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Articles By donald nason

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Document Management, Content Management And A Single Version Of The Truth   By: donald nason
At the end of last year we were asked to write an article about document management for a magazine. As we began we realised that the term ‘document management' is rather misleading in today's context, and that ‘content management' would be a better fit. It is the data within the document – the content – that drives the processing and for efficient processing all relevant content must be available, accessible and current at every stage of the process, and accurate. This is where maintaining a ‘single version of the truth' comes in.(read entire article)
View : 389 Times
Category : Hardware/Software

Customer Services And Smoothing The Complaint Handling Process   By: donald nason
Nearly all customers would recommend a company to their friends if a complaint had been resolved efficiently, four out of five customers would spread the word if a complaint had been handled badly, and most customers would pay more for excellent service – a Customer Services solution provides document capture, process workflow and on-line file access to streamline complaint handling, easing the work of Customer Services staff and promoting far better customer relationships.(read entire article)
View : 427 Times
Category : Hardware/Software

Efficient, Holistic, Streamlined Processing – Integration Without The Coffee And Croissants   By: donald nason
Electronic document management solutions store documents so they're accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the business, and workflow automates processing. But that may not be the end of the processing journey for the data within that document, either within department or across the organisation. Seamless integration with other line of business systems is therefore essential if multiple data entry is to be avoided, onward processing not subject to delay and interruption, and vital historical information not lost to later processing stages.(read entire article)
View : 444 Times
Category : Hardware/Software

Automated Invoice Management – No Longer The Preserve Of Giant Multinationals   By: donald nason
Invoice management solutions were originally seen as the preserve of the giant mega-sized corporations, the big multinationals and global conglomerates stretching around the world and criss-crossing the country with branches and offices. However (and while these larger organisations are continuing to streamline their Accounts Payable processing with automated solutions) many other businesses are recognising the advantages of implementing an automated invoice management solution – established, flourishing businesses, typically with turnovers of £30m to £500m and from across the board industry-wise.(read entire article)
View : 572 Times
Category : Hardware/Software

Accounts Payable Are Out To Lunch - And Other Responses To Late Payment Queries   By: donald nason
Apparently that the Accounts Payable department is busy or ‘out to lunch' comes in at number four in the list of telephone responses organisations fall back on when being chased for late payments. Late payments are a huge problem in the UK – and not only a problem for the business owed money. The organisations owing payment risk losing their reputation and valued suppliers as well as being subject to late payment penalties.(read entire article)
View : 394 Times
Category : Computers

How Can Businesses Fight The War On Invoice Fraud?   By: donald nason
Invoice Fraud has been a hot topic recently with the Cabinet Office reporting that the public sector lost £2.3 billion last year to fraudulent purchasing activity, with multiple invoicing being the main offender.(read entire article)
View : 256 Times
Category : Hardware/Software

How Can Accounts Payable Become More Efficient?   By: donald nason
The Accounts Payable department is often one of the most ‘paper rich' in any organisation and is often the single largest cost in the accounting function. This is due to many Accounts Payable departments being highly manual rather than automated.(read entire article)
View : 222 Times
Category : Business

How Can A Digital Mailroom Solution Help Your Business?   By: donald nason
Today organisations receive a lot of paper documents through the mail. To sort these documents out manually is a very time consuming and costly job, which could take hours to sort through and deliver to the right recipient, making the business process slow and inefficient.(read entire article)
View : 303 Times
Category : Hardware/Software

Cut Costs And Improve Efficiency With An Automated Expense Processing Solution   By: donald nason
Expense processing is a very time consuming and manual task; often weighed down by data entry, paper storage and distribution problems. However, an expense processing solution can automate the process, removing a lot of the paper distribution, speeding up the process and making it less open to error.(read entire article)
View : 291 Times
Category : Hardware/Software

Going For Gold In The Race To Eliminate Manual Invoice Processing   By: donald nason
The average amount of money spent processing a single invoice manually is $19, whereas with an invoice processing system, such as Documation's Invoice Management Solution (IMS), the cost of processing an invoice can drop significantly to an average cost of under $2. Implementing an IMS will not only save money but reduced data entry, increase security and lower storage costs.(read entire article)
View : 278 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science

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