Here's the recent articles submitted by sadhana dhanyal
Articles By sadhana dhanyal
Probiotic Products - Eat Healthy And Live Healthy!
Submitted as: Gyan K
Recent research in biotechnology has proved beneficial in the field of favourable bacteria. They have developed a bacteria and micro organism that is conducive to your health known as probiotics.(read
entire article)
View : 267 Times
Category : Health
Travellers Diarrhoea - How Can You Treat Them?
Submitted as: Gyan K
The common myth that people live in is that all bacteria are bad. But this is not true, there are some favourable bacteria and micro organisms which are said to cure ailments such as traveller’s diarrhea and adds up to the nutritional supplement.(read
entire article)
View : 287 Times
Category : Health
Probiotic And Its Strength?
Submitted as: Gyan K
Favourable bacteria are injected during the birthing process which commences to store up in the gut. Within a short time, these bacteria will accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract and get multiplied ten times due to the cells in the body.(read
entire article)
View : 301 Times
Category : Health
Probiotic - Is This A Beneficial Bacteria?
Submitted as: Gyan K
Probiotic is a beneficial bacteria. This is naturally found in our body. A healthy lower intestine is said to contain at least 85% friendly bacteria. Such bacteria help to prevent any over colonization of bad micro-organisms like E. coli and salmonella which otherwise causes disease.(read
entire article)
View : 280 Times
Category : Health
Chronic Constipation - How Can This Be Treated?
Submitted as: Gyan K
Probiotic curbs the growth of pathogenic bacteria that causes disease. It replenishes levels of the health promoting good micro organism in your digestive tract. It acts as a powerful bacterium and cures chronic constipation.(read
entire article)
View : 280 Times
Category : Health
Constipation And Probiotics - How Are They Inter Related?
Submitted as: Gyan K
Constipation is a common problem in most of us. The most common reason for its cause is lack of water consumption. In today’s busy schedule what people often forget to do, is drink water. Little do they realize its drawbacks on health.(read
entire article)
View : 295 Times
Category : Health
Diarrhoea And The Probiotic Benefits
Submitted as: Gyan K
You can maintain a healthy intestinal tract, fight bad micro organisms and thus kill disease causing bacteria. Find out what contributes to good health and brings about a balance in the intestinal tract? It is a beneficial bacteria known as probiotics.(read
entire article)
View : 297 Times
Category : Health
Crohns Disease And Its Symptoms!
Submitted as: Gyan K
When you witness an inflammation of the digestive tract then it is known as Crohn’s Disease (CD). Such disease is commonly seen in gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It affects the GI tract right from the mouth region to the anus.(read
entire article)
View : 288 Times
Category : Health
Crohns Disease Diet - It Is Quite Essential!
Submitted as: Gyan K
Crohn’s disease diet must include food rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Crohn’s disease in children may lead to stunted growth and usually grow short. Due to inflammation of the digestive tract, the lower part of the small intestine that is ileum gets affected.(read
entire article)
View : 299 Times
Category : Health
Probiotics Benefits - How Does This Help?
Submitted as: Gyan K
Probiotics are beneficial micro organisms. It has been derived from two words, ‘pro’ and ‘biota’ which mean life. Such bifido bacteria are used to treat and prevent some illnesses with food. Read on to find out more interesting facts.(read
entire article)
View : 278 Times
Category : Health