Here's the recent articles submitted by roy fernandez
Articles By roy fernandez
Safegaurding Homes From Potential Intrusions
By: roy fernandez
Statistics show that more break-ins occur during the day time, when people are off to work, than at night. Houses that look uninhabited are easy targets. Whether you go on a vacation or out of town for a few days, some precautionary measures can avoid incidents.(read
entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Ways Of Knowing - Scientific Vs Religiousness
By: roy fernandez
The religious and accommodationists frequently rub on "scientism". This is frequently used dishonestly - those using "scientism" will, in the presence of a science defender assert scientism is the claim that science is the only valid vault of knowing about the world and dance frantically when asked to provide a single solitary instance of anyone marginally competent who ever made such assertion. But when given freehand, the fuzzy brigade will write and delightedly screech "scientism" as degradation. The problem here is that there are extremely strong arguments that by any monotonic transitive metric you can conceive, yes whatever science is doing, it IS the best we can do. No other identifiable philosophy, practice, mode of thought or other nameable aggregation of things people do has provided as much power over our lives as science has. Of course science did almost none of it by itself, and many other human endeavors involved, but science provided the root knowledge. It is very likely that where you are now, there is nothing in your immediate environment, including the grass, trees and flowers in your lawn and garden, which has not been touched and substantially improved using knowledge gained from people explicitly trained in and to some knowing extent following scientific practices.(read
entire article)
View : 283 Times
Category : Religion
Off To A New City? Make It Easier With Moving Checklists
By: roy fernandez
We usually are used to the used to the neighborhood we live, but there are times when choices have to be made. Be it for the sake of a better career or a new life elsewhere, we sometimes have to move on, maybe even to a strange land. Though there are a lot of professional moving companies out there, moving from one place to an other involves a lot more homework and planning and with lifestyles increasing in complexity, this only makes the move even more challenging.(read
entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Moving To A New Place Or Need A Temporary Place For Your Things? Try Storage Solutions
By: roy fernandez
With safe storage solutions offered by most movers, packing can be done at once, this cuts work in half and reduces the chances of damage. There is no hauling, no unloading and re-packing. Movers pick up storage container and maintain it under controlled temperatures. Providers who offer storage solutions, offer a key and one gets to access them any time. Containers can be stored at one's own site if frequent access to belongings is needed.Storage solutions offered are a smart way to store cherished memories, important business records, excess inventory. It's not just during moving to a new place, it's a great solution to clear out an attic or a basement. With convenient door to door service most providers are just a call away. There are many providers of budget storage in the marketplace today. Every aspect of the process from getting a quote to delivering storage container is designed by storage solution providers to make life easy.(read
entire article)
View : 238 Times
Category : Travel
Save Your Time And Money Through Xfinty Deals
By: roy fernandez
Like most cable services, Xfinity offers high speed internet, digital television and phone systems. Though each one of these services can be purchased separately, it's better to bundle one or more services, so a lot more can be saved. While you subscribe for the service, it is wise to take advantage of the Xfinity Deals and offers available at the time.(read
entire article)
View : 291 Times
Category : Business
Environmentalist Versus Conservationist, The Difference
By: roy fernandez
Are there better definitions for the subject, and are environmentalists really so socially anarchic? Do environmentalists really believe that humans and non-human animals have every "right" as he says to do whatever they want in order to open new territories, for food in order to live?(read
entire article)
View : 288 Times
Category : Writing
Things To Consider While Buying A Cctv Security Camera System
By: roy fernandez
Proactive prevention is the best. Thefts and burglaries are becoming common and it is our own responsibility to guard ourselves from potential threats. Guarding home and installing surveillance equipments is not as hard as one imagines. CCTV security cameras can be procured easily through online stores and supermarkets. Here are some tips and things to be considered before purchasing a CCTV security camera system.(read
entire article)
View : 209 Times
Category : Entertainment
The Internet – A Place Where Freedom Of Expression And Speech Is Valued
By: roy fernandez
Speaking of the internet in general, almost all discussions are more causal and often more aggressive than face-to-face, and because of that less productive. The anonymity makes it easy for people to go over the board when they feel passionate about a subject. This is a struggle I have with this medium.(read
entire article)
View : 219 Times
Category : Others
The Internet As A Window To The Human Thought Process
By: roy fernandez
Considering what makes you an individual is the exact, particular information pattern inside your brain and you create an exact copy of yourself, for the very single first moment of creation both would indeed share the same consciousness, albeit as completely different persons (let's say the copying process is made in a blind process from which you don't know which one is the original, or even better, the first one is completely disassembled and two new ones are created - Then there isn't really an original anymore, though you BOTH would be the real deal at the moment of creation).(read
entire article)
View : 254 Times
Category : Internet Marketing