Here's the recent articles submitted by william benjamin
Articles By william benjamin
How To Buy A Small Business Website In Portland
Submitted as: delilarjpaulus
There are many things to consider if you want to buy a website for your small business. If you live in a town like Portland, Oregon, which has more than its fair share of web designers, buying a website can be overwhelming. This handy guide will help you with some of the basics.
There are five ingredients?that you will need if you want to create a successful website for your small business in Portland.
These are:
- You’ll need to find a hosting company that gives you a good price and allows enough bandwidth for what you want to do
Domain name
- Is your domain name already taken? In that case, how much does it cost to purchase it? Many small business names now originate from available domain names.
- You’ll need to plan out the design for your website before you begin talking with a web design company or a web developer. The planning stage is crucial and it will save you time and money.
- Clearly articulate who the audience is going to be.
What type of website would you like to have? Your site can be informational like a high tech marketing pamphlet. It can also be an e-commerce storefront or a social networking hub. Or it can be a hybrid of several different types. There are no limits to what an affordable small business website can be.
- Make a list of your websites contents. Will it have video or will it use Flash? Will your customers be able to contact you from your site?
- Make sure you know why you need the website. Try to write down in two columns the features your business needs and wants from a website. A needed feature is one that you cannot continue without having. A wanted feature is one that you can postpone until phase 2.
- Make sure that you articulate how the website will look before you present it to a web designer. Browse other websites that you like, and feel free to draw sketches of your web pages. You can even draw a map of where the pages will be in relation to each other.
This may be the most common stumbling point for all new website owners. It is not as simple as if you build it, they will come.?Just like a brick and mortar storefront, you have to promote it.
- Your website is where your brand lives in the online world. Take advantage of every opportunity to direct people to it from the physical world. Put it on your business cards, stationary, and marketing materials.
- There are many ways you can optimize your site for search engines as well. This is called Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, and it is the crucial difference between getting zero visitor or millions of visitors. Many Portland web designers offer at least a minor degree of on-page SEO, so make sure your site is optimized for search, no matter what.
This would be the care and feeding of your website. Your website is not static like a neon sign. It is a powerful way to communicate with your customers. To make it work, it will take time and effort.
- Set aside time to post a regular blog, videos, and press releases. Your customers need a reason to visit your site regularly.
- Web developers can maintain your site, or you can do it yourself with special editing software.
- A Content Management System, or CMS, can also be used to edit your site without the addition of expensive software. Most CMS systems pay for themselves in the first 2 hours of use, rather than paying hourly rates for web designers.
Ask these questions and more to ensure you have a solid understanding of what is involved in setting up your website, and getting it found in the Portland, or Pacific Northwest抯 regional markets. Soon you will be on your way to finding a great web development company, and an outstanding deal on a website design.(read
entire article)
View : 328 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Looking For A Russian Bride?
Submitted as: delilarjpaulus
Have you been wondering how to get in touch with a Russian woman to make her your Russian bride? You don’t have to look any further now as a single command of your computer button will place before you details of thousands of Russian singles. All that you need to do is visit This site will provide a plethora of opportunities and facilities for correspondence, chatting on phone, video chatting, dating, going on romantic tours, apartment rentals, and sending gifts to Russian or Ukrainian women. You can avail all these facilities by logging on to the site.
Facilities Offered By The Site
It is nearly impossible for you to search and contact Russian women, especially when they are located thousands of miles away. This site is an effective source and a deep well of information for thousands of potential Russian brides with whom you can get in touch. The site facilitates sending of gifts to hundreds of cities and towns all across the length and breadth of former Soviet Union. They also organize romance tours to Russia and Ukraine on a regular basis. These tours enable the participants to meet Russian women and select the right one for them. Some of the most beautiful Russian and Ukrainian women attend these tours.
The company running this site has over 80 full-time professionals based in offices in America and in Russia. Their infrastructure facilities enable them to offer quality services designed to make it easier for you to meet and pair up with beautiful Russian women.
The other facilities offered by the site include mail correspondence with which they enable you to correspond with various Russian women. The mail from these ladies is specially marked and new contacts have a different color to enable you to distinguish them. They have contacts of nearly 13,000 active profiles of gorgeous women. The site also arranges for you to talk on the phone with these ladies. The facility of video conferencing is also available so that you can get to know them better. Furthermore their romance tours add a tinge of fun when you meet them in person. This site is a very valuable link between men and women on both sides of the Atlantic.
The site has a lot of resources in terms of contacts with hundreds of agencies throughout various countries of the former Soviet Union. Moreover, whenever you write a letter to any Russian or Ukrainian woman thousands of miles away, the letter is delivered in the shortest possible time. A translation facility is also offered on both sides. The dating facility is also very convenient where gentlemen can meet ladies from the erstwhile Soviet Union through the site. Their translator facilities make it easy for the couple to converse and get to know each other more better.(read
entire article)
View : 310 Times
Category : Business
The Migration To Medical Record Software And Web Applications
Submitted as: delilarjpaulus
Emergency rooms are being flooded with patients who don’t need to be there. These patients have minor maladies such as the flu, small fractures, or sinus infections.
The cost of treating these patients in the E.R. is about three times higher than it would be at an outpatient medical or urgent care clinic.
Retail outpatient clinics, such as Minute Clinic and Wal-Mart’s in-store clinics, provide a convenient way for patients to deal with minor medical problems. They like to call it healthcare on demand.
Consider Zoom Care, a retail healthcare company that operates three clinics in Oregon.
Zoom Care patients already know the length of their wait time and the price of their visit before they arrive.
This convenience is made possible by a web-based software system connected to each of Zoom Care’s clinics.
Online healthcare information is available through audio and video clips posted to the Resources area of Zoomcare’s website. This information serves a dual purpose of providing healthcare education and marketing to patients interested in changing their lifestyles.
The type of treatment available is outlined in a customer friendly “menu†also available on the website. Services include vaccinations, physical exams, strains, sprains, and fractures.
The patient leaves the office with a receipt for the exact amount of services and can ask follow up questions using an online form.
Wal-Mart’s in-store medical clinics take this a step further by storing patient health records electronically and making them available online.
In his excellent article, “the Wal-Martization Of Health Care†William Sage notes that retail clinics start with electronic record keeping. The old “primary Careâ€business model stores records on paper before digitizing them.
When this emphasis on electronic medical record keeping is combined with the low rental costs of a retail space, overhead costs drop dramatically. This results in lower costs for the customer.
While effective use of healthcare management software makes it possible for retail clinics to lower costs and increase convenience, the lack of innovation taking place within primary care clinics is disappointing.
A visit to the websites of the larger HMO’s revealed few features that increased patient convenience.
Unfortunately, good care does not always occur at retail clinics. Browsing a customer opinion site such as Yelp! yields good and bad stories about retail clinic care.
Many of these clinics employ nurses with advanced degrees and physician’s assistants. Most problems occur because the supervising doctor is not always onsite.
It is interesting to note that HMO clinics, such as Kaiser Permanente, also rely on a high percentage of R.N.A. nurses, student physicians, and physician’s assistants.
While retail clinics might represent a big change for community healthcare, they will not replace primary care.
It is likely that retail clinics will reduce the volume of patients who are flooding primary care facilities for minor medical issues.
It is clear that the “health Care On Demand†model, which effectively uses online interaction, transparent pricing, accessible locations, and electronic medical records, creates strong competition to HMO businesses. What isn’t clear is how good the quality of care actually is.
The self-service model of web driven client management systems is most certainly in full swing by this point, though underutilized. HMOs and even small practices can now effectively compete in this realm thanks to the increased affordability of web technology.(read
entire article)
View : 306 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Knowledge Is Power When It Comes To Commercial Products And Sales
Submitted as: delilarjpaulus
In today’s world, it is sometimes hard to be a consumer. So many products are out there, vying for our attention and our money. Which ones do we chose? Which ones can we live without? Which ones do we absolutely need?
Being an uneducated consumer can cost you time and money both. There are people out there pushing all kinds of commercial products trying to bring up their sales with a good pitch. But how do we know if what they’re saying is really true? They’re trying to convince us because they think we can’t live without their product, but are they telling us truth or just feeding us a line?
There is no doubt that there are many good products out there worth spending our money on. The problem remains in finding them. On our own, we may be forced to try product after product to get what we need. That costs us money and time, neither of which most people have a lot of to spare. It would be invaluable to find a place that offered honest reviews on products and services you are considering.
Whether they be through blogs or articles or simple comments, being able to read about someone’s personal experience with something can help you decide if it is for you or not. Even if someone writes a review that appears negative, it can be that what they didn’t like about a commercial products or service is what you would like. After all, these reviews are just one person’s opinion. But good or bad, you can process what you read and make the decision for yourself.
When money is tight as it is for most people in this economy, the more informed we can be about the decisions we make, the better we go. Being able to purchase a product or service with confidence in our knowledge of what we are buying is a good feeling. The more information we can have, the better our chances are in getting our money’s worth.
Commercial products are everywhere. Sales people are trying to get us to buy their services. Everywhere common people are bombarded with something or the other that, according to them, is what we need to improve the quality of our life. They may be right, they may be wrong. In the end only our own knowledge of what we truly need and what they are offering will help us to make the right decision.
While it’s never good that someone has a bad experience with a product or service, we can learn from their experiences. And in turn, others can learn from our experiences if we are willing to share them as well. This you can do by visiting such sites that allow you to leave a note on your experiences with certain products and services. One has to make out between good, bad, and worsts available. A thorough research and a little look around can solve this problem of anybody.
Experience and knowledge are always good things to share when it comes to sales and commercial products. As our knowledge grows when we learn from other people’s experience, it is only right to also turn around and give to others what was given to us.(read
entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Business
Shop Easily By Knowing More About Shopping Trends Through Shopping Blogs
Submitted as: delilarjpaulus
It happened in the year 1997 that the blogs came into existence and in the early 2000s they became very popular. It is driven by the level of easiness due to which any kind of blogs could be created and hosted on the web. When it comes to blogs, we know that they are often about some specific matters and issues related to public, government, organizations, corporate, shopping blog, or anything that one can think about.
The reason that blogs have become immense popular is because they relate to specific interests of the people and one can easily look for information according to his own needs. Blogs are interactive, promotional, kind of brand information area, and interesting as well. They are a kind of media source and marketing is one of the ways they are opted for. Now you would be thinking why and how marketing is associated with it.
Shopping blogs are one of those blogs that have become majorly popular among the mass. They are the easiest way to know about shopping techniques, and gives full information on the online search you can make. The shoppers can browse a number of blogs to get information regarding shopping services providing sites.
Through shopping blog services, you can manage your festival season well and you can get more time for your family. When you go out for shopping, it takes tremendous time to look for things that you want to purchase and decide upon them finally. But this becomes immensely easier when you look for products online and purchase them just with the click of a button.
For online shoppers, the Internet has made everything so effortless. You can have a thorough look at things available and choose among different line of products from just one blog or maybe through different blogs. By doing this you can also get across great deals and comparative prices available for the products. Additionally, a shopping blog can find out those things for you that you are not able to find in regular retail outlets.
What more you can find in a shopping blog is hot shopping trends, brand new products, fashionable items, beauty products, beauty and health solutions, and most popular dresses according to culture and ongoing trends. Online shopping through a shopping blog is really easy, you can shop for a number of things like
* Jewelry
* Outdoor décor
* Toys and games for children
* Automotive products and equipment
* Fun products for your pet
* Gift items
* Fashion clothing and many more…
If you are tired of going to the shopping malls or shopping centers, but you still have to shop certain things for the festive season, then shopping blog is the best option you have. They can give you complete information regarding what’s new and what’s out-of-fashion and would really make your shopping a great experience. It is informative, and it can make shopping more fun too. Internet shopping saves lots of your precious time; it gives you time for many other important things like spending quality hours with your kids instead of looking out things at a shopping center.(read
entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Business
Cheap Cd Duplication Services Must Come With A Guarantee
Submitted as: delilarjpaulus
There can be several situations when you may need to avail cheap CD duplication services. For example, you might be working in the computer field and need over thousand CD copies of a specific software program. Likewise, you might be involved in a music business and need lots of CD copies for market distribution. Unless you have the tools and time available to perform such tasks on your own, it is always wise to avail a professional service for CD duplication. Following is a brief rundown on how to avail the best services in this regard.
Guarantee Of Quality Work
There are several places that offer this type of service, but you had better visit the one that also gives you guarantee of quality work. Just because they are charging a low amount as compared to their competitors, it does not mean that you should compromise with the quality. Even if it is a cheap CD duplication service, the guarantee must protect the content of your CDs. All CD copies must have correct formatting without any discrepancies or errors.
The Service Provider Must Be Able To Meet Deadlines
When you choose to get professional service for CD duplication, you probably also have certain deadlines to meet, depending upon your specific needs and requirements. Therefore, it is also important for you to make sure that the service provider gives you the guarantee that your CD copies will definitely be ready within a certain time frame. Time is often a crucial factor for someone who needs lots of CD copies for a specific purpose. So, choose a service that is reputed to perform these tasks in a timely manner.
Are They Using The Latest Technology?
Whether you are looking for CD duplication in London or at any other place, you are strongly recommended to choose a service provider that uses the latest and most advanced technology to produce copies of CDs. In fact, only a provider with that kind of technology can offer you guarantee of quality work. So, while you are visiting these providers, do not hesitate to ask about the technology they are using. It is also better if you ask these questions from the staff who is actually going to prepare the CD duplication copies for you. If the staff is highly knowledgeable and answers all your queries methodically, you can trust their services. However, if the staff is hesitant in answering the queries or if they give you wrong information, you should immediately be on your guard.
The rapidly increasing demand for cheap CD duplication services has also restyled in cutthroat competition among the service providers. The options abound. So, you have to be very careful before you sign up for a specific service. Search on Internet, read reviews, ask for free quotations from some reputable service providers, and interview their staff – this is how you can maximize your chances of getting the best CD duplication service. Most importantly, you should never hesitate in negotiating the deal. Negotiation does not cost anything; instead oftentimes it helps save a lot of money.(read
entire article)
View : 318 Times
Category : Business
Resveratrol For Weight Loss
Submitted as: You have probably heard by now that Resveratrol su
You have probably heard by now that Resveratrol supplements are being widely reported as being beneficial for your health in many ways, including the ability to increase your life span, prevent cancer, manage diabetes, and more. Now, more and more companies are promoting Resveratrol for weight loss. Impressive Study Results Resveratrol is being studied with rather impressive results to assist those who are fighting the battle of the bulge. So far, scientific research has shown that Resveratrol activates the SIRT1 gene, which has been evidenced to help attain weight loss. Further, studies have also led scientists to believe that Resveratrol supplements can increase the user's endurance, thus giving them more stamina to work out and therefore reach their weight loss goals. In fact, mice that were given a high dosage of Resveratrol lost weight and saw a decrease in their fat cells. Researchers believe that this is due to the improvement of insulin sensitivity and increased metabolic rate that those taking Resveratrol supplements exhibit. In fact, mice in the above study that were given Resveratrol were observed with a twofold increase in endurance during exercise. This study and others of its kind have gained a conclusion among many members of the scientific community that Resveratrol supplements can promote weight loss by increasing metabolism, raising energy levels and suppressing appetites. Resveratrol and Metabolism Metabolism is the key to weight loss of any kind; the faster your metabolism or metabolic rate is, the faster your body processes and breaks down the food and drink that you consume into energy. In more simplistic terms, your metabolism determines how much energy and fat your body can burn without you putting in any extra effort to do so. An increased metabolism sets the body on the course to become a fat-burning machine, even without exercise. However, Resveratrol supplements have been shown to also increase energy and endurance levels, which will make it easier for you to exercise – helping you lose more weight and burn even more fat. Resveratrol and Appetite Suppression One of the biggest barriers to any successful weight loss program is hunger. Whether it is real physical hunger or just unjustified cravings, if your appetite is out of control, it’s a real stumbling block to weight loss. Resveratrol has been shown to be an effective appetite suppression to allow you to suppress the hunger pangs that you feel, or the incidence of uncontrollable cravings that can totally sabotage your well-thought-out diet plan. Why Resveratrol Supplements? (Isn't Resveratrol Found in Food?) Since Resveratrol has been marketed so heavily lately, there's a lot of misinformation out there about this important nutritional supplement. Yes, Resveratrol was first isolated in food decades ago. But the fact of the matter is that Resveratrol found in food is in such minute quantities that you would have to eat massive amounts of the food in order to gain the benefits of Resveratrol. If eating 133 cups of peanut butter to get 20 mg of Resveratrol in one day sounds unlikely, the supplement form is best for you. (No sensible person trying to lose weight would eat peanut butter anyway). And you would need to drink an entire liter of red wine to get the recommended dosages of Resveratrol that is required to promote weight loss. So for these reasons, we can be grateful for quality Resveratrol supplements that can assist with finally winning the battle of the bulge!(read
entire article)
View : 277 Times
Category : Business
Hiring A Condo Lawyer When Buying A Condominium
Submitted as: delilarjpaulus
A condominium is a form of dual possession of property in which parts of the asset are jointly owned and other parts are independently possessed. The boundaries of the space are defined by an authorized document known as a Declaration, filed with the governing authority. Normally these boundaries will comprise of the drywall adjoining a room, permitting the owner to make modifications to the interiors without touching the shared area.
Condominiums are generally governed by a set of rules and regulations which are established by the Board and are not easily amendable. The most usual set of condo laws comprise of obligatory maintenance fee, which is normally collected every month, restrictions on keeping pets, and paint/design selection for the outside, that has to be similar to the texture provided to the walls of the other units.
Another significant decision is of hiring a condo lawyer to take care of the real estate transactions. Purchasing or selling a condo involves several legal formalities. A normal transaction takes about seven weeks but one little mistake can have massive implications on the shifting time hence, it is always good to take professional counsel right from the beginning. There are numerous reasons why one should engage a condo lawyer while purchasing a condo. These reasons include-
Assistance With The Completion Of The Purchase
Do ensure that every single legal procedure involved, in securing the property, is well taken care of. From the initial negotiations to safeguarding the title to the condo, everything should be managed professionally. Your condo attorney may be able to assist you with this.
Legal Advisory
The condo lawyer can advice you on your responsibility, rights, and the plans that can make your purchase easy.
Assistance With The Closing Transaction
Closing is the concluding step while carrying out a transaction. It is at this point where documents are signed, titles are handed over, and information and keys are traded, along with huge sums of capital.
Safeguarding Your Interests In The Occasion Of A Dispute
It is a fact that where properties are involved, disputes happen. There can be several reasons that may lead to a dispute. For instance, condo buyers who make a decision not to close on the units may fall into a quarrel with the seller. Normally, a buyer is at liberty to ask for a fractional refund of their condo deposit and if they are intelligent enough they will call off the contract with the help of a condo lawyer. He will direct them through the procedure, defend their rights, and get a reasonable settlement. Therefore, be very careful while choosing an attorney and make sure s/he knows their job well and acts in your best interests in case any dispute takes place at any time.(read
entire article)
View : 249 Times
Category : Business
Rhinoplasty, A Complex Operation Simplified
Submitted as: delilarjpaulus
Summary: Rhinoplasty is the most difficult and challenging operation in all of cosmetic surgery. The anatomy of the nose is complex and varies greatly on an individual basis. Much of rhinoplasty is done under the cover of the skin, and the operating surgeon must understand how the changes made in the underlying structures will look when the skin shrinks down upon them.
Rhinoplasty is the most difficult and challenging operation in all of cosmetic surgery. The anatomy of the nose is complex and varies greatly on an individual basis. Much of rhinoplasty is done under the cover of the skin, and the operating surgeon must understand how the changes made in the underlying structures will look when the skin shrinks down upon them.
The internal anatomy of the nose consists of a pair of comma shaped tip cartilages, one on each side, a pair of upper cartilages, and a pair of bones at the top. The nasal septum, which divides the nose down the middle is made of both bone and cartilage. The soft tissues of the nose may be thick or thin. The width of the nostrils is determined by soft tissue. With the exception of the nostril width, the soft tissues cannot be changed, and must be allowed to shrink down onto the bony and cartilaginous skeleton which is revised during rhinoplasty.
A lengthy pre operative consultation is required between the surgeon and the patient in order to determine to what degree the patient desires for a change in the appearance of the nose can be accomplished by the surgery. The operation generally requires two to three hours to complete. The patient is most often under a general anesthetic (asleep) administered by an anesthetist, so that the patient is not aware of what goes on during the procedure. Many rhinoplasties are done through an open tip incision across the base of the nose, which allows the tip cartilages to be exposed and modified. Some rhinoplasties are done with no external incisions, by the so called closed technique, and changes are made in the bones and cartilages from the inside.
Nasal tips may be excessively round (bulbous) or wide. Some tip cartilage may need to be removed from each side, or the two tip cartilages may need to be sewn together in the middle to narrow the tip. The profile of the nose may be too high or there may be a ump?over the top of the nose. The height is reduced and/or the hump is removed by sliding a chisel along it or by using various filing devices called rasps. Some noses are excessively wide, which is corrected by a controlled racture?along the junction of the sides of the nose with the cheeks. If the nostrils are too wide, a small wedge is removed from the base of each, and sutures are placed to close the gap. If the nose or the nasal septum is deviated, this can be corrected by removing the deviated portion of cartilage, and/or sculpting the septal cartilage back into the midline.
When the surgery is complete, a molded splint is placed on the nose for a week. When the splint is removed, the change is the profile is generally noticeable, but swelling on the front view persists for several weeks, and a little bit of it lasts several months. One must be careful not to bump the nose for about a month.
Even the most experienced surgeon occasionally has to go back and ouch up?a rhinoplasty surgery, if things do not settle as expected. Secondary rhinoplasties are usually done in the operating room, but under local anesthesia, and take just a short time to accomplish.
Most patients experience a major improvement in their appearance, and also in their self esteem. For more information on Rhinoplasty please visit us online at
Martin Bell, MD, FACS
Steven Gitt, MD, FACS
North Valley Plastic Surgery
Phoenix, Arizona.
entire article)
View : 288 Times
Category : Health
Importance Of Property Management
Submitted as: delilarjpaulus
Property Management is managing or handling of real estate by someone other than the owner. It is quite a specialized area, which requires the expertise of a professional. Various companies are available in the market providing these services to their clients. Information regarding managing of real estate could not only be found in specialized papers and magazines but also online through specialized websites dedicated solely to the same. In fact, according to the latest US census report, the real estate management industry is growing at an average growth rate of around 7 to 8 %.
The importance of effective management of your real estate properties can be illustrated as follows:
A property management company handles various duties for its clients. These include vacancy advertisements for landlords, rent acceptance, doing background checks on prospective tenants, and responding and addressing various maintenance issues regarding the estate.
A number of specialized professionals employed by your real estate management company will work to take care of the problems faced by you, their client. These roles can be that of an onsite manger, tenant representative, leasing agent, manger of the different properties owned by the client, and the portfolio manager.
The firm acts as a go-between the tenant and the landlord while handling all queries and complaints of the tenants. This helps the owner and he or she does not have to deal with any of these problems.
The management company handles the various legal aspects regarding the real estate to save their client from any future hassles.
One of the major problems faced by real estate owners are regular building repairs. This covers a range of exterior and interior damages such as windows, damp course treatments, brickwork, rotting, and various others. The hired company will take care of all this as well, if the owner instructs them to do so.
Another important aspect of maintenance that illustrates the importance of management firms is that they ensure safe installation of the electrical wiring and equipment. This ranges over a host of services normally overlooked by everyone such as changing light switches to the more complex task of house re-wiring.
Roofing is also a part of functions performed by the professionals of a management company. They check the leaks and fix any other type of problems that may be detrimental to the value of the property. Thus, they ensure that the real estate property is well maintained in all respects.
There are many firms in the market that manage both residential and commercial properties. However, while choosing a property management firm, one should take care to choose the one with ample experience and expertise. Most of these companies are certified and licensed in real estate management.
You can even use software for managing your properties without taking any help from any firm. This allows you to organize your properties while reminding you of the expiry dates of the leases, late rent, and provides extensive reports of the conducted operations.
Thus one should provide ample amount of time and attention for managing one’s property or properties. After all, for more most of us, it is one’s of our biggest investments and if properly managed, can provide one with a life-time of earnings.(read
entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : Business