Here's the recent articles submitted by john beth
Articles By john beth
Why A Finance Masters Could Make The Difference In Your Job Search
By: john beth
Everyone is aware of the importance of finance and during these times of crisis we know more than ever how it can affect our lives. No wonder that candidates in this sector are expected to meet very high standards. Hence the need for them to carry on studying after graduating and to enrol on a Finance Masters.(read
entire article)
View : 47 Times
Category : Education
Aligning Customer With Strategy
By: john beth
A truly customer centric organisation focuses on understanding the customer beyond basic demographics or segmentation. In this type of organisation, selling products and services becomes superfluous because the total value offering is tailored to suit the customer. The offering is structured around knowing the customer intimately through research. Using insights gained through this exacting consumer research, strategic and operational decision making can be put in place that are based on consumer preferences. This delivers value in the truest sense.(read
entire article)
View : 151 Times
Category : Education
Mba's Career Impact?
By: john beth
Summary: Entering into an MBA programme is not a decision one enters into lightly, as it is an intense learning experience with a substantial price tag. One of the essential considerations that an MBA candidate takes into account is whether or not an MBA programme will have a significant enough return on investment to justify the expense and time spent completing the programme. Perhaps the main leap of faith for a potential student stems from the question: what impact will an MBA have on my career?(read
entire article)
View : 80 Times
Category : Education
London Business School Celebrates Five Years In The Middle East
By: john beth
Jonathan Beth has been in the field of business education and corporate training for over 5 years. He is currently working on the project DUBAI MBA.(read
entire article)
View : 51 Times
Category : Education
Leadership Versus Management
By: john beth
Today there is a heavy focus being placed on how managers choose to lead their workforce. With a high increase of managers returning to education to undergo a leadership training course, many are beginning to assess their management style and what improvements they can make. Below are a few popular styles that many leaders look towards.(read
entire article)
View : 90 Times
Category : Education
Cross-cultural Training
By: john beth
Today we are seeing many businesses expanding globally in order to increase their production rate; thus we are experiencing more cross-cultural teams within departments. As a result it is becoming essential for managers to be able to communicate effectively to all the cultures that form their workforce. Many have to learn how to understand culturally-informed behavioural patterns, ranging from communication styles to decision-making procedures. To aid this, there are a few guidelines that managers can follow to make this process easier; the success rate of these is further enhanced by undertaking a human resource training course.(read
entire article)
View : 138 Times
Category : Education
How To Win Business With Small Budget
By: john beth
Having entrepreneurial qualities alone is not enough to keep a business alive. You need an idea, a plan and strategies. Many businesses small and large depend on just a few (usually about two or three) strategies to attract new business. There are many ways to drive growth and new business and it is imperative that business owners or managers become fully aware of these techniques in order to survive as well as stay relevant in the industry. A few of these techniques includes;(read
entire article)
View : 71 Times
Category : Education