Here's the recent articles submitted by sadhana dhanyal
Articles By sadhana dhanyal
Modern Business Directory For All Kinds Of Transaction!
Submitted as: Kirthy Shetty
Yellow pages as you all know is a huge source of information on contacts of various industrial and service industry. Be it information on hotel industry, furnitures, chemical and fertilizers, rubber and every thing else under the sun, you will find them within a fraction of a second.(read
entire article)
View : 212 Times
Category : Business
Modern Ways To Carry Out Your Business Transactions!
Submitted as: Kirthy Shetty
A business to business portal is essential for any industry to carry out its transaction smoothly online. Be it to gain space for their listings to advertise their products and services or to find wholesalers and retailers.(read
entire article)
View : 234 Times
Category : Business
Quick Fix To Property Management Problems!
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Professional landlords countrywide will tell you that good software for property has transformed their professional lives. It’s certainly a phrase that rolls easily off the tongue, but have every you taken time out to really think about why this is the case?(read
entire article)
View : 220 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Making Lettings Management Software Work For You
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
It is very easy to be cynical about business buzzwords such as time and money saving approaches to management, but a good lettings management software package really can change your life for the better.(read
entire article)
View : 217 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Getting The Best From Your Property Portfolio With Rental Income Tracking Software
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Rental income tracking software can help you as a professional landlord to better manage your cash flow.(read
entire article)
View : 222 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
What Is Tenant Management In The Twenty First Century?
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
At the end of the day the professional landlord’s aim is to maximise profit. Acquiring and owning property, costs a lot of money. Property has been a high value asset and the associated maintenance and tax obligations can be burdensome.(read
entire article)
View : 216 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Property Letting Agencies And The Professional Landlord
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Many professional landlords are resistant to the idea of using property letting agencies and on the face of it is easy to understand why. Who wants to spend money on a service which is not required or is thought not to benefit them? Think over it.(read
entire article)
View : 211 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Need For Property Management Training For Professional Landlords
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Property is a high value asset. It costs a lot of money to buy and keeping it in good order both in the short and long term is not cheap. When things do inevitably go wrong they can be costly to put right. The life of the professional landlord is not for the faint hearted. Knowledge is the key to success.(read
entire article)
View : 228 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Personal Loans For All Your Personal Needs!
By: sadhana dhanyal
Who does not wish to avail loans fast? Every borrower looks forward to get loans approved fast. It helps them to meet all their needs fast. If you are one such borrower, then it is advisable you reach out to a team of financial experts(read
entire article)
View : 198 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Why Professional Landlords Use Property Capital Gains Tax Calculators
Submitted as: Vijay K Shetty
Capital Gains Tax calculations can be the stuff of nightmares for the professional landlord. Find out how managing the business profits and tax liability is easy now.(read
entire article)
View : 216 Times
Category : Hardware/Software