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Articles By peeter wattson

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Nursing Home Abuse: A Tragedy That Should Not Go Unpunished   By: peeter wattson
Watching our loved ones, such as our uncles, aunts, grandparents, and parents, grow old can have its own set of stresses to deal with. However, when we place them in a nursing home, we trust the nursing home to look after them in a humane, caring, and professional environment. Unfortunately, that may not always be the case. Although most nursing homes certainly do their jobs admirably, many unfortunately do not. Indeed, studies in the past few years have found that nursing home abuse may be on the rise. In 2008, the US Department of Health and Human Services released a report showing that more than 90 percent of all nursing homes had been cited for violations of federal health and safety standards in 2007. That included 94 percent of for-profit nursing homes and 88 percent of non-profit nursing homes. In all, inspectors with the US Department of Health and Human Services received 37,150 complaints about possible elder abuse in 2007. While some of these complaints were relatively benign, many involved elderly residents suffering from infected bedsores, poor nutrition, and medicine mix-ups. Tragically, this may mean that a loved one who is currently living in a nursing home may be the victim of elder abuse. The signs of elder abuse are not always readily apparent. Moreover, the signs may take a while to develop. However, common signs of abuse or neglect are bedsores, broken bones or bruises of unknown origin, respiratory illnesses, and malnutrition. Also, the signs of elder abuse need not always be physical. Elder abuse can also include damage to property. Unfortunately, it may sometimes be difficult to determine whether a malady that an elderly resident is suffering from is due to abuse or simply old age. In distinguishing between the two, the assistance of a Florida nursing home lawyer can help you with spotting the signs of abuse and with preparing the grounds for a lawsuit against the nursing home. In fact, a qualified Florida nursing home attorney can often help with putting an end to the tragic abuse. If you believe that you or a loved one in the Tampa area is the victim of nursing home abuse, it may well be beneficial to meet with a Tampa Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer. An attorney can help you with determining whether someone is the victim of neglect and/or abuse, and if so, with assessing the liability of the nursing home. While no amount of monetary compensation will be able to amend the emotional toll that the abuse has taken, it can nonetheless provide the means to find better care. Monetary compensation can also help with obtaining the finances needed to treat the medical maladies caused by nursing home abuse. Nursing home abuse is a tragedy, but it is not a tragedy that should go forgotten. Those responsible must be held accountable for their actions, and those victimized must receive compensation for their injuries. If you or a loved one has suffered from complications in nursing home care, an attorney can help your family fight back against the grave injustice.(read entire article)
View : 107 Times
Category : Legal

Injured In A Car Accident? An Attorney Can Help   By: peeter wattson
A motor vehicle accident can happen in the blink of an eye. Tragically, car accidents are one of the leading causes of death and personal injury in the United States. However, while the law cannot provide amends for the loss of a loved one or the emotional toll that an accident can take, it can nonetheless provide money damages.(read entire article)
View : 96 Times
Category : Legal

Car Accident Lawsuits   By: peeter wattson
Have you or a loved one been injured in a car accident? When a victim is injured in a car accident through no fault of their own and as the result of someone else's careless or willful conduct, it is often possible to file a personal injury claim for compensation in a civil court. Tragically, though, many motor vehicle accidents involve death. Indeed, car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. In these sad and shocking cases, the appropriate claim for compensation is called a wrongful death suit, and the term truly does capture the magnitude of the tragedy suffered by the family and loved ones that the deceased has left behind. A wrongful death is a legal term referring to the type of death caused by the negligent or willful conduct of another. In wrongful death suits, the appropriate compensation often includes not only medical expenses and funeral expenses, but also the lost wages of the person who was killed. After all, the victim's family should not have to suffer financially in addition to their emotional tragedy. Moreover, the victim does not need to die in the accident itself or even immediately following the accident for a wrongful death suit to be appropriate. Often, a personal injury caused by the accident may take a while to develop. Typically, though, if the victim dies within a year of the accident due to injuries from the accident, then appropriate compensation may be sought against the negligent party. Personal Injury Lawsuits More often, however, the victim of a car accident is left with a personal injury. Such injuries may involve broken bones, internal bleeding, whiplash, or even cuts and scrapes. Yet, no matter how severe or minor the injury, a victim who has been injured through no fault of their own is often entitled to receive appropriate compensation for their injury. In many cases, and particularly in regards to whiplash injuries, a personal injury caused by a motor vehicle accident may take time to fully manifest itself. That is why it is often advisable to meet with a physician as soon as possible after a car accident. Even relatively minor accidents can cause injuries that may cause debilitating pain in time. An Attorney Can Help Personal injury law is often covered by many rules and regulations that may seem complicated, if not intimidating, to those not well-versed in this area of law. Moreover, the court itself may have a system of procedures that if not followed correctly could lead to a dismissal of one's claim for compensation merely because they did not file the right paperwork on time. In the Clearwater area, victims of a car accident who have been injured through no fault of their own, may well find it beneficial to meet with a Clearwater personal injury attorney or a Clearwater car accident attorney. An attorney can help successfully navigate the judicial system and secure a favorable result.(read entire article)
View : 136 Times
Category : Legal

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