Here's the recent articles submitted by oleg tchetchel
Articles By oleg tchetchel
Duct Fans Ventilators
By: oleg tchetchel
Tenderall Fan axial flow ventilators have blades that force air to move along the shaft about which the blades rotate. Axial fans blow air across the axis of the fan, linearly, hence their name. This type of fan is used in a wide variety of applications, ranging from small cooling fans for electronics to the giant fans used in wind tunnels.(read
entire article)
View : 324 Times
Category : General
Industrial Dust Collecting
By: oleg tchetchel
Tenderall Fan Co. offers the most technologically advanced systems and solutions from the leading manufacturers of filtration technology. Industrial dust collection systems and products remove industrial contaminants from polluted air, and where feasible, return clean air back into the environment.(read
entire article)
View : 321 Times
Category : Health
Industrial Process Ventilation Fan
By: oleg tchetchel
In addition to the extensive fan design and manufacturing experience, Ventilating Fan offers the most comprehensive line of fans that meet the stringent requirements associated with the control devices used in the air pollution control market. Depending on the specific application, we can design fans with a variety of options with heavy-duty construction features such as nominal leak-tight construction with specific sealing features and materials of construction specific to the contaminants.(read
entire article)
View : 340 Times
Category : Service
Fans For Dust Collector
By: oleg tchetchel
Fans are an essential part of every dust collection system and are used to assist in controlling and conveying dust for numerous applications. Whether you are capturing welding smoke or sawdust - Tenderall Fan manufactures a variety of fan types for dust collectors. Tenderall Fan offer backward inclined fans for use on the clean side of a filter, radial bladed fans for cyclone applications, and an extensive line of top mounted and side mounted units. A HEPA filter is a specific filter defined by the United States Department of Energy. Commonly used in clean rooms for the biomedical, pharmaceutical, and electronic microcircuitry industries, these filters are designed to ensure very high standards of air quality and prevent contamination. Our fans are used in these systems to force supply and exhaust air through the HEPA filter and prevent process contamination. Intake filtration is especially important in industries such as electronic microcircuitry, while exhaust filtration is used to restrict external contamination in biohazard and radioactive material handling.(read
entire article)
View : 350 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews
Energy Recovery Fan Blowers
By: oleg tchetchel
Combining outdoor air and exhaust air ventilation functions into a single unit help drive an important practice in good HVAC design-building ventilation balance. In layman's terms: What goes in must come out. Traditionally, the outdoor air needs and the exhaust air needs were calculated in separate thought processes. The designer would specify the minimum outdoor air and exhaust air volumes required by code, but would stop short of comparing the totals to check the ventilation balance. Frequently, this led to over pressurized buildings where doorways were transformed into wind tunnels. In some cases, buildings became negatively pressurized and infiltration made indoor climate control difficult.(read
entire article)
View : 475 Times
Category : General
Explosion Proof Blower Fan
By: oleg tchetchel
The likelihood of sparks with the fan housing is minimized through use of special types of spark resistant construction, depending on the type of protection required.(read
entire article)
View : 339 Times
Category : Health
Explosion Proof Ventilator Fans
By: oleg tchetchel
Likelihood of sparks with the fan housing is minimized through use of special types of spark resistant construction, depending on the type of protection required.(read
entire article)
View : 344 Times
Category : Others
Tenderall Fan Company
By: oleg tchetchel
Tenderall Fan supply fans, blowers and pumps to a wide range of industries and applications. When prolonged service wears fan wheel the logical replacement is a new fan wheel built to the original design. A technical support and sales agent will get a replacement wheel, shaft, bearings, accessories, etc. in the shortest time. She, or he may also recommend changes to extend service life and performance of your machinery, including special materials of construction, explosion-proof and spark-resistant design, variety of coatings and accessories, intended to meet practically any application needs.(read
entire article)
View : 349 Times
Category : Business
Ventilator Noise Problem
By: oleg tchetchel
Some cures for fan noise problems are:
- Select a different fan. Computerized selection routines allow us to examine many fan types looking for the quietest. Use a custom fan design, if required.
- Relocate the fan to where sound is not a problem.
- Vibration isolation and flexible connectors on the inlet and discharge will reduce structure-borne noise.
- Insulate or acoustically enclose the fan housing if housing radiated noise is a problem.
- Add silencers or duct lining to inlet and / or discharge to reduce sound in these directions. However, a silencer on the outlet does not reduce the housing radiated noise or inlet noise; and an inlet silencer does not affect the housing radiated and/or outlet noise.
- Look for ways to reduce system resistance since sound output is proportional to fan static pressure.(read
entire article)
View : 314 Times
Category : Business
How To Increase Ventilator Performance
By: oleg tchetchel
Industrial processes and plant ventilation systems often need more air than originally designed. Increased production requirements, process changes, and facility renovations are a few of the major reasons. Additionally, the lack of adequate maintenance over time can negatively impact system airflows. This article discusses several procedures that can increase airflow. Often airflow can be increased by adhering to proper fan maintenance procedures as outlined in fan installation and maintenance literature.(read
entire article)
View : 424 Times
Category : General