Here's the recent articles submitted by shanti prasad
Articles By shanti prasad
Saving Money With Online Drive Snapshot Coupons, Drive Snapshot Coupon Codes, Drive Snapshot Promoti
Submitted as: shantiprasad
Now-a-days, people often prefer online shopping as it saves a lot of time and money. Online shopping is increasing day to day by using Drive Snapshot coupons, Drive Snapshot coupon codes, and Drive Snapshot promotional codes, Drive Snapshot free shipping in the present position to save money.
Drive Snapshot coupon codes, Drive Snapshot promotional codes, Drive Snapshot promo codes, coupons, Drive Snapshot vouchers, are simply numeric number which can be entered at the checkout of Drive Snapshot online store, from this online shopper will get discount against the retailer price of many goods in Drive Snapshot store. Drive Snapshot provide these coupon codes in order to increase sales over certain periods of time. The Drive Snapshot coupon codes, Drive Snapshot promotional codes are valid in short term, which will be valid only for very few days.(read
entire article)
View : 145 Times
Category : Health
Get Rid Of Heat From The Body By Following Some Tips
Submitted as: shantiprasad
It does not need special treatment, but here are a few precautions to keep it at bay.. Summer temperatures are slowly heating up. The long days of hot and humid weather make you sweat like a pig. It's a sheer torture especially when prickly heat or heat rash appears on the skin. Suddenly you feel like your body is covered with pins and needles.
bumps and spots also known as miliaria rubra can give you itching, a stinging or prickling sensation and discomfort. Prickly heat does not need any special treatment and it will vanish within a few days. However, you can take precautions to stay away from this irritating problem.(read
entire article)
View : 161 Times
Category : Health
Treatment For Skin Care:
Submitted as: shantiprasad
In order to effectively treat acne, you need to be aware of what factors can cause or aggravate your condition. You’ve no doubt heard the common myths that eating chocolate or oily foods causes acne.
Once a person reaches the age of 25, their chances of developing acne or suffering from additional outbreaks will drop dramatically. For adults in their mid-thirties or older, the risk of acne is even less. Many cases of adult acne are the result of a hormone imbalance. Although acne can affect people of all ages, it’s most predominant in teens and young adults in their early twenties.
Healthy Diet
A well-balanced healthy diet can be beneficial in treating this condition. In order to keep your skin hydrated and looking its best, try to eat several servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day. A sufficient water intake is also important. While it’s true that indulging in chocolate, sweets, or oily foods does not cause acne In addition to helping your acne, drinking lots of water will improve your overall health.
The relationship between stress and acne has been a hot topic for many years. Although stress may not be the culprit in an initial acne outbreak, unnecessary emotional turmoil can worsen an acne condition or cause frequent reoccurrences. By exercising or practicing some type of relaxation techniques, you can greatly reduce your stress to a more manageable level.
Skin Care
In fact, harsh cleaning is more likely to aggravate or cause the acne to spread. A mild cleanser or toner used daily is your best bet. Avoid facial creams and cleansers that contain harsh ingredients, which can irritate or dry out the skin cells..
Acne cases may be related to a vitamin deficiency in the body. If you’ve tried improving your eating habits but still experience frequent outbreaks, you may wish to try adding vitamin supplements to your diet. Vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E are all beneficial in promoting healthy skin.
Exposure to sunlight
Another common acne myth is that sunlight exposure will heal or “dry up†your blemishes. While a tanned face may help to conceal red blotchy patches on your skin, a day in the sun will not heal or improve acne.
In fact, if you’re currently taking any type of acne medication or applying topical ointments, sunlight exposure can even aggravate your acne further.
It’s important to realize in most cases there is no quick fix or miracle drug to cure your problem. Treating acne often involves a variety of methods including medication, dietary changes, proper skin care, and relaxation techniques.
Acne No More coupons, Overnight Acne Cures coupon codes, Mr X Acne promotional codes, Ultimate Acne Solution promotion codes .(read
entire article)
View : 165 Times
Category : Health
Preventions To Control Skin Cancer
Submitted as: shantiprasad
Protect body from sunlight:
Wear the right stuff. When you can, wear protective, tightly woven
clothing such as a long-sleeved shirt and pants. If not, wear sunscreen
under your clothing; a standard T-shirt only provides SPF protection of
5 to 8. A wide-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses are important for protecting the delicate skin on your face and your eyes. Be sure your
sunglasses have UVA and UVB protections, which should filter at least 80percent of the sun’s rays.
Apply lotions:
Apply and reapply sunscreen creams. Protect your body from UVA and UVB rays and has a Sun Protection Factor of at
least 15. SPF measures how long it takes sunscreen-protected skin to
begin to burn, or turn red, as compared to unprotected skin. For
instance, if it takes unprotected skin 10 minutes to burn, then skin
protected with an SPF value of 15 will take 150 minutes, or 2 1/2 hours,
to burn. However, depending on the intensity of the heat, sunburns could occur in a much shorter time. Sunscreen should be reapplied often especially after swimming or sweating - and applied over all exposed areas of the body, including lips and ears, to ensure ongoing
Avoid Tanning Beds:
If you love the look of tanned skin, find a good
self-tanner not a tanning bed. Artificial UVA rays in tanning booths not
only inflict the same type of skin and eye damage as the sun, but may be
as much as 20 times stronger than natural sunlight.
Head for the shade:
Did you know that if your shadow is shorter than
you are, you’re more likely to get sunburn? This means the sun is
near its zenith, or its highest - and hottest - point of the day. When
your shadow is short, seek the shade or head indoors to better protect
yourself during these intense rays.
Examine your skin
Take a good look at your skin from head-to-toe
monthly. If you see some change in your skin, have it checked
immediately by your doctor. Early detection is important.
Start protective measures early
Children are at risk too. Keep newborns out of the sun. Minimize sun exposure and apply sunscreen to children 6 months and older who are outdoors. Most skin cancers appear after age 50, but skin damage from the sun begins at an early age. Therefore, protection should start in childhood to prevent skin cancer later in life.
Save your money by using Malignant Melanoma Skin Cancer Coupons to control skin care.(read
entire article)
View : 151 Times
Category : Health
Steps To Be Taken To Lose Weight In Short Time
Submitted as: shantiprasad
1. Exercise is essential
A minimum of I hour session of exercise per week is what you need for long term weight loss and weight loss maintenance. Remember recent research has shown that three 10 minute sessions in a day are as good as one 30 minute session. No more ' No time to exercise' excuses. Make sure to choose a form of exercise you enjoy. Makes it easy to stick with it. Go walking with a friend; try your local gym classes. You will begin to enjoy positive benefits of exercise once you have given a chance to and will become addicted.
2. Plan your work
How often, how long and how hard you exercise, and what kinds of exercises you do should be determined by what you are trying to accomplish. Your goals, your present fitness level, age, health, skills, interest and convenience are among the factors you should consider. For. Each workout should begin with a warm up and end with a cool down. As a general rule, space your workouts throughout the week and avoid consecutive days of hard exercise.
3. Weight loss and weight training:
The more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you will burn. This is why world class weight lifters must eat thousands of calories a day to maintain their weight. Muscle is active tissue and "burns" a significant number of calories each day for its own maintenance. When aerobic activity burns calories, muscles give your metabolism a significant boost even, while you boost.
4. Keep your health fitness rather than becoming slim
Change your mindset to think in terms of fitness for weight loss. Many people have changed their priority from weight loss to fitness and have succeeded at long term weight loss goals.
5. Balanced Diet
Let the largest part of your calorie come from grain-based foods; the next from vegetables and fruits; then from fish, poultry, meats, and dairy products. The less fat and oil you eat, the better. Again biggest part of the calories you take in each day should come from grains, and the smallest amount should come from fats, and oils. The best way to get the nutrients you need is through a healthy diet.
6. Weight loss and diet control
Gradually bring diet changes in your life style. Sudden changes in eating habits in a lose weight program usually backfires. Try and reduce your intake in phases. Start with 5-10% reduction in your first week. Try and bring diet changes gradually in your life style. Reduce further if you feel necessary. You will feel astonishingly light, usually after a couple of week
7. Rest your body
Give your body enough rest, especially between the days of muscle toning weight work outs. And have proper sleep hours.
8. Warm up
Do not forget to warm up and to cool off before and after work outs. Warm up increases your heart rate gradually instead of a sudden burst/change. And increases your body temp, prepares your muscles for the intense work out that follows. Cooling off works, in reverse. It brings down heart rate gradually allowing blood pumping to slow down to normal phase gradually. Warming up and cooling off, prevents shocks to your body muscles and joints thus minimizing injuries.
9. Eating less fat will lose your weight
Eating less fat and with excessive amounts of fat-free products will not help. That's because fat-free foods have calories too.(read
entire article)
View : 197 Times
Category : Fitness