Here's the recent articles submitted by michael keen
Articles By michael keen
Webmasters Creating Online Arcades To Earn Major Revenue
Submitted as: Mike Adams
When you display ads you make a lot of money. There are subscription-based arcade sites and some communitys forums which bundle a gaming arcade membership with a paid account. However, most money earners are the free arcade sites. Webmaster are making more money by paid advertising of there sites using Google AdWords, AdBrite, Fark Classifieds, eBaumsWorld . Among these Google AdWords is highly recommended.(read
entire article)
View : 339 Times
Category : Business
Social Networks Falling Behind Online Arcades In Profitability And Popularity
Submitted as: Mike Adams
Now days having an online arcade gaming site is more rewarding then having a social network site. The traffic on the online arcade sites are increasing day by day. Within advent of the Internet, arcade games have moved online and you'll be amazed at the variety. There are many arcade script with which one can have more than 1000 of arcade games. Cadenix is one such site which provides arcade script that can have 1000+ games.(read
entire article)
View : 295 Times
Category : Business
Webmasters Making Huge Profits From Online Arcades
Submitted as: Mike Adams
Each up coming stage is difficult than previous one and with each stage the enthusiasm also goes up. The games find him caught up in game and it's very hard to leave the game on peek. Many played stick to game for many hours to be victorious in the game. At start, the player feels intense irritation and very conscious to reach the final stage and when he conquers the game, a feel of tranquil happiness arouse. You can find numerous Indian gaming portals on the net that has a variety of arcade. In many games, developer has used the illusions of well known personalities engage in war to arouse the interest of gamers. Many people do not like this kind of games due to violence and of argue that these games also become the reason to bring aggressiveness among players in real world too. This can be true but we can not ignore the fun and adventure of game reasonably.(read
entire article)
View : 324 Times
Category : Business
Arcades Bring In Tons Of Traffic And Revenue To Webmasters
Submitted as: Mike Adams
With the arrival of Macromedia Flash and Shockwave, the esteem and popularity of arcade sites is restlessly increasing day by day. Arcade sites offer an extremely wide range of online arcade games and you don't even need to insert coins in the game machine's slot to play these games as it was before. Most of these sites include a few exclusive arcade games that can't be played unless you pay for them. On the other hand, the same sites offer a numbers of arcade games that are allowed to be played without affording a cent.(read
entire article)
View : 339 Times
Category : Web Traffics
Search Engine Optimization Tips For 2010
Submitted as: Mike Adams
Anybody still using the Meta Keyword tag as their sole search engine optimization method please leave the room. Go on get out and dont come back.(read
entire article)
View : 331 Times
Category : Marketing