Here's the recent articles submitted by rockey sheen01
Articles By rockey sheen01
With Hemi Sync Meditation Process Becomes Intense
Submitted as: rockeysheen01
The present lifestyle of people has made their minds and bodies vulnerable to many things that are causing harm to the person greatly. There is almost no person today who is not a victim of stress and tension. These things not only affect the mental well-being of a person, but also the physical well being in a great way as both the things are interlinked with one another. Meditation is a great way of combating these problems naturally. With proper meditation techniques, it is possible to have complete control on the mind and the body. Hemi sync is one of the great ways to enhance the process of meditation in a person.
You must be wondering what hemi sync is all about. It is a kind of music or rather beats that creates a kind of brainwave. This brainwave has a very soothing effect on the mind and the body and helps it to relax. This technique is the brainchild of Robert Monroe, who is considered as one of the best researchers related to mind and body synchronization. This man understood the importance of binaural beats and implemented ways where they could be made useful for the human mind and the body. Binaural beats have become very popular since them and have become integrally related to meditation process.
Hemi sync is the shortened form of hemispheric synchronization. There are various hemispheres in the human brain and all the hemispheres do not function together. With the help of this meditation tool, all the hemispheres of the brain start working together and provide a relaxing and soothing effect to the mind and the body. Various kinds of brainwaves are produced by the music at different frequencies and that is very effective. These tools and techniques help in overcoming the problems of stress and tension in the best way possible in a natural manner.
Apart from being a great tool for meditation, the hemi sync meditation CDs also help the mind and the body in many other ways. It helps in increasing attention and focus on things, particularly on work and studies. It is a great tool for the insomniacs and people with sleep deprivation problems as it helps in getting better sleep. With soothing hemi sync music it is also possible to have a quick recovery from surgery and other traumatic processes. It is also a great meditation tool that helps in easy pregnancy. (read
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View : 153 Times
Category : Health
A Simple And Easy Guide On How To Meditate For Beginners
Submitted as: rockeysheen01
If you genuinely desire to see effective results in case of the meditation techniques that you practice, it is important for you to know the methods properly. Proper and regular practicing means of practicing meditation techniques is a must for expecting efficient and effective result.(read
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View : 207 Times
Category : Health
Informative Facts Regarding Different Meditation Techniques
Submitted as: rockeysheen01
Today, the world has become really competitive everyone is running after success and in order to achieve success they have to face a lot of stress and tensions. These stress and tensions are developing various health problems among the people. However, there is one way by which this stress and tension can be reduced, i.e. Meditation Techniques. These techniques help in providing peace and calmness in a spiritual manner as well as enlighten the life of the human beings. Meditation Techniques nurture an individual and transform his qualities so that he can get relaxation from the stress of day to day life. These techniques develop a positive attitude and increase concentration. Some of the popular Meditation Techniques are:
Concentrative Meditation Technique- This meditation technique is one of the most commonly practiced Meditation Techniques. In this technique you have to concentrate on a picture, sound or on your breath. Concentrative Meditation Technique can be done easily by just focusing on your breath to achieve desired results because it is said that there is a direct connection between breath and state of mind. It is usually seen that when a person is stressed, anxious, frightened, distracted, etc his or her breath is shallow where as when the mind calm and peaceful breath is deep and slow. When we concentrate on breath during meditation our mind gets involved in the process of breathing in and breathing out and as a result breathing get slow and deep thereby making the mind focussed.
Japa Meditation- This is another important technique among various Meditation Techniques. In this meditation technique we remember God by enchanting a mantra loudly while sitting in meditation posture. It helps in providing peace and calmness of mind which is very important to provide relaxation from stress and tension. You can easily combine this technique with worship or any other sitting activities that provides peace. This technique is usually performed by counting a bead string or Japa mala. This Japa mala contains 108 beads.
Healing Meditation- This technique is also one of the effective Meditation Techniques . If you want to practice Healing Meditation you will have to sit in a comfortable position. There is a belief that in this technique a light is slowly entering the body starting from feet and moving upwards. As the light moves upward it provides relaxation to the muscles as well as mind. This technique not only calms the mind but also increases self esteem and confidence in an individual. (read
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View : 199 Times
Category : Health
Use The Various Medium Available To Learn Meditation For Beginners
Submitted as: rockeysheen01
This Article on meditation for beginners is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit
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View : 217 Times
Category : Health