Or “bring†Command
By: adam g. katz
Hello Adam:I have a chocolate Labrador Retriever (very active) that is being trained (in OPEN class now) and he seems to be regressing since we a(read
entire article)
View : 334 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
How To Stop Your Dog From Digging Holes In Your Garden
By: adam g. katz
First, I need to figure out when he is digging. Since I know the dog and his lifestyle, I can rule out several factors such as boredom or puppyhood o(read
entire article)
View : 380 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
How To Teach The “send Awayâ€!
By: adam g. katz
Hello Adam.I would firstly like very much to thank you for the fantastic information in the book! Wow! It has made the training of our new dog so(read
entire article)
View : 256 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
If You Own Two Dogs, Can You Control Who's The Alpha Dog?
By: adam g. katz
Dear Mr. Katz:I have two cocker spaniels that are one year apart. The red and white female (Cassie)is almost two and spayed. The buff male (Pe(read
entire article)
View : 292 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
On Missing The Imprint Stage Of Puppyhood
By: adam g. katz
Dear Adam:[From a previous e-mail which questioned why I recommend that dog owners don't try to train their dogs in a group class setting](read
entire article)
View : 291 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
Should You Correct A Puppy With A Pinch Collar?
By: adam g. katz
Hi, Adam!My husband and I recently purchased a white German Shepherd. She is 12 weeks old today and quite a handful. Sometimes she can be so s(read
entire article)
View : 362 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
Some Advanced Dog Training Points You Should Know About Cond
By: adam g. katz
Akeisha wrote to me with some very good questions. I’ve included her letter (and my responses) below:[Akeisha] Hi its Akeisha again. I do see(read
entire article)
View : 362 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
Some Advice On Citronella No-bark Collars
By: adam g. katz
Dear Adam:I have a client who has just adopted a dog. The dog is adjusting to its new apt., but is barking a bit when the owner leaves. A friend(read
entire article)
View : 545 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
The Pro's Never Yell Or Scream Commands At Their Dog
By: adam g. katz
I never yell at my dog. Never.Well, okay. There's one exception. And that exception is if: I'm already working with the dog at such a far dist(read
entire article)
View : 467 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
The Right Leash And Collar For Your Dog
By: adam g. katz
In the past, when people spoke of training collars, they really generally were referring to “choke chains.†A choke chain is a metal chain with a sli(read
entire article)
View : 1301 Times
Category : Animal and Pet