Here's the recent articles submitted by suzie goldie
Articles By suzie goldie
5 Crafting The Essentials In Scrap Booking
Submitted as: Mary Johnson
How to learn craft terms for scrap booking: Terms are important in life, including when crafting scrapbooks. When you visit craft stores it is great to know a few terms so that the sale clerks will think you are an expert. In addition, having a basic line of terms will help you find your way, rather than getting lost when you hear the clerks talk foreign craft lingo. To get started we can consider acid.(read
entire article)
View : 567 Times
Category : Entertainment
Tips On Choosing Your Tattoo Parlor
Submitted as: Stella Wainright
Once you have made the decision to get a tattoo you’ll need to find a qualified tattoo parlor. This is a very important decision, as it can easily make or break your tattoo. Before you decide on a tattoo artist or tattoo parlor, you must first see if they are qualified. There are hundreds of thousands of tattoo parlors out there, some better than others. If you go to a less than perfect tattoo parlor, you could very well end up with an infection that can cause you more trouble than you ever thought possible.(read
entire article)
View : 293 Times
Category : Beauty
Forex Trading Market, Should You Invest
Submitted as: Tony Williams
Forex trading is all about putting your money into other currencies, so you can gain the interest for the night, for time period or the difference in trading money all around. Forex trading does involve other assets along with money, but because you are investing in other countries and in other businesses that are dealing in other currencies the basis for the money you make or lose will be based on the trading of money.(read
entire article)
View : 300 Times
Category : Marketing
What You Need To Know About Digital Satellite Tv
Submitted as: Stella Johnston
In some ways, digital satellite TV is similar to the traditional broadcast televison you are used to – it also sends data right into your home using air waves, not radio waves. The difference lies in the way the information is received and sent. In digital satellite TV, everything goes through satellite dishes (not traditional TV aerials). Information is transmitted and received from the satellites that orbit the earth. The result? You get clearer “direct†signal.(read
entire article)
View : 277 Times
Category : Entertainment
Your Guide To Electric Rc Cars
Submitted as: Tony Williams
Radio-controlled cars are becoming more and more popular, with people of all ages and gender getting into the hobby. However, as one first enters the world of RC cars, one learns that there are so many choices on the type, model, and kinds of cars. For example, you have to choose what will be the source to power your car: electric or fuel.(read
entire article)
View : 272 Times
Category : Entertainment
Laughter Is The Emotional Medicine
Submitted as: Mercy Emmanuel
Did you know that laughter is contagious? It is. Laughter can be the best thing around. A positive person is more willing to accept a situation or if it needs improving they try to improve. A negative person is not willing to see anything good in the situation. A positive person is more open- minded. Does this mean that a person who laughs and enjoys being around others who are just as happy are more emotionally satisfied and happy. The answer to this is yes.(read
entire article)
View : 296 Times
Category : Entertainment
Do We Need Dietary Supplements
Submitted as: Nen Williams
People who are young and healthy rarely think of taking dietary supplement, but when illness hits or age progresses, with its attendant health problems and lack of energy, the search begins for a dietary supplement that might provide that long sought for holy grail, eternal youth.(read
entire article)
View : 274 Times
Category : Fitness
Weight Loss Products Faqs
Submitted as: Paul Stevens
For many people losing weight is not just a matter of feeling healthy and great again, but a way of recovering self-esteem as well. No wonder then that there is a variety of weight loss products on the market, most of them being over-the-counter drugs. However, several questions rise regarding these weight loss products: how safe and effective are they?(read
entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : Fitness
Your Perfect Body Building Diet
Submitted as: Joeseph Mendel
Carbohydrates, extra protein and essential minerals are the basic components of a body building diet; and though subject to large debates, an athlete's nutritional schemes also includes lots of supplements, or the so-called super food. Furthermore, fat is another important part of a body building diet, therefore, here are some guiding principles for those who practice weight training.(read
entire article)
View : 265 Times
Category : Fitness
What About Lung Cancer
Submitted as: Liz Allen
Being one of the most highly discussed and controversial cancer issues is the topic of lung cancer, and the amount of people afflicted with the disease every year, as more deaths from cancers seems to increase steadily as time goes on. Though this topic may seem as though it has been talked about to death, that is no excuse to dismiss lung cancer, and especially if you are a smoker or have a family history of this particular disease or any record of cancers in your background.(read
entire article)
View : 265 Times
Category : Fitness