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Articles By oleg tchetchel

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Fans For Chemical Plants   By: oleg tchetchel
Some of the areas where fans are used include forced draft fans and induced draft ventilation applications. CBC Canada Co. has extensive experience providing air movement solutions involving all areas of petrochemical processing. and has worked with numerous companies throughout the United States and worldwide, serving more than 60 petrochemical facilities and counting.(read entire article)
View : 451 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science

Industrial Combustion Fan   By: oleg tchetchel
The volume of air required for theoretically perfect combustion is based on the portion of the combustible substances carbon (C), hydrogen (H2), oxygen (O2), and sulfur (S) contained in fuel. These are the only combustibles found in common fuels. In practice, the combustion system designer should determine the actual air volume requirements and the excess air margin based on an analysis of the fuel in question. The fan selection for the application should be capable of meeting both conditions with good efficiency, economy, and stability.(read entire article)
View : 438 Times
Category : Service

Commercial Fans Ventilation   By: oleg tchetchel
If there is air motion around us, the effect of "wind chill", or evaporative cooling, enables us to feel comfortable in a much higher air temperature. As the natural air temperature in most non-air conditioned buildings is much warmer than outside air temperatures, the problem of keeping humans comfortable is primarily a cooling problem. Of course, this is not the case in periods of very cold weather. Our purpose is to discuss the environmental problems that frequently exist in periods of moderate to hot weather. An effective, economical solution of these problems is vital to the success of any business.(read entire article)
View : 345 Times
Category : Real Estate and Foreclosure

Commercial Industrial Ventilator   By: oleg tchetchel
Chicago Blower Canada supplies thousands of fans to universities, hospitals, laboratories andresearch facilities, military bases, hotels, convention centers, and cruise ships around the world; working closely with architects, engineers and contractors to design and test fans that can meet the most precise quality and reliability requirements. Buffalo Fan amkes smoke and heat exhaust fans that are UL listed for Smoke Control Systems, kitchen fans that are UL 762 listed for the exhaust of grease-laden air, and a full line of laboratory and fume exhaust systems. Buffalo Fan provides fans for numerous residential building applications, such as stairwell and elevator shaft pressurization; kitchen, restroom, and pool exhaust; and every aspect of HVAC, including air handlers, gravity ventilators, and large rooftop units.(read entire article)
View : 349 Times
Category : Real Estate and Foreclosure

Commercial Industrial Fan   By: oleg tchetchel
Heavy-duty industrial equipment is specifically designed and built to stand up to the rigors of an industrial application. The differences are concrete and easy to spot...if you know what to look for. Canada Blower designs and builds equipment strictly for industrial applications and has been doing it that way for over 100 years. Industrial fans and blowers are constructed of heavier duty materials and with higher quality components than their commercial counterparts. When properly applied, industrial equipment can withstand vibration, high and low temperatures, fumes and corrosive gases, materials in the airstream, and many other situations in an industrial environment. The equipment is built to provide longer service life, thus decreasing the need and frequency for replacements. Because industrial fans are expected to last longer, they are designed to be easy to install and maintain.(read entire article)
View : 348 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

Industrial Dust Collector Blower   By: oleg tchetchel
Industrial dust collection systems and products remove industrial contaminants from polluted air, and where feasible, return clean air back into the environment. Benefits of industrial dust collection may include: - Employees are protected from the harmful effects of pollution with an effective industrial dust collection system. - Industrial dust collection keeps facilities compliant with health and air emission regulations.(read entire article)
View : 359 Times
Category : Business

Dust Collector Fan Ventilator   By: oleg tchetchel
In a manufacturing environment, vacuum systems are used to move and transport waste material. Saw dust, metal shavings, and other waste is easily transported away from work areas to a specified collection point for simplified clean up and removal. Vacuum systems are also used to provide suction for the manipulation of components, various materials and forming processes. These systems usually consist of long runs of relatively small diameter pipe or ducting.(read entire article)
View : 377 Times
Category : Business

Energy Recovery Ventilator   By: oleg tchetchel
HVAC system designers have realized the benefits of using Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) in commercial and institutional buildings. However, as with many newly adopted technologies, questions of how best to apply this product are being raised. One application issue in particular is whether to apply an ERV as a stand alone unit on its own curb, or as a bolt-on accessory to a rooftop air conditioning unit.(read entire article)
View : 371 Times
Category : Business

Explosion Proof Fan Blower   By: oleg tchetchel
Industry areas such as chemical, pharmaceutical, and various industrial processes have explosive environments that require the equipment to be specially constructed to minimize the risk of gas or dust ignition. Fans are one of the items of industrial equipment that have potential to ignite either gas or dust from either sparks caused by contact of the fan wheel and housing, or because of fan motors with high temperatures, inadequate gas / dust ingress protection, or inadequate construction.(read entire article)
View : 367 Times
Category : Business

Ventilator Noise   By: oleg tchetchel
The phenomena of both sound and vibration are very similar and related. The term “sound” is used for air or other gas while “vibration” is used for a similar disturbance of motion in a solid. The sound pressure disturbance impacting on a solid can impart a vibration while the vibration of a solid can result in sound. Some prefer to call the concept of vibration which results in sound “structure borne noise.”(read entire article)
View : 298 Times
Category : Education

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