Here's the recent articles submitted by floyd kenneth
Articles By floyd kenneth
How To Home School High School On The Road
By: floyd kenneth
If you're one of those lucky people who get an chance to do some globetrotting - perhaps for up to a year - should you be worried about "losing" the academic time with your homeschool high school student? And how will you continue in difficult subjects like math and science?(read
entire article)
View : 106 Times
Category : Education
University Strategies For Financially Frail Homeschoolers
By: floyd kenneth
True confession - my husband and I did not do a amazing job planning financially for college. What I mean by that is that we hadn't saved any money - or at least not nearly what you need to have for room and board, let alone tuition.(read
entire article)
View : 65 Times
Category : Education
Attention Jane Austen Fans - Homeschool "pemberly Ball" Gowns!
By: floyd kenneth
My child, Alex, was crazy on the subject of Jane Austen when we homeschooled. So much so that when he went to college he founded a Jane Austen club. One of the functions each year was presenting a "Pemberly Ball. " We have since discovered that many other homeschool groups hold very similar dances.(read
entire article)
View : 73 Times
Category : Education