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Articles By ankita roy

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The Best Way To Prepare For Ignou Exam To Get Good Ignou Result   By: ankita roy
The best way to score max marks in IGNOU exams in obviously by going thru the IGNOU prescribed study material & quoting examples wherever needed. Since it may not be possible for most of us to read the material, I suggest that you review previous Q Papers & analyze the way how questions are being asked.(read entire article)
View : 200 Times
Category : Education

Executive Mba Courses Need To Hike Up Ones Career   By: ankita roy
Executive MBA (EMBA) stands for Executive Masters of Business Administration. Executive MBA programme is generally meant for the professionals or the working class people, to upgrade their skills according to the latest developments happening across the globe.(read entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Education

Tips To Get Good Grade In Ignou Grade Card And Ignou Results   By: ankita roy
As we all know IGNOU Examination in commencing from 1st June 2012, Here are some very good tips to prepare you to get Good grade in IGNOU Grade Card and IGNOU Results.(read entire article)
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Category : Education

Why Ignou Hall Ticket Is Necessary To Appear In Ignou Exam   By: ankita roy
IGNOU Hall Ticket is Necessary to Appear in IGNOU Exam because there are so many IGNOU Students appear in this exam and all have different enrolment id as per their name and courses they have selected and all are appearing with different subjects and different semesters so it is very much necessary to get IGNOU Hall Ticket to know what is IGNOU Students subjects and for which semester you are appearing in this Exam.(read entire article)
View : 223 Times
Category : Education

Ignou University The 5th Largest University In The World   By: ankita roy
IGNOU played a vital role in the establishment of Distance Education Council (DEC) which is responsible for setting up standards in Distance Education in India.(read entire article)
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Category : Education

Planning For The Top Diploma Collages In Bangalore- Catch The Latest   By: ankita roy
The acute shortage of faculty is not so serious in top diploma colleges in Bangalore as it is in other higher education colleges. There can be diploma colleges in nursing, engineering or other allied subjects like pharmacy. The three branches are very different from each other and their requirements for excellence are also very different among each other.(read entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Education

Ignou Offer's Bachelor Degree Courses 2012   By: ankita roy
IGNOU main aim is to systematize experiences and strengthen the professional competency of in-service teachers and to imbibe the knowledge and develop understanding of various methods and approaches of organizing learning experiences of secondary school students.(read entire article)
View : 215 Times
Category : Education

Planning For Top B Sc. And M Sc. Colleges In Bangalore? A Quick Glance Through Them   By: ankita roy
Science is progressing at a very rapid speed and to keep up with it is not that easy now as it was when there was not so much speed. It is for this only whoever wants to join the top B Sc. and M Sc. colleges in Bangalore or somewhere else will need to choose the college very carefully. Some of the reputed colleges will be very good in teaching the traditional scientific teachings but are not very well equipped to communicate the latest developments.(read entire article)
View : 215 Times
Category : Education

The Demand For B Tech And M Tech Colleges In Bangalore Is High. Why?   By: ankita roy
Bangalore was one of the pioneering cities in India which had the foresight to increase their engineering seats in colleges to meet the huge demand that was coming to the country.(read entire article)
View : 218 Times
Category : Education

10 Tips To Get Maximum Marks In Ignou Exams   By: ankita roy
IGNOU Exam are going to start within few days , IGNOU Students are really worried and tensed regarding one question running in their mind about IGNOU Exam is that how to make themselves perfectly prepared for Exam.(read entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Education

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