Here's the recent articles submitted by oleg tchetchel
Articles By oleg tchetchel
Industrial / Commercial Ventilation System
By: oleg tchetchel
Due to NFPA standards and a growing awareness of workplace health and safety hazards, industry has seen an increasing demand for effective explosion protection systems. The flammable gases and combustible dust resulting from many industrial and manufacturing processes create a serious threat, which necessitates dependable explosion prevention. Protection is also needed for potentially explosive environments.(read
entire article)
View : 403 Times
Category : Business
Kitchen Exhaust Ul762 Fans
By: oleg tchetchel
Ventilation Standards provides the minimum fire safety requirements related to the design, installation, operation, inspection, and maintenance of all public and private cooking operations except for single family residential usage. The requirements include, but are not limited to, all manner of cooking equipment, exhaust hoods, grease removal devices, exhaust ductwork, exhaust fans, dampers, fire extinguishing equipment and all other components or systems that are involved in the capture, containment and control of grease-laden cooking residue. The provisions of this standard are considered necessary to provide a reasonable level of protection from loss of life and property from fire and explosion. This standard is intended to be applied as a whole.(read
entire article)
View : 389 Times
Category : Health
Make Up Air Fan
By: oleg tchetchel
An air handling system might consist of a wall-mounted CBC Blower propeller fan coupled with an automatic shutter or an inlet weatherhood and a control system to activate the fan motor. For rooftop installations, a powered Hartzell hooded roof ventilator, which may contain a motorized shutter, can be used successfully. These systems would provide make-up air mainly for ventilation purposes.(read
entire article)
View : 313 Times
Category : Business
Chicago Blower / Canada
By: oleg tchetchel
Chicago Blower/Canada heavy duty axial and centrifugal fans are designed to handle applications involving erosive and corrosive gases, large capacities, high pressures and temperature extremes. Typical applications include air cleaning systems, mechanical draft, chemical processes, kiln exhaust, mine ventilation, gas recirculation, sinteric and cryogenic service(read
entire article)
View : 307 Times
Category : Business
Chicago Blower - Pressure Blowers
By: oleg tchetchel
Chicago Blower CBC industrial pressure blowers and high pressure radial fans are supplied in cast aluminum, cast iron, or all-welded construction to prevent flexing at high pressure. Available in direct drive arrangements 4/4V/4H/7/8 and belt drive arrangements 1/9S/9T/9H. Capacities: to 10,000 CFM. Single stage pressure blowers develop up to 4 psi static pressure. Two stage pressure blowers and multistage pressure blowers are for higher pressure.(read
entire article)
View : 472 Times
Category : Others
Airfloil Fans Of Chicago Blower
By: oleg tchetchel
Chicago Blower Airfoil Fan Kits provide the user with the flexibility to custom build a fan from individual components to meet their specific air performance and configuration requirements. With its airfoil wheel, the Fan Kit is efficient, economical and versatile. Among the components offered are airfoil wheels, inlet cones with or without integral vanes, housings and shaft coolers, as well as shafts and bearings.(read
entire article)
View : 400 Times
Category : Marketing
Axial Fans By Chicago Blower
By: oleg tchetchel
Chicago Blower Heavy Duty Axial fans are available with adjustable pitch blades are capable of more air delivery for the same horsepower. Efficiencies exceeding 70% are common. The primary reason for increased efficiency is Chicago Blower's unique blade design. The entire length of the blade surface generates air flow, not just the tip alone. The air flow is uniform all along the blade.(read
entire article)
View : 352 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Chicago Blower Canada Ventilators Prv
By: oleg tchetchel
Chicago Blower Canada PRV Power Roof ventilators provide clear evidence of the continued leadership of Canada Blower in the engineering development and manufacture of ventilating fan packages for industrial and commercial ventilation. CBC Company axial roof fans cover sizea ranging from 15" to 84" wheel diameters with capacities from 2000 CFM to 200,000 CFM.(read
entire article)
View : 338 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews
Chicago Blower Tubeaxial Fans
By: oleg tchetchel
Chicago Blower Canada tubeaxial fans are axial flow through fan designed for low pressure building ventilation and industrial process application. Uses include heat, smoke, and fume removal; process ventilation and process air handling; proces drying with ambient or preheated up to 650 F air; comfort process cooling and general ventilation of buildngs. Available in direct drive arrangements 4/4M/4V/4D/4R and corresponding belt drive arrangements 9/9M/9V/9D/9R. Capacities: to 350,000 CFM. Static pressure to 4 inches water gauge.(read
entire article)
View : 346 Times
Category : General
Vaneaxial Fans - Chicago Blower Canada
By: oleg tchetchel
Chicago Blower Canada VaneAxial Fans for variable volume air handling applications utilize adjustable or controllable pitch high efficiency aerofoil aluminum axial wheels to provide optimum performance. CBC variable pitch vaneaxial fans have an internal blade pitch adjustment, which allows to bring variable air volume capability for air conditioning, heating and ventilating applications.(read
entire article)
View : 247 Times
Category : Business