Here's the recent articles submitted by suzie goldie
Articles By suzie goldie
About Body Building And Natural Bodybuilding Supplements
Submitted as: Joseph Mendel
What do people understand by body building? In general, the term is used to define any development of the physical condition by an adequate diet and proper physical exercises either for the sake of good looks or for competition purposes. The main characteristics of both professional and amateur body-building is the impressive muscular tone and mass as well as the general aesthetic effect. How can body building standards be achieved and what are the main criteria used to get the best of shapes? The answer to the question brings us to discussing weight training and nutritional programs that are interconnected with body building as such.(read
entire article)
View : 378 Times
Category : Fitness
Dog House Training Tips
Submitted as: Jon Clay
House training a puppy dog is very important for the well being of both the puppy and the owner. The number one reason that dogs are surrender to animal shelters is problems with inappropriate elimination, so it is easy to see why proper house training is such an important consideration.(read
entire article)
View : 283 Times
Category : Family
Hair Loss Does Also Afflict Women
Submitted as: Paul Mendel
Start to talk about baldness or hair loss and most people will automatically think that you are talking about a problem for men, but this is not necessarily the case. It has been estimated that as many as 25 per-cent of the women in the United States will experience the problem of hair loss at one time or another during their life time.(read
entire article)
View : 284 Times
Category : Fitness
My Wrinkles Are Wrinkling Faster Than I Can Find New Wrinkle Cream
By: suzie goldie
What is a wrinkle and why do they seem to be attacking me so vehemently? Anti-wrinkle skin care products are supposed to prevent wrinkles and help me stay a little more youthful than I was before I started using it. So why is it that my wrinkles are wrinkling faster than I can find a new and more useful antiwrinkle skin care product?(read
entire article)
View : 263 Times
Category : Beauty
Why It Is That Some People Cannot Quit Smoking
Submitted as: Tom Baldwin
We do bad things although we know we should not. Nobody knows why? Actually it is not our folly. It falls under the category of things which are beyond our control.
We all know the remedies to lose weight and to quit smoking like good eating habits, exercise .Yet we cannot help ourselves although we desire it. If we talk about the chain smokers, there are many who control themselves but cannot completely quit the habit.(read
entire article)
View : 289 Times
Category : Fitness
Crafting The Evening News Afghan
Submitted as: Mary Johnson
The "Evening News" Afghan is created in several ways, yet many are shades of semi-gray, light gray and mohair blends.
Mohair is wool made of soft, silk and comes from the Angora goat. To start your Afghan you will need your finish, which should be around 47 inches by 70 inches. Next, you will need material.(read
entire article)
View : 311 Times
Category : Entertainment
Techniques For Applying Tattoos
Submitted as: Stella Wainright
Tattoos are more common these days than they have ever been in the past. As we all know, tattoos are decorative markings in the skin, such as symbols, signs, and letters that are applied by puncturing the outer layer of the skin and injecting color. Tattoo guns are the best instrument to use, as they move extremely fast and are sharp enough to easily puncture the skin.(read
entire article)
View : 254 Times
Category : Family
Your Keys To A Healthy Aging
Submitted as: Pat Adams
You cannot stop the aging process. You can, however, make certain decisions that will help you stay healthy as you age.
Keep Moving: Keeping physically fit is probably the single most important thing you can do. Find an activity you enjoy and will do daily. Walking, swimming, dancing are all activities that help keep you physically fit.(read
entire article)
View : 266 Times
Category : Fitness
Natural Health And What It Means
Submitted as: Joe Moon
In the West, we like to think of our world as modern and of our medical system as sophisticated. Yet, with the wide array of illnesses, diseases and disorders that continue to escalate in scope and number, it might be time to explore another way of evaluating and maintaining health. Many people are doing just that, exploring the realm of natural health.(read
entire article)
View : 286 Times
Category : Fitness
Cancer Research And Prostate Cancer
Submitted as: Tony Wilson
There are many laboratories and research facilities that are currently and diligently working to find and produce cures for some of the most devastating health issues facing the world today, and every year more and more funds are being channeled into the system of finding cures and creating treatments to lessen the strain and tension related to the affliction of cancer.(read
entire article)
View : 319 Times
Category : Fitness