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Articles By daci georgieva

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The Aviary For Canaries   By: daci georgieva
The canary is well suited to an aviary housing a colony of birds as long as the aviary is large enough to prevent territorial squabbles. If you’re going to use an aviary, house just one male with a few females, or more than three males with several females.(read entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Animal and Pet

Bird Cage Stand   By: daci georgieva
If you want to imitate a tree with offshoots where birds can play on and climb, you should have that free standing perch, called a bird cage stand.Often it is difficult for the birds to stretch their wings to full span,to exercise and play. The stand gives them socialization and freedom and variety in life, something very important to the health of your bird.(read entire article)
View : 233 Times
Category : Animal and Pet

Choosing The Best Bird Cage Accessories    Submitted as: Limoeg Veigroeg
Even if you have already bought a bird cage, there is more to do- you have to decide which accessories you will need. There is usually extra room in the cage, which is left to be used for the accessories. Of course the most important items are food and water dishes, so before buying, consider if they can be disinfected or not.(read entire article)
View : 255 Times
Category : Animal and Pet

Tips For Buying A Bird Breeding Cage   By: daci georgieva
If you are going to breed birds, it could be both a challenge and a very interesting endeavour. It will be a lot smooother for you, if you get a good bird breeding cage. To make your choice easier here are some tips.(read entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : Animal and Pet

Are Peanuts Good For Pet Birds Or Not?   By: daci georgieva
There is no argue that peanuts contain a lot of essential ingredients like fiber, unsaturated fats, protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.So this is probably one possible answer to your question are peanuts good for pet birds?It will be good to think about feeding your pet with them because there are also some possible negative answers.(read entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Animal and Pet

Welcome To The Wonderful World Of Bottlebrush Play Gyms   By: daci georgieva
Parrot owners are very concerned about their birds so they carefully choose their water to be clean, they look after their parrot’s diet оr they try to find the best available toys in the market. But they should not forget one also very important thing which they may overlook. These important things are their perches.(read entire article)
View : 185 Times
Category : Animal and Pet

Top 10 Reasons For Using A Dog Stroller Or Cat Stroller   By: daci georgieva
Events: When you and your dog are in a a crowd of people it is difficult to control him and protect him from getting stepped on or wrapped around people’s legs.You even can’t stop him devouring the food or trash which it can find on the ground. These problems can be avoided if you have a dog stroller, you will see that you can take your dog with you into those places where dogs are usually restricted.(read entire article)
View : 222 Times
Category : Animal and Pet

Do You Think Your Boxer Dog Needs Pet Stroller?   By: daci georgieva
In order to decide whether your Boxer dog needs a pet stroller you should consider what the benefits of having one are.(read entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Animal and Pet

Why Pet Beds Provide A Healthier Life And Superior Comfort To Your Pet   By: daci georgieva
If your dog doesn’t have a bed maybe he suffers and so do you. If your dog suffers from hip dysphasia or arthritis try to reduce his pain by providing him a comfortable and supportive environment with pet blanket, sleeping pad, pet bed or pet cooling bed.(read entire article)
View : 214 Times
Category : Animal and Pet

All Steps In Crate Training Of Your Dog   By: daci georgieva
With sure dog owner want their dogs to be well behaved and home furnishings to be in the same conditions when they leave their dogs home alone. Dog crate training takes patience and time but at the end you will see how rewarding it is and this can be achieved only with some simple steps.(read entire article)
View : 205 Times
Category : Animal and Pet

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