Here's the recent articles submitted by r. klettke
Articles By r. klettke
Motorcycle Accidents And The Law: An Faq
Submitted as: David Drexler
There are many thousands of motorcycle accidents in the United States every year. California's sunny weather and number of attractive roads, combined with the frequent congestion of our freeways, make motorcycle accidents particularly common in our area.(read
entire article)
View : 549 Times
Category : Legal
Product Liability And The California Statute Of Limitations
Submitted as: David Drexler
The California statute of limitations is stringent. But the clock starts ticking on an injury only after it is discovered, months or years after the accident.(read
entire article)
View : 579 Times
Category : Legal
Cardiology Medical Malpractice Cases Are On The Rise
Submitted as: David Drexler
Cardiology patients who have received surgically implanted coronary artery stents on a possibly medically unnecessary basis have been contacting their local medical malpractice attorney in greater numbers than ever in the first three months of this year.(read
entire article)
View : 722 Times
Category : Legal
Bankruptcy Law Firm Failures Often Constitute Legal Malpractice
Submitted as: David Drexler
For the individual or family who has fallen prey to such lawyer negligence, there may be a way to recoup damages that resulted from the errors of your bankruptcy attorney. As in healthcare when a physician makes an error, you can also sue an attorney for their mistakes.(read
entire article)
View : 770 Times
Category : Legal
Medical Malpractice And Birth Injury: An Overview Of Shoulder Dystocia
By: r. klettke
It is always a sad and tragic event when a newborn infant is injured during childbirth. Unfortunately, birth injuries caused by health care professionals who commit errors in judgment that can lead to the injury or even death to the infant or the mother or both. When this occurs, the injured party typically consults a medical malpractice attorney to learn whether a complaint can be filed against the health care professional.(read
entire article)
View : 300 Times
Category : Legal
Black Box Warnings And Medical Malpractice
By: r. klettke
A “black box” warning is the most severe warning category the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) uses in its medication safety classification system. The black box label is the most severe advisory that prescription drugs can contain without being pulled from the market in the United States.(read
entire article)
View : 307 Times
Category : Legal
How A Medical Malpractice Attorney Decides To Accept A Case
By: r. klettke
The practice of medical malpractice law falls under the area of personal injury law and practiced by a personal injury attorney. Such attorneys who specialize in medical malpractice also call themselves “medical malpractice attorneys”.(read
entire article)
View : 294 Times
Category : Legal
Medical Malpractice And Tort Reform
By: r. klettke
Political debates, television news, and radio sound bites regarding healthcare and medical malpractice reform commonly use the phrase “tort reform”, but seldom provide any in-depth information about what tort reform is or what it entails.(read
entire article)
View : 306 Times
Category : Legal
Should You Pursue A Legal Malpractice Lawsuit?
By: r. klettke
Mistakes made by an attorney can have significant, costly consequences for his or her client. As such, California law provides for individuals and organizations to recover loses in incidents where their legal counsel failed to perform according to the standards of the profession. This is known as legal malpractice, a very specialized area of the law that is typically handled by a personal injury attorney specializing in prosecuting these types of cases. Though this area of the law falls under “personal injury”, such an attorney is commonly referred to simply as a “legal malpractice attorney”.(read
entire article)
View : 280 Times
Category : General