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Articles By nicholas hunt

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The Basics Behind Personal Loans    Submitted as: Michael Strauss
Are you properly prepared to make a loan application? There are certain basics you need to know about before plumping for the perfect loan deal.(read entire article)
View : 268 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Does Your Credit Card Pay Its Way?    Submitted as: Michael Strauss
Most people by now aware of the potential dangers of credit cards in that it's all to easy to run up excessive debts. However, not as many people realise that using a credit card can actually be a profitable activity.(read entire article)
View : 285 Times
Category : Debt

A Positive Approach To Debt Problems    Submitted as: Martin Sumner
As the economy takes a turn for the worse, more and more people are going to be struggling with debt problems. It's vital to take a positive approach and meet them head on, or the situation will just get more and more dangerous.(read entire article)
View : 289 Times
Category : Debt

Balance Transfers Plus A Savings Account Equals Easy Cash    Submitted as: Michael Strauss
The practice of shifting debt from one credit card to another to take advantage of 0% balance transfer deals isn't as popular as it once was, but a related activity is still alive and well. Find out how balance transfers could actually make you money for nothing.(read entire article)
View : 377 Times
Category : Debt

Are Payday Loans Worth The Cost?    Submitted as: Martin Sumner
No kind of finance is going to be particularly cheap, but payday loans are among the most costly kinds of credit you could come across. Are they worth the expense?(read entire article)
View : 334 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Is It Time To Upgrade Your Credit Card?    Submitted as: Michael Strauss
If you've been using the same credit card for several years, you could well be missing out. Competition in the credit card industry over the years has delivered more and more benefits for cardholders. Is it time you upgraded to a better deal?(read entire article)
View : 257 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Is The Time Right To Switch Your Current Account?   By: nicholas hunt
The range of facilities offered by current or checking accounts has improved dramatically over recent years, including such benefits as higher interest earnings and cheaper overdrafts. Isn't it time to see if you could improve on your existing account?(read entire article)
View : 311 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

The Mechanics Of Debt Consolidation    Submitted as: Martin Sumner
The years of cheap and easy credit are over, and many of us are now having to face up to unsustainable levels of personal debt. Paradoxically, taking out a new loan for debt consolidation can in many cases ease the pressure.(read entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : Debt

Credit Cards And Your Credit Score    Submitted as: Michael Strauss
Your credit rating is the major factor in deciding what kind of credit card is worth applying for. Find out what you can expect at different levels of credit scoring.(read entire article)
View : 279 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Why Take Out Pet Insurance?   By: nicholas hunt
Insurance is something that few of us like paying, no matter what it is we're covering. A policy for your pets, however, can literally be a lifesaver if circumstances take an unhappy turn.(read entire article)
View : 230 Times
Category : Insurance

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