Here's the recent articles submitted by stella johnson
Articles By stella johnson
Are Looking For Back Pain Solution?
By: stella johnson
Back pain is very common these days, in fact its increasing because of the hectic schedule people are living in. it persists in men as well as women, no one can be spared from this horrible pain that actually sometime stops your life. Back pain has now become a major concern for the late 20's and 40's age group. It basically affects any one of the 26 bones connected by muscles, ligaments and discs that constitute the spine. The most common reason behind this jerk in life is poor posture, that's the root cause of the problem. Back pain cases are increasing at an alarming rate, there are many way of treating yourself. It is really important to take back pain relief measures otherwise in future problem can aggravate.(read
entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Web Design
Are You Struggling With Lower Back Pain?
By: stella johnson
Back pain is experienced by majority people. This occurs between ages 30 and 50 and is very much a part of the aging and also owing to sedentary life styles. Lower back pain is not usual among pre-teen children. Yet, bags overloaded with books can cause back strain. This can be avoided by lifting the bags by bending both knees or buying a bag with wheels.(read
entire article)
View : 191 Times
Category : Health
Symptoms Of Back Pain, Diagnosis And Treatment
By: stella johnson
Generally back pain occurs due to muscle strain. In the case of lower back pain it could be due to lumbar disc degeneration or a herniated disc. Some common symptoms of back pain are muscle ache, stabbing or shooting pain radiating down your legs. You may find difficulty in standing straight and you can have limited flexibility when you move your back. Depending on the duration of your back pain, it can be considered to be acute or chronic.(read
entire article)
View : 177 Times
Category : Health
Live Your Life With Dignity By Using Elder Care Services
By: stella johnson
Senior care or elder care refers to the part time or full time social and health services provided by professionally trained caregivers at the homes of senior citizens. A senior citizen may choose home care if he needs regular care and wants to live with dignity in his own home but doesn't want to burden family and friends.(read
entire article)
View : 380 Times
Category : Health
Add Some Excitement To Events With Spinning Wheel Game
By: stella johnson
Prize wheels are an interesting way to hold audiences attention at various kinds of meetings. They are always a center of attraction and can be customized to promote a particular brand at different events. They are the perfect solution if you want to make your event more fun and memorable. They can be used to create high sales and promotional impact.(read
entire article)
View : 355 Times
Category : Business
Plastic Molding With Thermoformed Plastics
By: stella johnson
There are many things that have been shaped by thermoforming which we tend to take for granted. It would be useful to learn a bit about this plastic molding process.(read
entire article)
View : 251 Times
Category : Business
Solutions To Back Problems Well Explained In Guides
By: stella johnson
A back pain is something many people suffer nowadays. It may be unexpected and attacks you all of a sudden. In several cases, the injured muscle is not likely to recover completely.(read
entire article)
View : 241 Times
Category : Health
Spinning Wheel Games At Events Are Great Marketing Tools
By: stella johnson
A spinning wheel game is an ideal way to market your products or organize an event. Conducting these games at an event will turn out to be a crowd puller.(read
entire article)
View : 416 Times
Category : Games
All About Thermoforming And Its Advantages
By: stella johnson
Thermoforming is a very old method of fabricating plastic. As early as 1890, teething rings and baby rattles were thermoformed with plastics that were cellulose-based.(read
entire article)
View : 465 Times
Category : Business
Physical Changes Responsible For Back Pain During Pregnancy
By: stella johnson
Back pain related to pregnancy is a natural condition suffered by millions of women. Although not life-threatening, it is extremely uncomfortable and affects your body's agility.(read
entire article)
View : 199 Times
Category : Health