Here's the recent articles submitted by danny ang
Articles By danny ang
Eating During Pregnancy
By: danny ang
A pregnant woman only needs to increase her calorie intake by about 300-500 calories unless she was severely underweight before becoming pregnant. The obstetrician will tell you how much weight you should gain, and you should do your best to try to remain within that guideline.(read
entire article)
View : 257 Times
Category : Health
How To Cook A Healthy Meal
By: danny ang
Start with cooking methods. Frying is bad, lightly sauting in extra virgin olive oil is better. Other healthy cooking methods include: baking, steaming, poaching and grilling.(read
entire article)
View : 323 Times
Category : Health
Ingredients For A Healthy Meal
By: danny ang
Ingredients for a healthy meal are fresh whenever possible with extra bonus points if they are organic. If fresh produce is not doable, then opt for flash frozen or canned. (Canned fruits and vegetables do not deserve the really bad rep that they have.)(read
entire article)
View : 239 Times
Category : Health
Making Healthy Food Taste Great
By: danny ang
Careful and gentle cooking methods is imperative especially with the more delicate food selections. Dainty strips of chicken breast will not stand up to rough treatment, you must saut‚ them gently and slowly in really good olive oil, turning them only as often as needed to prevent sticking or burning.(read
entire article)
View : 251 Times
Category : Health
Why Can't I Get Fries With That? What Is In Healthy Meals
By: danny ang
For optimum health, most of your main meals during the day should contain a little of each food group. For instance, lunch could be a turkey (1 meat) sandwich on two slices of whole-wheat bread (2 grain) with tomato and lettuce (2 vegetable).(read
entire article)
View : 237 Times
Category : Health
Put Me In Coach: How To Pick A Soccer Team
By: danny ang
Finding a team with the right balance of fire and fun can be tricky, but the best place to start is the coach. In most cases, the coach will be a good indicator to the temperament of the team- if he is uptight and high strung, his players will likely be tense and edgy as well.(read
entire article)
View : 257 Times
Category : Games
Here's A Yellow Card For Asking: How To Be A Soccer Referee
By: danny ang
Being a referee is a little like being a parent, a cop and a judge at the same time. The flow of the game is decided by the referee. Make a good call and the fans in the stand will love you, make one that they do not agree with and they will hail curses on you that would make a sailor blush. You have to have physical stamina, a quick eye and the ability to recognize and defuse tense situations on the field.(read
entire article)
View : 270 Times
Category : Games
How To Win At Soccer
By: danny ang
First, know the game and then make your own personal game plan. Whether it is the book writing or winning at soccer, you have to set small goals and work hard to accomplish them one by one.(read
entire article)
View : 288 Times
Category : Games