Here's the recent articles submitted by tom smith
Articles By tom smith
Is Outsourcing A Strategic Management Option: Find Out How?
Submitted as: Tom Markus
The concept of outsourcing dates to early eighties when larger business houses started hiring their non core functions to outsourced companies. Most of the outsourced companies were specialized in providing particular service,product or function. These outsourced companies would take in charge of the functions which were to be outsourced.(read
entire article)
View : 215 Times
Category : Service
Outsourcing Helps You To Boost Your Sales Figures: Know How?
Submitted as: Sandra Jones
Nowadays , most of the companies choose to outsource their non-core functions due to the various benefits it offers. Outsourcing can help an organization to make best use of their time, resources and man power.(read
entire article)
View : 481 Times
Category : Service