Here's the recent articles submitted by suzie goldie
Articles By suzie goldie
Buying Guide For A Discount Bedroom Furniture Set
Submitted as: Jane Williams
You don't want to break the bank buying bedroom furniture. But you don't want to break the bed because you bought cheap. You don't have to sacrifice quality for affordability, or affordability for quality.
But you do have to keep your eyes open and your expectations realistic. There are plenty of furniture manufacturers that will be more than happy to part a furniture fool from his money.(read
entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : Fitness
Jargon Buster For Company Law
Submitted as: Joe Mann
Company law is full of confusing terms, and if you don't know what they mean then settung up a company can start to look far more scary than it really should be. Read through this jargon buster and you should find it much easier to understand what starting up is all about.
Capital. This is money that is going to be invested in a business. Example: 'I am starting my business with $5,000 capital, $2,000 of which is my own'.(read
entire article)
View : 201 Times
Category : Business
A Sewing Machine Is A Great Gift For Mother's Day
Submitted as: Nancy Hall
Not surprisingly, sewing machines are catching on as Mother's Day gifts. What contains computer chips, an LCD touch-screen control panel, USB ports and the capability of connecting to the Internet?
The answer: today's high-tech sewing machine. The same advances in digital engineering found inside the latest personal computers and electronic entertainment gadgets also drive the modern sewing machine.(read
entire article)
View : 309 Times
Category : Family
A Short History Of Anesthetics
Submitted as: Joy King
Anesthetics have been used for thousands of years. In fact, the first recorded use of anesthetics was actually in the 'pre-history' era, an era of human history predating written text.
Early Uses of Herbal Anesthetics: In the pre-history era, anesthetics were herbal in nature. Opium poppies are known to have been harvested as early as 4200 BC, and these plants were farmed first in the Sumerian Empire.(read
entire article)
View : 295 Times
Category : Fitness
Making Money With Articles As An Affiliate
Submitted as: Joe Williams
If you can either write articles or have the promotion and marketing knowledge to publicize articles that others write, becoming an affiliate for several companies may be a great way for you to generate a good income right from your own home. You can do this by receiving part of the revenue off of sales that the company gets from people who "click through" from your website via the company's links that are placed on your pages.(read
entire article)
View : 179 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Federal Grants For Business Startup For The Disabled
Submitted as: Lynda Melbal
Although there are numerous funding opportunities available for helping disabled individuals to pursue their educational goals, there are unfortunately a pitiful few available that the federal government can offer to help disabled individuals startup their own businesses.
8(a) Business Development Program from the Small Business Administration (SBA): Strictly speaking, there are no grants offered by the federal government that are specially designed to offer funding assistance for disabled individuals to start up their own businesses.(read
entire article)
View : 208 Times
Category : Marketing
Proven Methods For Improving Your Site's Usability
Submitted as: Scott Wilson
The number one factor that makes or breaks your website is whether or not people can use it. This is typically referred to as your website's usability. It seems simple: if people can't do what you want them to do (buy things, subscribe to things, request a call, etc.), they won't do it. Yet, because websites are so easy to change, several companies just create websites, web applications, e-newsletters, etc., and hope that the changes will help their business.(read
entire article)
View : 200 Times
Category : Marketing
Back Surgery Is Not Neccessarily The Best Option
Submitted as: Paul Stevens
So many people suffer from chronic low back pain. Its the number one reason Americans miss work. Back pain can either come on slow and get worse, or all at once you wake to find you cant get out of bed like a lighting strike out of the blue. Either way its a terrible thing to cope with. When after a few days or a couple of weeks at tops, most people end up going to the doctor. Upon going to the doctor, a lot of the people hurting with low back pain are told by physicians that surgery is needed. This news alone can be devastating in itself.(read
entire article)
View : 251 Times
Category : Fitness
Various Ways To Build An Email List
Submitted as: June Wilson
Every busines sonline or off line needs a promotion. The type of business we wish to reserch is email marketing techniques. Using newsletters, announcements, promotions, is a good, inexpensive way to reach prospects and customers with your message. Being totaly honest and keeping our integrity we don't want to send promotions without consent of the prospects.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Marketing
Things To Bear In Mind When Shopping Online For Visual Arts
Submitted as: Johnny Modal
The access which one has today to visual arts through the World Wide Web makes buying artwork that much easier to do. Not only can individuals search items for sale in countries halfway around the world, but they can have them shipped to their door in a few days' time. For those who are interested in purchasing visual arts items online, there are a few factors which one should consider when doing so.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews