Here's the recent articles submitted by oleg tchetchel
Articles By oleg tchetchel
Buildings Ventilation Method
By: oleg tchetchel
Underground parking garages require ventilation to remove harmful vehicle emissions and other pollutants, while providing fresh air. Ventilation is also a requirement in the event of a fire to remove smoke and to provide a clear access for firefighters. Exhaust and supply fans are used in conjunction with ductwork to distribute air throughout the parking garage, providing a common system for both pollution and smoke control. Tenderall Fan manufactures a complete line of axial flow fans designed for parking garage ventilation systems. Restroom exhaust fans are primarily used to reduce moisture and prevent mold buildup. As restrooms typically occupy a small space, restroom exhaust fans are considered low volume and generally provide 2 to 5 air exchanges per minute. These fans are mounted on the roof or in-line with the system's ductwork. Tenderall Fan offers a full line of centrifugal roof & wall exhausters, inline centrifugal fans, and ceiling & cabinet ventilators to accommodate all restroom requirements and exhaust applications.(read
entire article)
View : 450 Times
Category : Others
How To Ventilate Industrial Buildings
By: oleg tchetchel
Roof ventilators of the type manufactured by Tenderall Fan are very similar in basic design to the wall fans. Size and capacity closely parallel the wall fans. One of the most popular PRVs is the upblast exhauster. This unit utilizes air velocity to expel rain or snow that may try to penetrate into the structure. When the unit is not in service, butterfly dampers effectively seal the opening against the weather. Because of the straight through air flow design, this is the most effective and efficient PRV available. Tenderall Fan's hooded PRV design is similar to the upblast PRV. Instead of butterfly dampers, a stationary hood shields the unit from rain and snow. A backdraft damper prevents air infiltration when unit is not in use.(read
entire article)
View : 436 Times
Category : Others
Custom And Preengineered Fans
By: oleg tchetchel
Tenderall centrifugal blowers ranging in diameter from 12" to over 96", and with a variety of impeller designs, control systems and layout options, form a comprehensive series of centrifugal fans to satisfy virtually all industrial applications.(read
entire article)
View : 443 Times
Category : Service
Channel Blower Fan
By: oleg tchetchel
Typical applications for regenerative side channel blowers include air conveying, refuse burning, instrument air, air dryer, air cushioning, tank agitation, sewage aeration, blister packing, liquid spraying, fuel atomizing, air knives, product curing, radon gas elimination, automatic bottling, vacuum holding, soil remediation, paper transport, scrap collection, powder recovery, gas sampling, thread holding, and all applications requiring medium pressure, or vacuum.(read
entire article)
View : 380 Times
Category : General
Fans For Chemical Laboratory
By: oleg tchetchel
Petrochemical process applications requires quality fans designed for durability, ease of maintenance and dependability. Some of the areas where fans are used include forced draft fans and induced draft fans. Tenderall Fan Co. has extensive experience providing air movement solutions involving all areas of petrochemical processing, and has worked with numerous companies throughout the United States and worldwide, serving more than 60 petrochemical facilities and counting.(read
entire article)
View : 367 Times
Category : General
Commercial Ventilating Fan
By: oleg tchetchel
As a rule, the factory's ventilation equipment is inadequate for anything more than safeguarding the health of the occupants. In some cases, it does an inadequate job of this. To do a satisfactory job of eliminating excessively hot air, it is usually essential to have powered wall and/or roof exhausters. These fans should also help to control air pressure within the building whether it be negative or positive pressure. The most effective way to incorporate wall or roof exhausters into a system will be discussed below. A large number of buildings use exhaust fans and/or power roof ventilators to exhaust fumes, smoke, dust or other contaminants unavoidable in the operation of the business. As a result, these buildings are frequently under a severe negative pressure.(read
entire article)
View : 475 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Commercial Big Building Ventilation
By: oleg tchetchel
Any individual who finds himself in a situation or location that produces a feeling of discomfort quickly seeks relief from the problem. If there is no convenient solution to his discomfort, he may react in a number of ways. Invariably, the discomfort and his reaction to it has an adverse effect on his attitude, behavior and general efficiency in his job or responsibility. In almost any building or room used for commercial and industrial operations, it is quite likely that there are recurrent conditions that cause personnel discomfort. This is particularly true unless an expensive system for the circulation of refrigerated air (air conditioning) has been provided.(read
entire article)
View : 477 Times
Category : Environment
Commercial Duty Ventilators
By: oleg tchetchel
Tenderall Fan offers smoke and heat exhaust fans that are UL listed for Smoke Control Systems and a full line of kitchen fans that are UL 762 listed for the exhaust of grease-laden air. Tenderall Fan engineers design, test, and manufacture fans for all types of buildings, including condos, custom homes, offices, malls, airports, arenas, and stadiums.(read
entire article)
View : 443 Times
Category : Others
Commercial Fan Ventilators
By: oleg tchetchel
Tenderall Fan Co. has been providing a full line of fans for the commercial construction industry for over 25 years. With its unsurpassed product line and flexibility, we are able to provide fans for every type of commercial structure including airports, arenas, stadiums, distribution centers, malls, offices, and retail. Tenderall Fan also offer smoke and heat exhaust fans that are UL listed for Smoke Control Systems and a full line of kitchen fans that are UL 762 listed for the exhaust of grease-laden air. Tenderall Fan engineers design, test, and manufacture fans for all types of buildings, including condos, custom homes, offices, malls, airports, arenas, and stadiums.(read
entire article)
View : 375 Times
Category : Business
Commercial Industrial Fans
By: oleg tchetchel
The difference between industrial and commercial grade fans construction is the following: Industrial equipment is specifically designed and built to stand up to the rigors of an industrial application. The differences are concrete and easy to spot...if you know what to look for. Tenderall Fan designs and builds equipment strictly for industrial applications and has been doing it that way for over 100 years. Industrial fans and blowers are constructed of heavier duty materials and with higher quality components than their commercial counterparts.(read
entire article)
View : 532 Times
Category : Writing