Here's the recent articles submitted by doyle percy
Articles By doyle percy
Knowing All The Great Things About Travel Vouchers
Submitted as: Knowing All The Great Things About Travel Vouchers
Travel vouchers can save you thousands of dollars on vacation traveling over the years. By joining a travel membership club you can receive unlimited free travel vouchers.(read
entire article)
View : 244 Times
Category : Travel
Explore The World Of Magnetic Products
Submitted as: Explore the World of Magnetic Products
Magnetic therapy is the practice of using magnets to cure a human body. Magnets, of the permanent type, can be used to create magnetic fields, and revitalize the cells of a human body.(read
entire article)
View : 277 Times
Category : Health
Your Official Disney Fans Merchandise Store
Submitted as: Your Official Disney Fans Merchandise Store
A vacation spent at Disneyland is breathtaking and magical, both for the kids and their parents. It is a great experience for the young ones, especially if it is their first visit, making them want to come back many more times, that too every vacation.(read
entire article)
View : 247 Times
Category : Entertainment
Get Amazing Freebies Online
Submitted as: kelly15501
Free samples by mail can fetch you some great deals. There are many products and services like, groceries, movie tickets, apparels, cosmetics, baby products, electronics, home appliances, household goods, food samples, entertainment, beauty products, diet and fitness, and much more.(read
entire article)
View : 287 Times
Category : Business
Management Consulting Blog
Submitted as: Management Consulting Blog
The world is fast changing and a Management Consulting Blog has become the need of the hour if you want to keep abreast with the latest in any business.(read
entire article)
View : 267 Times
Category : Business
Body Contouring In The Post Bariatric Patient
Submitted as: kelly15501
When weight loss isn’t enough, patients seek the expertise and skill of Phoenix Plastic Surgeons and Scottsdale Plastic Surgeons to make the contour difference!
Like many bariatric patients, Andrea lost a hundred and twenty pounds after having gastric bypass surgery. She incorporated a healthy diet and worked out on a regular basis, and for the most part, was with her results, except for one thing he saggy skin hanging on her lower abdomen.
No matter how much she exercised, this flap of skin was not going to go away. In many ways, this took the joy out of the progress she had made and she began to focus on the negative aspects of her unpleasant body contour.
No matter what your age, patients who have undergone bariatric surgery such as laparoscopic gastric band or gastric bypass often lose excessive amounts of weight and have extra skin which hangs uncomfortably. This overhanging or draping skin can cause discomfort, embarrassment, rashes and hygiene problems.
As the director of a successful bariatric clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, I have had many patients share the disappointment they feel with their end result. They have worked so hard to get where they are and now it is almost impossible to enjoy the reward of all the effort and life changing choices they have made.
Arizona Weight Loss Solutions has referred many of its patient to Dr. Steven Gitt and Dr. Dominic Heffel of North Valley Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgeons in Scottsdale and Plastic Surgeons in Phoenix, that have done many Post Bariatric Procedures. Andrea was referred to Dr Heffel and had a consult which was followed by a panniculectomy with a tummy tuck.
The panniculectomy is the surgical procedure that removes the large apron of skin that hangs from the abdomen. This is the most common procedure that bariatric patients discuss or ask about. In many cases this procedure is often covered by insurance for the bariatric patient due to health conditions that are created by the heavy flap of skin.
The tummy tuck portion (abdominoplasty), Andrea paid for, ut of pocket?since it was considered a cosmetic procedure. This procedure includes tightening the abdominal muscles, which is similar to creating an internal corset which produces a flatter abdomen and shapelier waistline.
Andrea dropped in for a visit recently and was ecstatic about her results. I was truly impressed with what I saw卬ot only did she look great, but I think the most important difference was in her air of confidence and attitude. The loud?that seemed to hang over her was completely non existent along with the air of negativity that seemed to govern her life, even after the weight was gone.
It was as if she had come full circle and I was thrilled for her. The biggest reward I get in my profession has nothing to do with me, but rather the hard work and commitment I see in our patients each and every day. Choosing bariatric surgery is not the easy way out as some would think, but rather a difficult journey that often does not end at a weight loss goal.
I am a proponent of being the best you can be and if after having lost your weight you want to make your body look better, I believe that is a decision only that individual can make. I can only share what I have seen and the positive results and impact it has on our patient抯 lives.
Andrea is not the only patient that has had this type of success and gone on to explore other options. Each person has their own likes and dislikes based on their individual body form, size and weight loss, and I applaud them for taking the next step to allow the true person inside to emerge.
Hard work and a little help can go a long way to bring out a new attitude and a better you!
If you are a Post Bariatric Patient who has experienced excessive weight loss and now wants to explore options to help improve those results then go to to learn more.
Morgan Cooper, Bariatric Program Director Arizona Weight Loss Solutions 480.991.6877
Steven Gitt, MD, FACS
North Valley Plastic Surgery
Phoenix, Arizona
entire article)
View : 339 Times
Category : Health
Build Homemade Solar Panels And Make Your Own Electricity
Submitted as: Build Homemade Solar Panels And Make Your Own Elec
A solar panel is an interconnected congregation of solar cells, also known as photovoltaic cells, intended to produce electricity. A single module of photovoltaic cells can only create a definite amount of wattage, which is not enough to supply power to the whole house. Hence, several modules or photovoltaic arrays are required to generate larger electrical power, and also to supply low- potential heat. A homemade solar panel installation is an assortment of small solar panels, panel batteries, interconnection wiring, and an inverter.
Materials Necessary To Build Homemade Solar Panels:
Solar cells are the essentials required to build solar panels. These are really small cells consisting of silicon molecules that react to sunbeams and generate power. To make these panels, use plywood as a foundation, copper wire to attach all the solar cells together, and an appropriate substance to construct a frame for the whole structure. Also, you must ensure that the structure is completely weather-proof.
The Basic Process
Building homemade solar panels is no rocket science. A general understanding of the procedure and a well written manual is all that is required.
* To start with, place the solar cells on the base with best possible gaping. Mark the photovoltaic cells and make holes in the foundation board for the copper wires that will help connect the cells together.
* Fix the cells to the foundation board, and cautiously line them together taking help from the manual you are using. Do not forget to put another board over the copper wiring to guard it from breakage.
* Build the frame of the homemade solar panel, put the board with the cells into the frame, and attach a glass for the front cover safely.
Once you are done with the whole procedure, you should have a professional-looking solar panel ready for use. You are now left with the only task of linking the panel with an appropriate battery arrangement that will help supply electricity to your home.
Some Useful Advice For Building Solar Panels
Take One Step At A Time
When trying to build a solar panel, do not rush into things. The best way to begin is to first construct a smaller solar panel. Like this, you will get better acquainted with the whole procedure including the shortcomings that you may face. Once you are done making a smaller panel, you will be able to do more justice to your bigger project. You can now begin constructing more panels till you attain the number sufficient to supply for all of your electricity requirements.
One of the biggest advantages of solar panels is that they do not require high maintenance. This quality makes them an extremely favorable home improvement project for numerous homeowners. If you are ready to put in the necessary hard work initially required in the making of homemade solar panels, you can actually save a large amount of cash on your electricity bills.(read
entire article)
View : 275 Times
Category : Environment
Corrosion Control Of Infrastructure Using Cathodic Protection
Submitted as: kelly15501
One of the biggest challenges facing our aging infrastructure today is materials loss and deterioration by the electrochemical reactions that cause corrosion. Many government studies indicate that in the US alone, costs due to corrosion loss is more than $400 billion annually.
Most of the corrosion loss on the infrastructure can be prevented by science and technology that is available to us today. Cathodic protection is a proven science that is utilized to help extend the useful life of infrastructure, and help to prevent corrosion related failures of pipes, storage tanks and other vessels carrying liquids, gases and hazardous materials. Preventing corrosion related failures keeps hazardous materials from polluting the environment. Corroded and deteriorated infrastructure also creates a public safety risk which we must address. Also corroded (rusty) structures are an eye sore?
When metallic structures are placed in soil or water, there are natural electrochemical reactions that take place. These reactions with the environment create natural anodic and cathodic areas on the surface of the structure. The anodic (positively charged) areas corrode, lose current and lose metal while the cathodic (negatively charged) areas gain current and don’t corrode. Scientists determined that if the entire structure can become cathodic and receive current, corrosion can be mitigated.
Cathodic protection works by inducing a DC current onto the corroding structure. As the pipe is receiving the DC current, it becomes a cathode, hence cathodic and it has been proven that this process prevents metal corrosion loss. The current source comes from placing higher charged metals called anodes in the same electrolyte environments as the structure to be protected and connecting the anode to the structure. The anode can be a galvanic type, using zinc, magnesium or aluminum alloys. Also the anode can be impressed current type, which uses an external power source, using a rectifier, which forces the current through the anode. Either way, the anodes create a positive DC current and the current leaves the anode surface and is picked up by the corroding structure (the cathode) and then the current flows through the structure and back to the connecting wire and then to the anode again. The entire system can be compared to a DC battery circuit. There is the anode, the cathode, the electrolyte and a metallic current path. All four of these items are needed for corrosion to occur and by coincidence, all four are needed for cathodic protection to work.
If the infrastructure does not have cathodic protection and is allowed to corrode or deteriorate, the replacement costs are very high. The costs of a properly designed and maintained corrosion control (cathodic protection) system are exponentially less than the costs of replacement.
Using broad-based industry experience, cathodic protection specialists and professionals offer their clients innovative, cost effective and long-term solutions for preserving their assets through corrosion control. They accomplish this through commitment to rigorous science and design procedures, advanced research, and proper application of a broad range of products and services aimed at preserving piping, equipment and infrastructure in diverse industries and environments throughout the world. These services allow commercial and government institutions to stop the corrosion of metallic structures, which, in turn, prevents or substantially delays the vastly higher expenditures required to replace deteriorated and unsafe structures.
Cathodic Protection (CP) is a proven science that has been (and still is) being utilized worldwide for the purpose of control and mitigation of corrosion activity on both buried and submerged structures. Cathodic protection can extend the useful life of infrastructure for many years and save a lot of money. It is a cost effective way to extend the life of a structure and to ensure integrity throughout its operating life.
One organization that is committed to corrosion control is The National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) International. NACE has a corrosion control and cathodic protection training and certification process. Technicians and engineers who are in the corrosion control industry can become NACE certified in the field of cathodic protection.
Cathodic protection professionals serve the following industries:
* Power and Energy
* Independent and General Contractors
* Architectural and Engineering Firms
* Water and Wastewater Municipalities
* Oil and Gas Industries
* The Federal Government
* Alternative/Clean Energy
* Lite Rail Systems (DC) and High Speed Trains
* Mobile Home Parks
* Service Stations
* All other Infrastructure and Industries
* Above and Below Grade Storage Tanks (Water, Chemical, Petroleum, etc.)
Some of the structures that can be considered for cathodic protection may include but are not limited to the following:
* Above Grade & Buried Pipelines of All Types (DIP, CCP, PCCP, Carbon Steel, PVC, etc.). Chemical, Petroleum and Water Pipes
* Marine Structures such as Mooring Dolphins, Sea Walls, Pipe Piles, Offshore Platforms and more
* Reinforced Concrete Structures
* Submerged (Internal) and Soil-Side Surfaces for Storage Tanks
* Lite Rail Systems and High Speed Trains
* Well Casings
* Intake Structures, Water Boxes and Other Structures at Power Plants
* Clarifiers, Trash Racks, Sludge Thickening Tanks and Other Structures at Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants
* Submerged Pumps and Piping at Pump Stations
* Electrical Grounding Systems at Satellite Towers and Other Locations
* Buried cables
* All Other Related Metallic and Reinforced Concrete Structures
Cathodic protection cannot be seen be the naked eye, but decades of research have proven its ability to stop corrosion. When utilized and maintained properly, along with other corrosion control methods such as materials selection and protective coatings, cathodic protection can extend the service life of infrastructure for decades or even longer.(read
entire article)
View : 269 Times
Category : Business
Best Bride-to-be Websites
Submitted as: kelly15501
Wedding planning can seem like an overwhelming process ?with so many details to take care of and options to choose from, where does one begin?(read
entire article)
View : 257 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews
Different Magnetic Therapy Products
Submitted as: kelly15501
The modern day living has contributed to several health problems. Some of them include carpel tunnel syndrome, obesity, dryness of eyes, and hypertension. Many people nowadays rely on alternative healing methods like magnetic therapy to get rid of diseases and remain fit and healthy. Magnetic therapy is based on the proper alignment of the magnetic field of the human body with that of the earth. These days, we are surrounded by gadgets like mobile phones, laptops, and microwave ovens etc, which emit electro-magnetic waves. These waves affect the alignment of human magnetic field, and leads to different health problems. But magnetic therapists have found the solution to such problems. They have devised such magnetic therapy products that help the body to heal naturally without the aid of any medicines or invasive procedures.
You can choose from products ranging from magnetic bracelets used for healing pain in the wrists to magnetic body wraps for treating chronic pain in a specific area like back, shoulder, or waist.
Let us look at some of the magnetic products available in the market.
Magnetic Bracelets
Magnetic bracelets are available in many forms and material. You can choose from stainless steel, tungsten, copper, or silver magnetic bracelets or bangles. The main purpose of these bracelets is to relieve the pain in the wrists that could be due to excessive computer use. They can also help you to de-stress, or to reduce the occurrence of headaches.
Magnetic Rings
Magnetic rings are available for hand as well as toe fingers. It helps to reduce the pain in fingers or hands. These rings are found to increase the circulation of blood and they also help to restore the natural balance of positive and negative ions in the body.
Body Wraps
Body wraps are used to treat chronic pains, which may be due to muscular strains, arthritis, or damage to the cartilage. These wraps can be worn around the aching body part to heal it. Like, it can be wrapped around the waist for lower backache, around the hips, shoulder, thigh, and so forth.
Magnetic Snore Free
Snore free is immensely useful for people who are unable to sleep properly because of their snoring problem. Snoring is mainly caused due to some kind of blockage in the nasal passage. Snore free solves this problem through its magnetic field. Snore free is a small ring that is worn between the two nostrils. It is made of plastic and consists of two rare earth magnets.
Magnetic Pillows
A good sleep at night is very important to remain healthy. It helps to de-stress and improves vitality. If you are suffering from sleep disorders, the magnetic pillow could be of great help to you. It helps one to sleep properly. It is also good for people suffering from neck stiffness, shoulder pain, migraines, and spine-related problems.
Magnetic Hair Brush
Magnetic hairbrush increases the blood circulation of the scalp and thereby promotes hair growth. The magnetic hairbrush consists of several magnets on its bristles. It also reduces dandruff and premature graying of the hair.(read
entire article)
View : 360 Times
Category : Business