Here's the recent articles submitted by adeel shaikh
Articles By adeel shaikh
How To Do Viral Marketing
By: adeel shaikh
Viral marketing is an advertising technique which is used to make public awareness about ones company, product etc. Although there are number of ways to approach this the most powerful way of marketing in modern era is through the internet.
Shaikh MD is a doctor a a free lance writer. He developed interest in viral marketing after reading a book on viral marketing by Harvey Segal, an internet Guru. You can also download this Free Ebook here - Viral Marketing(read
entire article)
View : 163 Times
Category : Marketing
Why Even The Best Weight Loss Pills Do Not Work
By: adeel shaikh
Weight loss pills are medicines designed either to curb your appetite, increase your metabolism or cause fat malabsorption in your gut. All of these represent a novel idea but the question is which one amongst them is the best weight loss pill ever?
Adeel Shaikh is a doctor. To find out more on Xenical, cautions to use when buying Xenical and contraindications then please visit Best Weight Loss Pills(read
entire article)
View : 165 Times
Category : Beauty
The Truth Behind Viral Marketing
By: adeel shaikh
Viral marketing is a marketing technique which mainly uses the internet to create public awareness about ones company, product etc. This is becoming increasing poupular in the last few years especially with easy internet accessibility.
Adeel Shaikh is a free lance writer with special interest in internet marketing particularly viral marketing. To find out more on viral marketing and to download a free ebook (by Harvey Segal - an internet guru), visit his site Viral Marketing(read
entire article)
View : 169 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Learn The Truth About Best Weight Loss Pills
By: adeel shaikh
Losing weight is a big challenge for most of our population. With so many weight loss pills to choose from one begins to wonder if there is anything like a best weight loss pill which lives upto its mark.
Adeel Shaikh is a doctor who likes to help people lose weight. To find out more about Xenical, Its side effects and contraindications visit Best Weight Loss Pills(read
entire article)
View : 124 Times
Category : Health