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Articles By robin mackenzie

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How Music Heals The Mind And Body With Its Touch   By: robin mackenzie
If laughter can excite feelings of joy then why is it not possible with music? Research suggests that music is a very good de-stresser and it helps the cardiovascular system. When a couple of people were asked to listen to some wonderful music, the blood vessels were tested. The result came as no surprise to the doctors because when the size of the blood vessel was measured, it actually opened up from the inner lining and released chemicals that were essential for the protection of the heart.(read entire article)
View : 260 Times
Category : Art

Body Language, Ways To Express Yourself Through Gestures   By: robin mackenzie
Body language can send out signals and these signals can be easily comprehended by some and not clearly understood by others. If you show a little bit of attention to certain details, it will be easy and simpler for you to understand what the other person is communicating. Sometimes it is also necessary to give the other person some space and not push the limits.(read entire article)
View : 372 Times
Category : Writing

Plan Your Life Effectively To Bid Adieu To Absent Mindedness   By: robin mackenzie
It not really a big deal when people tend to forget their car keys and then get very irritated searching for it. The problem only arises when people not only forget or misplace their house hold items but they don't even realize that it is missing. Then is the need to treat this problem from an altogether different angle.(read entire article)
View : 227 Times
Category : Art

Step Into The Next Generation Of Music –the Ipods   By: robin mackenzie
The various types of iPods introduced are iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano and the ultra compact iPod shuffle. Talking about iPod classic, there have been around six versions of it where the most recent model is the one which has the maximum storage capacity of 160 GB of storage. iPoD touch is reffered to as the iTouch colloquially.(read entire article)
View : 235 Times
Category : Art

How To Develop Self Confidence In Yourself And Stick To It   By: robin mackenzie
We trust our doctors because they are confident and believe what they say. For people who find it difficult to be self confident, life can be a miserable and complicated web which is a network of traps. Such people need help. Don't worry as this is very natural and common. At the same time you can only take the horse to a pond but you cannot make it drink water from the pond.(read entire article)
View : 348 Times
Category : Health

Learn To Mend A Broken Heart By Balancing The Relationship   By: robin mackenzie
So what actually happens when a relationship cracks or breaks down? First of all, it robs you of your joy and peace of mind. The other thing is that you lose your focus on various other important things in life. In case of married couple, it can be extremely painful when children are involved in this process. This pain is the key factor that increases the gap between any two people for that matter.(read entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : Art

Is Online Education A Boon Or Curse In Today's World   By: robin mackenzie
There is a saying that there are two sides to every coin. Similarly let's analyze the pros and cons of online education which might be a great option for those who want to shape up their career using this system. One big problem with this system of education is that there will be no teachers to assist and ease your learning process.(read entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Education

A Few Tips That You Can Keep In Mind While Buying A Television   By: robin mackenzie
The first and foremost that has to be kept in mind is the price factor. You may have numerous dreams. Planning to buy a product is entirely different from actually buying it. Even today, buying a plasma television is a distant dream for some Americans. People have the burden of making their credit card payments on time and this is extremely important to maintain a good credit report.(read entire article)
View : 254 Times
Category : Entertainment

The Different Types Of Cyber Crimes And Ways To Get Rid Of Them   By: robin mackenzie
Criminals tend to create duplicate web pages that are capable of luring innocent victims into the trap of giving out their personal data. It is called spoofing. Another noted crime is called cyber stalking where people manage to sneak into the personal accounts of victims of certain social networking websites. Once they get a clear picture of the likes and dislikes of a person which includes hobbies, they tend to get friendly and close.(read entire article)
View : 240 Times
Category : Others

Broadband Providers, Broadband Internet, Online Advertising   By: robin mackenzie
Internet is a great way to get in touch with customers and there are fairly more advantages in online marketing when compared to the traditional way of marketing. Did you know that online marketing is soon going to wipe out television, radio and magazines out of the advertising industry? Yes! That's the power of Internet.(read entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Business

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