Here's the recent articles submitted by dave mathews
Articles By dave mathews
How To Start Your Own Organic Garden
By: dave mathews
Organic vegetable gardening has been done for centuries before the introduction of pesticides. This type of gardening requires that no artificial means be used to kill pests. So what is a garden of this type, how to create one and what to plant are some questions that need to be answered? This type of a garden is done without pesticides. This type of a garden is also nourished organically from a compost heap that consists of table scraps, egg shells, coffee grounds, ect. This not only enriches the soil, it also allows for healthier plants.(read
entire article)
View : 249 Times
Category : Family
How To Make Paintballs
By: dave mathews
There are quite a few different opinions that are out there when it comes to how to make paintballs yourself at home. You might also get a few questioning glances about why you even want to bother taking all of that time to make your own paintballs. You need to remember to make your paintballs small enough to fit into the barrel of any of the paintball guns out there. Make no mistake about it you are going to be much better served by making reusable paintballs out of modeling clay (because it is durable) that you can use over and over again (for a while at least).(read
entire article)
View : 313 Times
Category : Leisure and Recreation
How To Make Paintball Mines
By: dave mathews
If you are really serious about your paintball (or more accurately referred to as “woodball†or “woodsball†due to being conducted outdoors in the woods) and really want to know how to make paintball mines that will go off and splatter your opponents with whatever color paint you have chosen you might want to continue reading for some pretty simple and easy-to-follow tips about building your own paintball mines. You need to be aware that these are not meant to be shot out of paintball guns; although you will have a paintball gun with you when you are “playing†paintball/woodball.(read
entire article)
View : 272 Times
Category : Sports
How To Make Paintball Grenades
By: dave mathews
This article about how to make paintball grenades for those of you who have no blessed idea what a paintball grenade even is. Put very simply, a paintball grenade is a paintball that is specially designed to explode in bright colors that an either have no smoke involved or does have smoke that comes in all sorts of bright colors that will provide you with a pretty thick smoke screen (that can last up to fifteen minutes) behind which you can sneak up on your opponents. When it comes to trying to make these yourself you might be wise to leave that to the professionals if you have no knowledge whatsoever about how either paintballs or grenades (as in the “real†ones used in military combat) work or are loaded into paintball guns.(read
entire article)
View : 256 Times
Category : Sports
How To Make A Paintball Bazooka
By: dave mathews
If you are looking for good how to make a paintball bazooka information, you will find that many of the websites you are looking at really do not give you the quality information that you are really looking for and need. We have all been there when looking for information about these very powerful paintball guns (or anything else for that matter). Those that are looking for the best information about the type and size paintball that needs to be used in the paintball bazooka that you are in the process of making will also find out that there are so many different references.(read
entire article)
View : 293 Times
Category : Sports
How To Make A Good Potato Launcher
By: dave mathews
As with anything and everything else in today’s world, you are going to find out that there is a good deal of information out there under how to make a potato launcher; some of it good, some great and the rest really having nothing to do with what you need. There are many people that think that a potato launcher is something that is a play thing; yet it needs to be made very clear that these potato launchers need to be taken seriously. Making a good potato launcher that will serve you well for a while is a matter of skill, luck and knowledge.(read
entire article)
View : 293 Times
Category : Sports
How To Make A Crossbow
By: dave mathews
There are many people that want to have a bow on hand for some very different reasons (some for hunting and others for defense) and these people are also asking how to make a crossbow that will work and be accurate. The thing that you need to remember here is that there are so many different types of crossbow plans out there that you can find by doing a simple search. If you were to search using the word “crossbows†or “crossbow plans†you are going to find more than you even thought possible (and plenty of stuff/information that you did not need and were not looking for.(read
entire article)
View : 281 Times
Category : Sports
How To Get A Private Pilot License
By: dave mathews
There are quite a few things that you need to know to be able to get a private pilot license and be able to learn to fly a small private airplane. If you want to be able to get private pilot training you need to be at least Sixteen (16) years of age and be able to fluently speak, understand and read English (this is because English is the only language that the tests are written in and spoken in the flight control towers worldwide). You need to go through several steps in order to show that you know what you are doing to the satisfaction of the flight school you attend, the state you live in and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).(read
entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : Travel
How To Tell A Good Potato Gun From A Bad One
By: dave mathews
When you are looking at a potato gun that is made from scratch and/or those that are made from any how to make a potato gun article, there are a couple of things that you need to be looking at in order to be able to decide whether the potato guns there are good (well made) or bad (poorly made). You will need to be looking at the type of material that is used to make the barrel of the potato gun as well; as how it is put together. This will tell you whether or not you are looking at something that will last for a while or not.(read
entire article)
View : 262 Times
Category : Sports
How To Trek The Inca Trail
By: dave mathews
Those that are new to the Lewisburg, PA area might not know exactly what there is to do and see or what kind of work is available in this Union County town. The first thing that you need to know is that Lewisburg is the County seat of Union County, Pennsylvania. You are not that far away from several major cities in the area.(read
entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Travel