Here's the recent articles submitted by ann philip
Articles By ann philip
Different Advertising Methods And Its Impact On Public
By: ann philip
Advertisements multidimensional focus helps in sales promotion and general awareness. Most of the manufacturing companies adopted advertising as a tool to increase their sales.(read
entire article)
View : 295 Times
Category : Business
Avoid Over Exposure To Sunlight – A Safety Measure Against Skin Cancer
By: ann philip
Most of the cancers often show no particular symptoms. So it is appropriate to undergo an appropriate cancer screening test in an annual basis. One of the main causes for skin cancer is the excessive exposure to sunlight.(read
entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : Health
Various Pricing Strategies Adopted By Companies To Improve Sales
By: ann philip
Pricing strategy depends on both the external factors and the internal factors of an organization. Some of the factors that impact pricing are demand curve of the product, cost involved and pricing decisions of competitors.(read
entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Business
Egyptians Belief In Life After Death Leads To Preservation Of Cadaver
By: ann philip
Ancient Egyptians became more famous for their way of death than their way of life. People all over the world are fascinated by the ancient Egyptian's world of death and life after death.(read
entire article)
View : 287 Times
Category : Writing
Online Advertisement A Powerful Tool To Improve Sales
By: ann philip
Online advertisement gives the opportunity to target specific group. Most of the companies are using online advertisement technique as the powerful secret weapon to improve their sales.(read
entire article)
View : 303 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Music Therapy Can Improve The Quality Of Life
By: ann philip
For some people music is the food of soul, while for others it's just a medium of time pass. Since music is an integral part of our culture, everyone has an emotional attachment towards it. People enjoy music when they are happy, gloomy or disappointed.(read
entire article)
View : 400 Times
Category : Entertainment
Waste To Energy Or Energy To Waste – Which One Is Best?
By: ann philip
What will happen if don't care of waste disposal? The waste will accumulate and later it will spread diseases. Proper methods should be adopted for waste management.(read
entire article)
View : 332 Times
Category : Others
Choose Perfumes By Knowing Your Signature Scent
By: ann philip
Studies have proved that perfume can influence a person's mood, personality and way of behavior. One should take great care while choosing a perfume. A wrong choice can give a negative effect.(read
entire article)
View : 310 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
Dark Chocolate And Its Different Health Benefits
By: ann philip
Everyone likes chocolate. And most of the elders tell kids not to eat too many chocolates. Is there any logic behind that? Two types of chocolates are available in markets.(read
entire article)
View : 282 Times
Category : Food, Cooking and Drink
Different Advertisement Mediums - Its Advantages And Disadvantages
By: ann philip
This multimillion business helps companies to sell their products from anywhere in the country. Numerous methods through which advertisement can be transmitted are through news papers, television, radio, magazines, Internet, movies and bill boards. Like other products, advertisement is a product and it has its own advantages and disadvantages.(read
entire article)
View : 282 Times
Category : Writing