Here's the recent articles submitted by donald nason
Articles By donald nason
Reducing Costs And Improving Efficiency In The Accounts Receivable Department
By: donald nason
The accounts receivable (AR) department is a crucial part of any business and the majority of the time they face similar problems as the accounts payable (AP) department, such as high costs in processing documents and delayed payments.Introducing an automated solution can be used in AR to streamline payment processing.(read
entire article)
View : 214 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
How An Automated Solution Can Help You ‘spring Clean' Your Office
By: donald nason
Spring is finally here – and usually that means it's time for a ‘spring clean', not only at home but in the office too. But even just thinking about clearing out the office can be daunting, not least due to the hundreds of papers that will need sorting – documents such as invoices, receipts, credit card statements, expense forms and letters stored in cupboards, drawers, filing cabinets and off-site. A document management solution will store all documents online, instantly accessible.(read
entire article)
View : 198 Times
Category : General
How Much Is Your Business Losing To Duplicate Payments? How An Invoice Management Solution Can Help
By: donald nason
No business wants to pay a bill twice, but it's a fact of life that duplicate payments are a common occurrence in many organisations. According to research, almost a quarter (23 percent) of companies pay duplicate invoices. An Invoice Management Solution automates invoice processing through from data capture, and has key features which can aid detection of duplicate invoices.(read
entire article)
View : 375 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Eforms – An Increasing Trend. How Does Your Business Use Eforms?
By: donald nason
The use of eForms is on the rise. Last month the Ministry of Justice announced that they were introducing crime eForms– that from 1 April 2013 they would no longer be accepting paper versions. An eForm offers a simple, cost-effective way for an organisation to capture data, data which can be accessed, retrieved and processed to help the organisation carry out business and meet targets.(read
entire article)
View : 261 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Helping The Bees And The Environment – Supporting The Bumblebee Conservation Trust
By: donald nason
As part of our company's social responsibility policy, we're delighted to be supporting the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. The dramatic decline in the number of bees in the country and the potentially disastrous effect on the ecology that could result has recently hit the headlines. One third of the world's global agricultural produce relies on insect pollination – and in the UK bumblebees are among the main pollinators. The Bumblebee Conservation Trust was set up to support rare bumblebees, and to safeguard existing and create new bumblebee habitats.(read
entire article)
View : 418 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Is The Increasing Move To E-invoicing A Reason For The Recent Improved Payment Performance In The Uk
By: donald nason
In a recent report on European payment trends, the business information provider Dun and Bradstreet reveals that payment performance in the UK has improved over the past year – and identifies the increasing move to e-invoicing as a possible factor behind this change. As it's long been recognised that late payments are in most cases caused by poor practice and inefficient and slow processing procedures prone to error, it would be hard to see why automating accounts payable (AP) processing and implementing a streamlined and efficient solution would not have a major effect on improving payment performance.(read
entire article)
View : 350 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Automate Travel And Expense Processing And Make Savings As Well As Cut Fraud
By: donald nason
Companies who choose not to automate their travel and expense (T & E) processing could not only be missing out on potential savings but also losing the opportunity to cut down on travel and expense claim fraud – so says a recent survey. See how automating T & E processing can also bring other benefits.(read
entire article)
View : 347 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Adopting E-invoicing And Improving Business – As Recommended By The Eu And Uk Government
By: donald nason
A priority of the European Union's A Digital Agenda for Europe – one of the EU's Europe 2020's flagship initiatives – is to encourage the move to e-invoicing. In a recent report Lord Young, David Cameron's advisor on enterprise, advises SMEs to make greater use of technology, mentioning payment processing in particular, and praising the government for increasing its use of e-invoicing in procurement processing with SMEs.(read
entire article)
View : 390 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Storing Documents – Legal Requirements And How To Solve The Paper-mountain Issue
By: donald nason
Having to deal with mountains of paper documents can be one of the biggest problems facing an organisation. Paper documents are expensive to process, can be misplaced or lost – and further down the line issues arise concerning storage. Which is where a document management solution comes in – storing documents electronically, safely and securely, and providing instant access 24/7 to the users you authorise.(read
entire article)
View : 351 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Going Paperless – From The Individual To The Business
By: donald nason
Last week I decided to open a new gym membership.”No problem,” they said, “just bring some proof of identity – driving licence and a utility bill will do.” So, no problem, I thought, until looking through my filing cabinet I realised I didn't have a utility bill – not a physical piece of paper I could actually pick up and take down to the gym, because I've opted to go paperless and get my monthly bills and quarterly statements by email.(read
entire article)
View : 307 Times
Category : Hardware/Software