Here's the recent articles submitted by michael keen
Articles By michael keen
Living In A Niche Society
Submitted as: Mike Keen
Now your probably wondering why would people interact with such a small amount of there total makeup of online friends on a regular basis however the answer is really very simple, from a logical standpoint people want to interact and speak with people who(read
entire article)
View : 326 Times
Category : Marketing
Real Estate Basics For Complete Idiots
Submitted as: Miachel Tang
It is our personal belief that any idiot can buy or sell real estate, it is not only our belief it is also a fact, no one would ever believe that a lower class gun touting hill billy from Texas could ever cash in on the prospects of real estate however(read
entire article)
View : 301 Times
Category : Real Estate and Foreclosure
Make Money Selling A Giant Taco Shapped House
Submitted as: Miachel Tang
Finding the right Real Estate Niche is the key to making lots of money. You might be reading this thinking we are complete idiots but since your still reading why not finish hearing what we have to say (technically reading still but owe well). Using Niche(read
entire article)
View : 303 Times
Category : Real Estate and Foreclosure
Bad Tenants Make You Big Money
Submitted as: Miachel Tang
Ever thought bad tenants were (ofcourse they are) , well the key to earning instead of losing from bad tenants is simple to sell all there stuff. It might sound a little mean at first but if done right you can gain everything they own literally. Liquidate(read
entire article)
View : 315 Times
Category : General
Never Trust The Elderly When Buying Property
Submitted as: Miachel Tang
When purchasing property many would often think that older people are the best victims, erg I mean sellers ( holds Chuckle), they are probably more desperate to sell and know less about the value of their property however this is where you are very wrong, old people are generally less likely to sell that many other groups, when approaching older sellers always ask why are you selling, how long have you been living here and are there any problems with this property (ofcourse they are going to answer everything positively).
Michael is the developer of Real Estate , the website features many articles telling user how they can help there Real Estate investments grow.(read
entire article)
View : 345 Times
Category : Real Estate and Foreclosure
Firefox 2 Why Things Will Never Be The Same
Submitted as: Miachel Tang
So I�ve been remiss in not reviewing this browser, but I�m going to make up for it now. Firefox 2 still represents a viable and even desirable alternative to IE, even though the latest upgrade didn�t add any exciting new features. If you can get over the lack of progress, you might be happy to discover again, as I did, that Firefox is a neat product that still deserves your attention.
Michael is the owner of FireFox, features many articles telling user how they can help improve their web browsing experience. More articles are available at help(at) .(read
entire article)
View : 443 Times
Category : Computers
The Beauty Of Firefox 2
Submitted as: Miachel Tang
The biggest stroke against the browser? That there�s still a surprising number of sites that struggle to properly accommodate it. That�ll change over time, but particularly for those with online banking services, Internet Explorer 7 (or perhaps even version 6) is probably the best way to ensure full compatibility with the rest of the world. Though not, we�d wager, for long.
Michael is the owner of FireFox, features many articles telling user how they can help improve their web browsing experience. More articles are available at help(at) .(read
entire article)
View : 383 Times
Category : Computers
Early Thoughts On Firefox 3.0
Submitted as: Miachel Tang
I have found a very interesting survey on SpreadFirefox which aims why are the people currently switching to Mozilla Firefox. The survey aims to know what is important for the users in Mozilla Firefox, thus helping Mozilla to build a more user oriented browser in the future.
Michael is the developer of BlueFoxFire, features many articles telling user how they can help improve their web browsing experience. More articles are available at help(at) .(read
entire article)
View : 356 Times
Category : Computers
Firefox 2.0 A Brand New World
Submitted as: Miachel Tang
Search improvements Search is probably the most fundamental thing we do online and Firefox excels at integrating search engines in a very smart way. With this new release, Firefox adds the search completion mechanism, which works just like Google complete. As soon as the user starts typing, potential search phrases show up.
Michael is the owner of BlueFoxFire, features many articles telling user how they can help improve their web browsing experience. Find more Web browsing Advice on our Nice Blog(at) .(read
entire article)
View : 374 Times
Category : Computers
Laser Treatment For Skin Brings New Hope
Submitted as: Miachel Tang
The good news is a laser session on the upper lip and chin is fast compared to the legs and bikini. Each session will take about 10 minutes. You�ll need 5-6 treatments spaced four weeks apart. The bad news is laser hair removal is not affordable for everyone. Depending on where you live, each session can cost $150-$200.
Michael is the developer of laser treatment for skin, features many articles telling user how they can help improve their skin using laser treatment. More articles are available at laser treatment for skin Read More Now .(read
entire article)
View : 341 Times
Category : Beauty