Here's the recent articles submitted by suzie goldie
Articles By suzie goldie
Will Acupuncture For Infertility Work For You
Submitted as: Joy King
Acupuncture for infertility promises miraculous cure even where modern scientific methods fail to work. Being a Chinese remedy, Acupuncture might conjure a feeling of dark rooms, hushed voices and incessant pains for pricking of needles. But it is not the case when you go to treat your infertility syndrome with acupuncture. It, on the other hand, promises complete relaxation and instant cure from infertility.(read
entire article)
View : 195 Times
Category : Fitness
Tips For Writing Critical Press Release
Submitted as: Joe Williams
Some media agencies and journalists will grab your press release and carry it in their publications with slight editing or no alteration.
But even if it’s not used word for word, journalists may use it as fodder for other stories or to create their own story ideas. The more information and details you include, the less work the media has to do.(read
entire article)
View : 196 Times
Category : Writing
Advantages Of Downloadable Audio Books
Submitted as: Steve Childens
An audio book is the recording of a person reading aloud the content of a book. These audio books are also known as talking books or spoken books.
One of the best definitions of audio books was given by William Swanson in the article "I Hear America Reading": "Audio books are one of those happy marriages of art and convenience loved by frenetic Americans. The idea ... is to enable us to enjoy books - a traditionally solitary and concentration-intensive pastime - while doing something else(read
entire article)
View : 232 Times
Category : Computers
Methods For Gain And Retain Customers For Your Online Business
Submitted as: Scott Wilson
Here is the basic rule of every business: you have to sell things to earn money. Salesmanship, or the art of closing a sales, therefore, is of ultimate importance for any business venture. After all, we can't expect any earnings if we don't make any sales.
Winning customers is essential for the success of your enterprise. And this is absolutely true for online businesses too.(read
entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Home Based Business
Simple Steps To A Fun Teddy Bear Party
Submitted as: Johnny Modal
A fun teddy bear party is not a difficult thing to pull of with a little creativity and some things that you can find round your house! Here are some quick ideas for making the party "beary" fun!
Invitation ideas
Buy some inexpensive rubber stamps with bear images and let your little one make homemade invitations. Or cut a piece of cardstock into the shape of a bear and write your invitation on that. Free clipart can be found for this purpose in many places on the Inter...(read
entire article)
View : 209 Times
Category : Marketing
Decentralizing Information Technology
Submitted as: Chris Williams
For decades, the classic model of how a business organizes its computer services department was to establish a separate IT department with an independent management structure which may extend all the way to the executive suite. Over the years, the autonomy of that centralized IT function took on almost mythic proportions and in some cases resulted in abusive attitudes and ways of doing business that almost gave the impression that the business existed to serve the IT department rather than the other way around.(read
entire article)
View : 211 Times
Category : Business
Sources Of Grants For Business Startup
Submitted as: June Wilson
Probably the greatest concern any would-be entrepreneur has initially is funding. When starting a business, the old saying that you need to spend money to make money holds true. However, if you know where to look, there are quite a few resources you can tap to help you find the money you need. One of the best sources for business startup funding is a grant. Provided you have a feasible business, you could apply for one of these so you could get your business running in no time.(read
entire article)
View : 195 Times
Category : Business
Achieve Fitness Through Belly Dancing And Show Your Body Curve
Submitted as: Paul Stevens
Belly dancing is quite popular in western countries for both children and adults. For the adults, it's the best way to appreciate your curves and even enhance them further. There are different belly dancing classes that suits every individual; from beginners to intermediate and advanced levels. If you want to start belly dancing, choose a class that suits your skill and level.(read
entire article)
View : 291 Times
Category : Fitness
The World Of An Mom Entrepreneurs
Submitted as: Lynda Melbal
Motherhood can be a very fulfilling, yet frustrating time for a woman. You see, motherhood can actually prevent women from accomplishing many of the goals they have set for themselves. Nowadays, it is only proper that both parents share the responsibility of rearing a child. However, we cannot deny the fact that mothers often have a harder time. In this line of thinking, what do you think mom entrepreneurs face in today's world?(read
entire article)
View : 196 Times
Category : Marketing
Your Money Saving Auto Tips For Winter Driving
Submitted as: Kath Mathews
There are many of us who love the automobile and the freedom that goes along with it. However, nothing lasts forever and all car owners would benefit if they knew more about their vehicle.
Large repair bills can be reduced with some basic preventive maintenance and knowledge. The more you know, the more money you will save!(read
entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Environment