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Articles By shailendra singh

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Google's Emd Algorithm, Provides Better Search Results To The Users   By: shailendra singh
Google has done it again, as it has come up with something really exciting, and great! It has released an algorithm that focuses on, providing the users, with better search results, and a great experience.(read entire article)
View : 270 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

The Evolution Of Digital Marketing; How Beneficial It Is For Businesses   By: shailendra singh
He never knew his sort-of-funny creation will, one day, become a rage; not just friends, family and relatives, but businesses of all sizes will be thriving on the platform to catch up with their customers.(read entire article)
View : 266 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

Premier Web Hosting Provider For Prolific Companies   By: shailendra singh
‘Own a site at Rs. 500', ‘Get attractive and colorful sites @ the cheapest rate' are some of the few sign boards that normally all of us see in our day to day life.(read entire article)
View : 274 Times
Category : Web Hosting

Make The Most Out Of Digital Marketing   By: shailendra singh
Digitalization has spread like mushroom in today's world. The world of 21st century is far beyond the imagination as every day new technological advancements is taking their place wherever they can fix their platform upon. Earlier there was not much use of digital cameras, televisions and computers.(read entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : Search Engine Optimization

Discover The Changing Nature Of Seo   By: shailendra singh
If we are a part of the SEO world then we need to constantly keep an eye on the changing nature of SEO. If we do not keep ourselves updated with the latest trends of this domain, then soon we may run into huge losses for our company. The industry is evolving at a rapid pace and the only way to keep abreast of the latest trends is create only high quality content. This concept is not just for one person, inbound marketer or an agency this is true for all who are working in this field. The concept of SEO has changed and changed for the better, and its future lies in a complex relationship with content marketing, social media, and shared technology. Google has always kept updating itself with a lot of changes like, Google Panda and Caffeine and they focus on high quality content and its relevancy. Due to these updates a lot of professionals working in SEO Company and SMO Company had to change the way of their working by focusing on quality content, social media, and latest technology. Even Yahoo and Bing have changed their route and are now travelling the road to content marketing and social media. This is true that high quality content is not easy to create and it's not even cheap! But the game of SEO has got very difficult and it requires extra amount of time and effort. When we create high quality content then we get a lot of benefits like- @ Better and improved traffic from all social media channels @ Growth in the numbers of public and audience in terms of followers @ Improved level of traffic from various links and referral sites @ Increased level of customer interaction and user statistics @ Growth in the number of newsletters and internal blog subscriptions @ Brand recognition and promotion It has been proved that posting daily blog posts increase traffic. It is reported that 30% of the internet marketers spend their time in creating and managing content. It is necessary to value the importance of SEO campaigns, and one cannot consider the first page search engine rankings to be the sole indicator of the success and value of this industry. Gone are the days when you could have just relied on driving traffic from long tail keywords and selling ones client on first page rankings. Industry has undergone a change, and the focus has now shifted to KPI's (Key Performance Indicators). When one has a better understanding of the KPI's in relation to traffic, conversions, community then it would lead to a better campaign success too. The rank of the author needs to be very important and just hiring professional writers may not be enough for this industry. One needs to hire such employees who are experts in that industry and who develops high quality content according to the topic. Google has already started planning for its next challenge in author ranking and its effect of SERP's. Author Rank would definitely not be a replacement for Page Rank but it would certainly use its tools to inform Page rank to rank the content more appropriately. Now people have become more knowledgeable and they want to read content written by only credible and knowledgeable people. They can now onwards simply use Author Rank as a judging factor to choose authors.(read entire article)
View : 271 Times
Category : General

Application Development Company: How To Find The Best One?   By: shailendra singh
Since the advent of World Wide Web, application development companies are in huge demand. Every concerned web site owner wants one or more applications on his/her web site so as to grab the very attention of its users and engage them on the site for longer time period.(read entire article)
View : 274 Times
Category : Web Design

How To Communicate Your Goals With The Clients In A Web Development Company?   By: shailendra singh
If you are handling the business of a web design or a creative digital agency then you might be involved in a lot of work like business development, graphic design, various technologies, and user experience design etc. It is a whole lot of work that is quiet diverse from each other so while dealing with the clients, one faces the challenge of how to communicate the goals and the results in an effective manner? So here are some ideas on sharing the information and knowledge with the web developers and the clients- Never Think You Are Smarter Than Your Client! As web designers of a Web Development Company or a Creative Digital Agency your main aim should be to solve the challenges faced in the business for the clients. Your daily challenge would be to deliver the assigned project on time and satisfy the requirements of the client. You may think that you are quiet smart and the client is not as smart as you are but that is where you go wrong! You may know a lot of things where the client may face a weak spot, but there are a lot of other things where the client may have an upper hand too. So you need to open up your ears when the client tells you something! Create a Win-Win Situation As a designer of a web development company you need to be aware of a lot of things where you can negotiate your points with the client on valid grounds. Clients are emotionally attached to their brands so you need to base your response keeping that in mind. Give them research based facts and try to solve the situation in such a manner that it becomes a win-win situation for both of them. To Avoid Damage it's good to Bend At Times You need to be a successful negotiator where you can offer a solution that can give both the parties a winning hand! Your client should be happy that their demands were considered and were met and you should be happy as a developer that your time was not wasted in meetings! There may be chances that after you have provided them with logical facts and reasoning for a particular idea they may change their mind! Exert Some Amount of Authority in Your Work You need to exercise your authority in the work you do and make sure that for every project you undertake there are clearly defined goals with strict deadlines! These are the goals that would help in measuring the performance of the website. If by any chance you are not able to meet the deadlines, still you can allow the website to go live if all the major tasks are completed. When the website goes live then you can complete all the remaining work. When you exert authority in your work and are strict then it would motivate you to deliver the projects on time. It would also force the client to provide you with content, pictures and their ideas on time. If anything is missing from the client's side due to not following the above mentioned rules then they may have to pay you for an hourly consulting basis. You need to understand that when you are working towards achieving a certain goal then your opinions and decisions should matter and they cannot be ignored by the client! You are being paid by the client because you know your job! But remember that at the end of the day you are at the mercy of your client and you need to meet all their requirements. Good communication will help you both to understand each other and complete the project on time.(read entire article)
View : 229 Times
Category : Web Design

Use Seo Tips To Make Your Video Viral!   By: shailendra singh
A lot of business owners create online videos on channels like YouTube etc. and the main motive of the company is for the video to go viral. But is it a strategy of the company to make the video go viral?(read entire article)
View : 249 Times
Category : Search Engine Optimization

How To Remove The Crappy Content From Your Website?   By: shailendra singh
If we start reviewing the websites then we can spot a lot of errors that could affect the Search engine marketing, content writing, SEO and even the sales in a negative manner. A common problem that can be spotted in most of the websites is crappy content.(read entire article)
View : 269 Times
Category : General

Things That You Must Notice While Contacting Website Designing Company   By: shailendra singh
Usability and the effectiveness, not the pictorial and the graphic design will determine the success and failure of a particular web-site.(read entire article)
View : 255 Times
Category : Web Design

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