Here's the recent articles submitted by gary nealon
Articles By gary nealon
Is Right Now The Perfect Time To Buy A Home?
Submitted as: Roman Osadchuk
There are some misconceptions about the current state of the housing market and the ability to secure a home loan. While some people may be afraid to jump into the current housing market, find out why now might be the perfect time.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Travel
Getting Low Interest Mortgage Rates In Today's Market
Submitted as: Roman Osadchuk
While the banks may not be giving out the risky 0% down loans any more, it is still possible to get a low interest mortgage if you have to the credit and income ratios. Find out what steps to take to get a low interest rate.(read
entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Travel
Improving Your Homes Curb Appeal- Quick List Of Do's And Dont's
Submitted as: Jake Park
Whether you are planning on selling your home, rental property, or renovation flip, curb appeal should be one of the top priorities. It can be the deciding factor as to whether potential home buyers actually make it past the front door. Here are some simple do's and dont's to make sure you are getting the most curb appeal as possible.(read
entire article)
View : 189 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Rta Kitchen Cabinets- Remodeling And Saving Money At The Same Time
Submitted as: Jake Park
Regardless of your reasoning, updating your kitchen is still one of the smartest and wisest investments you can make for your home. Read more about money saving solutions for your kitchen.(read
entire article)
View : 217 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Updating And Remodeling The Kitchen- How To Keep Your Budget On Track
Submitted as: Jake Park
The kitchen of a home is considered by many as the most important room of the house. If it is not attractive and is lacking a comfortable flow, you will avoid spending time in there. This will have a deep impact on the quality of your life with your family. It is hard to adequately cook and prepare meals if your kitchen is cramped or not laid out properly. At some level most recognize this when it happens to them.(read
entire article)
View : 174 Times
Category : Home and Garden
How To Get More Space Out Of Your Home When Buying Another Home Is Not An Option
Submitted as: Jake Park
This economy has really done a number on many families. Plans for moving into a larger home have gone down the drain for most families this year. Homeowners have had to do some quick thinking/ strategizing on how to make their existing home and situation a workable one for the time being. It is not a surprise that they decide to do some work on their home and remodel, refinish or expand.(read
entire article)
View : 174 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Avoiding The High Cost Of Custom Kitchen Cabinets
Submitted as: Jake Park
Custom kitchen cabinets can be really expensive and not always necessary. What most people don't know is that they can get a similar product that is just as durable, for a lot less money. Before setting your heart on custom cabinets, read about alternative that can save you thousands.(read
entire article)
View : 303 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Why A Diy Project For Your Kitchen May Not Be Far Fetched
Submitted as: Jake Park
Let's face it, the kitchen is the one room in the house that takes the most abuse and will show wear and tear the fastest. A complete kitchen remodel can be super expensive with most people disappointed at the high costs involved. There are ways to save money, but they involve labor on the owners part, and some non-conventional sources of materials. Most people don't think to shop online for materials, but it is actually a great way to really cut your budget, since you are cutting out the middle man. RTA kitchen cabinets is a great example of a building material that can easily save you thousands.(read
entire article)
View : 166 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Making Your Family More Comfortable In Your Home
Submitted as: Jake Park
By the time the trees mature and the landscape grows out, you have probably grown out of your home. Just as you are getting to know the neighbors it's time to get a bigger house. When the time actually comes to make a move, many owners get very nostalgic remembering all the fond memories that occurred in their home.This is when one of them usually brings up the topic of fixing up the old homestead. Their reasoning is that they can keep all the good aspects of the house and just improve on the other few that aren't working out as well. Compared to the price of a new home, a remodel project is always a winner, especially if the homeowners are handy and don't mind putting forth some sweat equity.(read
entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Comparing The Pro's And Con's Of Buying A New Home
Submitted as: Jake Park
Generally speaking, if you are selling your house to buy a bigger or newer one, you should have a pretty good idea of what it is you are looking for and what features you like/dislike. This will help you to recognize some gems in your present home that you have forgotten about or have simply under appreciated. It will also help you to be realistic in your budget for the new house. Once you take a moment to compare the two, you might have a compete change of heart and decide to stay put where you are.(read
entire article)
View : 244 Times
Category : Home and Garden